Vote now for the member of the year.
Listed are members who joined prior to 1/1/2005, have over 150 posts, have an avatar, and post at least semi-periodically.
There were still too many people, so I tried to include the ones with their own active threads. I'm in no way trying to discriminate against anyone who is or is not in the poll, there's just a 10 member limit to the poll, so feel free to put down your votes for others.
Listed are members who joined prior to 1/1/2005, have over 150 posts, have an avatar, and post at least semi-periodically.
There were still too many people, so I tried to include the ones with their own active threads. I'm in no way trying to discriminate against anyone who is or is not in the poll, there's just a 10 member limit to the poll, so feel free to put down your votes for others.