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  • sisterwin2


    Happy New Year Gents,

    I am preparing for the yr 2006 and wondering about Interactive brokers. It seems to be the lowest in commission but wondering if it would work for me in cost. I only trade about once every 5-8 weeks. I have an account with Ameritrade but just dosnt seem fair that I buy such few stocks compared to you all and still pay 10.99.... Am I reading interactive correct in thinking that my commission will be so much cheaper? I will have 10,000 to open.

  • IIC
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2003
    • 14938

    Originally posted by sisterwin2
    Happy New Year Gents,

    I am preparing for the yr 2006 and wondering about Interactive brokers. It seems to be the lowest in commission but wondering if it would work for me in cost. I only trade about once every 5-8 weeks. I have an account with Ameritrade but just dosnt seem fair that I buy such few stocks compared to you all and still pay 10.99.... Am I reading interactive correct in thinking that my commission will be so much cheaper? I will have 10,000 to open.

    I have heard nothing but good things about IB...But if you trade that infrequently...I would not worry about a few bux commission...Best, Doug(IIC)
    "Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"

    Find Tomorrow's Winners At

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    • mystiky
      Senior Member
      • Dec 2004
      • 333

      Originally posted by sisterwin2
      Happy New Year Gents,

      I am preparing for the yr 2006 and wondering about Interactive brokers. It seems to be the lowest in commission but wondering if it would work for me in cost. I only trade about once every 5-8 weeks. I have an account with Ameritrade but just dosnt seem fair that I buy such few stocks compared to you all and still pay 10.99.... Am I reading interactive correct in thinking that my commission will be so much cheaper? I will have 10,000 to open.

      Using ETrade Pro here. If you will trade so infrequently, I would not suggest any company like IB. Those are more for like day-traders, or folks who do at least 3-5 trades per week.

      With ETrade Pro, I get FREE level 2, Dow Jones/PR Newswire news, and etc...

      Those would cost you extra on IB...


      • Lyehopper
        Senior Member
        • Jan 2004
        • 3678

        I'd say just stick with Ameritrade. It's a fine service and the 10.99 is per (unlimited quantity) trade.... You have real time streaming quotes, free level II and a ton of other stuff you probibly don't even know about. It's also easy ton get in touch with a "real" person if you need to.... btw do you utilize the "command center" feature? Have you developed several "watch list portfolios"? Do you use the "research" feature? Click the research tab and then click "demo" tabs.... Some pretty cool stuff available to you with AMTD.
        BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!


        • Websman
          Senior Member
          • Apr 2004
          • 5545

          Originally posted by mystiky
          Using ETrade Pro here. If you will trade so infrequently, I would not suggest any company like IB. Those are more for like day-traders, or folks who do at least 3-5 trades per week.

          With ETrade Pro, I get FREE level 2, Dow Jones/PR Newswire news, and etc...

          Those would cost you extra on IB...
          I also use ETrade Pro and love it.


          • df21084
            Senior Member
            • Mar 2004
            • 258


            Originally posted by Websman
            I also use ETrade Pro and love it.
            Hi Websman,

            Why do you love ETrade Pro? Are there specific features that you use? How are Etrade's commissions determined?

            Happy investing,

            My opinion is worth no more than the price you paid for me to give it.


            • ninner
              Senior Member
              • Dec 2004
              • 524

              i am switching to Etrade Pro canada we are limited to the brokers allowed and i picked over Etradecanada over ameritradecanada....esp now that options are going to be cheaper and fees per trade are alot smaller and with free EFT transfers from my Etrade acct to my bank acct...something ameritrade doesnt provide.



              • sisterwin2

                I have to admit.... I thought level 11 was a subscription so never used it.. shame on me. I have use the rest.

