Mr.Market Members,
I don't want to burden you with my troubles during this Christmas, but I couldn't sleep last night worrying about this.
Each year I send in my IRA contribution prior to April 15th for the previous year. All was going well until I received a phone call around May 1st, 2004 stating that I'd already contributed for 2003 so did I want to change my current contribution to 2004. Here's what happened. Apparently my contribution for year 2002 which I'm sure arrived on time sat uncashed for about 10 days. By then it was too late to count it towards 2002 so it was listed as a 2003 contribution. I never saw any paperwork mentioning that fact. When the next year's check was received, they phoned saying I'd already contributed. This made my income tax returns in error since I never technically contributed for 2002.By that time my 2003 returns were also innacurate and maybe 2004 as well. It's getting more confusing all the time. My accountant asked if the Feds had called. I've never been notified by the IRS, but am worried the hammer will come down at which time they'll sock me for thousands in penalties. Remember what happened to Willy Nelson? A million dollar dispute became an 18 million dollar penalty. What do I do? Will the IRS eventually get me? Thanks and Merry Christmas to all.
I don't want to burden you with my troubles during this Christmas, but I couldn't sleep last night worrying about this.
Each year I send in my IRA contribution prior to April 15th for the previous year. All was going well until I received a phone call around May 1st, 2004 stating that I'd already contributed for 2003 so did I want to change my current contribution to 2004. Here's what happened. Apparently my contribution for year 2002 which I'm sure arrived on time sat uncashed for about 10 days. By then it was too late to count it towards 2002 so it was listed as a 2003 contribution. I never saw any paperwork mentioning that fact. When the next year's check was received, they phoned saying I'd already contributed. This made my income tax returns in error since I never technically contributed for 2002.By that time my 2003 returns were also innacurate and maybe 2004 as well. It's getting more confusing all the time. My accountant asked if the Feds had called. I've never been notified by the IRS, but am worried the hammer will come down at which time they'll sock me for thousands in penalties. Remember what happened to Willy Nelson? A million dollar dispute became an 18 million dollar penalty. What do I do? Will the IRS eventually get me? Thanks and Merry Christmas to all.