Folks if you own any of the following stocks ........exercise caution!
This was posted on the internet
Electric car battery producer A123 hiked executive pay 36% after canning 125 employees...
First Solar, one of the world's largest solar companies, slashed 2,000 jobs in April — after increasing executive and CEO pay to $50 million...
Willard & Kelsey Solar Group lent its executives $500,000 and paid them $1 million — before beginning operations...
Beacon Power paid executives $260,000 in bonuses as it collapsed...
The entire "green" disaster has spun so far out of control that even Al Gore's company is dumping its holdings in green
energy stocks.
According to the Washington Post, Al Gore is "50 times richer than when he left the vice-presidency in 2001," making him "$100 million partly through investing in alternative energy firms subsidized by the Obama administration."
Strange as it seems FSLR , First Solar may be on a comeback.....I will watch this one !
This was posted on the internet
Electric car battery producer A123 hiked executive pay 36% after canning 125 employees...
First Solar, one of the world's largest solar companies, slashed 2,000 jobs in April — after increasing executive and CEO pay to $50 million...
Willard & Kelsey Solar Group lent its executives $500,000 and paid them $1 million — before beginning operations...
Beacon Power paid executives $260,000 in bonuses as it collapsed...
The entire "green" disaster has spun so far out of control that even Al Gore's company is dumping its holdings in green
energy stocks.
According to the Washington Post, Al Gore is "50 times richer than when he left the vice-presidency in 2001," making him "$100 million partly through investing in alternative energy firms subsidized by the Obama administration."
Strange as it seems FSLR , First Solar may be on a comeback.....I will watch this one !