Sold my old buddy DKS again now who likes BBY?

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  • moemaynard

    Sold my old buddy DKS again now who likes BBY?

    I sold DKS at 34 the other day after it soared like a rocket on the news that they bought out Gaylans. I love this stock and will buy again when and if it dips below 30. In the 2 years I've owned Dicks, I've made about 90% on my original investment.

    Now, I am thinking retail again and this time BBY is looking tasty. PE is 20 with profits next year to increase by at least 20%. Industry leader just like Dicks and football season is arriving soon and millions of people have bought the NFL ticket. They are going to NEED high definition sets to get the biggest bang for their buck and have you, YOU, seen a football or baseball game in HD? It is simply awesome.

    I'll take BBY here today on the news they are buying more shares back and increasing their (albeit measley) dividend. I can see this thing splitting again early next year when it approaches 70 again.

    Thoughts my fellow meat and cheeseheads?