Stock Broker Trainee, Internship (Paid or Unpaid)

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  • Stock Broker Trainee, Internship (Paid or Unpaid)

    Hello, my name is Miguel Iglesias. I am 24 years old and willing to move to New York City to participate in a Stock Broker Trainee program or any other internship (paid or unpaid). I have aspirations of working at the Wall Street stock markets, so I would also be willing to participate in any other program or internship that would give me the experience to pursue this career track. After reviewing my resume you can see that I am very well oriented in the stock market and that I have a great deal of experience in the field. I have been operating on my own for more than eight years and I have a postgraduate studies degree in stock markets and management of patrimonies.

    As you can see in my resume I am clearly oriented into the stock
    markets with a large experience, operating on my own since more than
    8 years and with a postgraduate studies in stock market and
    management of patrimonies.


    Miguel Iglesias Simón

    Birthday: 19/04/1982

    Natonality: Spain

    E-Mail: [email protected]

    Education & Qualification:

    2006- 03/ 2007 Posgraduated in Stock Markets and Management of Patrimonies (200 hours course)

    2003- 02/ 2007 Bachelor studies in International Business Administration and Marketing at Universidad de Oviedo, Spain

    2005-2006 Bachelor exchange course in International Business Administration and Marketing at Luleå University of Technology, Sweden

    08/ 2006 Course of “Expert in Hegde Funds and ETF’s” (60 hours)

    11/ 2005 Course of “Economic-Financial Management of Local corporations ”. (40 hours)

    09/ 2005 Course of “ Stock exchange investments: Reflexions, strategies and systems” (60 hours)

    2001-2003 High Degree in Management and Finances of Companies

    Professional Experince:

    11 /2006 – Present Intership in Agency Broker Eurodeal as Stock Analyst.
    11/2006 – Present Collaboration in finance magazine OviedoBolsa as analyst
    04-07/ 2003 High Degree Intership in Bank of Herrero

    Languages & Computer Skills:

    Spanish Native speaker
    English Fluent
    Computer Skills MS – Officce (Excel, Word, Power Point), Internet, , Outlook Express

    January, 2007