While surfing the web , I came across this site that rates various websites.
Mr Market's Rating of 2.5 STARS is not bad , but I feel we could do much better. Of course the lousy market conditions do not help us.
WE must tell fellow stock enthusiasts to come to the site and look around. Keep on spreading the word .....if this is done a rating increase will surely follow!
Here is the link http://www.webstatsdomain.com/domain...ketishuge.com/
Gezzzzzz Mr Market's 2.5 Stars is much better than my Thread rating here at Mr Market is huge which is only ONE Star ......oh well I am working on improving that !
Mr Market's Rating of 2.5 STARS is not bad , but I feel we could do much better. Of course the lousy market conditions do not help us.
WE must tell fellow stock enthusiasts to come to the site and look around. Keep on spreading the word .....if this is done a rating increase will surely follow!
Here is the link http://www.webstatsdomain.com/domain...ketishuge.com/
Gezzzzzz Mr Market's 2.5 Stars is much better than my Thread rating here at Mr Market is huge which is only ONE Star ......oh well I am working on improving that !