Pick Of The Year Contest
Originally posted by mimo_100The top 26"Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"
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Mr Market Stock Contest 2006
Close on 2/3/2006
Mickey is REALLY $$$HUGE$$$
Some shuffling in the standings with Mickey jetting to the lead. So far our
Y-T-D A/D is 18/8 down from 23/3 at the end of last week. For the week we were collectively hit pretty hard in a tough market as Ray, Sleddawg and Grebnet got whacked. Our weekly A/D/U was only 10/15/1.
Mr. M is steadily moving up and is now in 4th place. Diogenes and Stocks54 did pretty good this week too.
We have an overall average gain of 9.83% this year vs. 11.43% at the end of last week...Naz Comp is +2.07%, SP 500 +1.17% and the RUT is +7.26%...Of course...we are still kickin' the cr*p outta the CSSGX +7.36% vs. the close on 1/3...
I used the open on 1/3 for the indices... But I used the close on 1/3 for the CSSGX since they are entered in Billy's Celebrity Section of the contest and funds only price at the eod.
Well...taking a stab at this imageshack thingy...Might have to squint...But it is my first try...or is it my second try?...I'll master it by the end of the year...IIC
"Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"
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Originally posted by mrmarketLooks great IIC...hopefully we'll beat everyone for the year and some publication and write about where the REAL geniuses live.THE SKIRACER'S EDGE: MAKE THE EDGE IN YOUR FAVOR
Originally posted by LyehopperWhew.... I knew there had to be a moral to that story Ed.... I figured it was either that.... or you were experiencing a wicked "acid flashback".LOL
I may need more goji juice to flush my system of any lingering substances from the 60's, 70's, and parts of the 80's. It's the only thing that will work. Timothy Leary would have been proud of you and your concoction Lye. Good night and good luck.THE SKIRACER'S EDGE: MAKE THE EDGE IN YOUR FAVOR
Originally posted by skiracerBack in 1974 or 75 myself an a couple of my hippie buddies took an old pig farm that a black lady friend of mine, Lizza Gore, owned here in NJ and farmed about 20 acres of the 106 acres that she owned. It was a picture to look at. Completely organic with about 10000 jersey tomatoe plants in the ground, 3 acres of Jersey silver queen corn, peas, lima beans, string beans, cantaloupe, watermelon, eggplant, and peppers. We weren't looking for notoriety or anything other than to just try to accompolish the feat of doing this without arousing to much notice of us being as wild a bunch of hippies as we were. Someone wrote a letter to the Asbury Park Press about this organic farming adventure going on down it the pines of central NJ and the next thing you know there were reporters down there doing a big newspaper spread, two full pages of wild long hair hippies living in a huge tent and living off the land. We became celebrities with trendy people coming out of the woodwork wanting to come down to work on the farm for nothing. It was the largest organic farming and pig raising operation in NJ that year. The NY and Philadelphia TV stations picked up on it and you had to see it to believe it. My hair was down to the middle of my back and my beard was at least 5 inches long. We were a sight and stoned to boot. My point is that sometimes a little advertising of what is going on can go along ways. Maybe someone should inform one or two of the financial mags about this site and the brilliant collaboration of individuals participating here. I bet it could generate alot of interest."Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"
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Originally posted by mrmarketLooks great IIC...hopefully we'll beat everyone for the year and some publication and write about where the REAL geniuses live."Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"
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Here's some nifty little charts of our contest pix:
And here are the indices and the CSSGX:
BTW...You don't have to subscribe to Stockcharts to set up your own little charts for your watch lists...Doug(IIC)"Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"
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Originally posted by IICThat's a cool story...But how does it end?...IIC
That summer I lived in a big old army tent we bought somewhere, 24'x36', and set up on Lizza's property. No running water, sanitary waste system, or anything. There were two working pumps on the property for water and that was it. I'm gonna write a few short paragraphs from time to time about that summer. It was a good time and my friends and myself were an odd bunch of characters who were into alot of different things.
Anyway Lizza hadn't farmed the land or raised any hogs in quite some time. I had met her solely by chance a few years earlier when I stopped by there to ask permission to hunt the land. She was around 92 years old at the time and was living there by herself with no electric, running water, sanitary waste facilities or anything except about a half dozen wild dogs and several cats. To say the place was run down was an understatement. We hit it off an I saw all kinds of possibilities of having it as my own personal game perserve. It was loaded with deer, pheasant, quail, and rabbits. Plus was a pretty discreet hideout if that was on your agenda.
Me and two of my close friends bought some old tractors, planters, maneus spreaders, and some other farm equipment and levelled off about 20 acres of good farmland that had been let go to washes and small ravines. We put up that big tent and moved into our new digs around March of 1974. We installed a rather primitive but workable irrigation system and when the weather was warm enough we planted everything that I had mentioned earlier. I've always had a natural green thumb and everything came up beautifully. If there was a problem it was with all the necessary work that had to be done on a daily routine schedule.
I never worked harder in all my life and never really gave any thought to what we were going to do with all the vegetables once they became readey to pick. Plus just maintaining the everyday routine was alot of work.
Once everything started to come out of the ground it was a beautiful sight. Picture perfect and like a postcard. Some long haired knome called the Asbury Park Press and told them about these hippies living in a tent and growing all these vegetables organically. Well they came down and did a great two page spread on us and the whole farm scene. That did it and the next thing we knew we were flooded with people who wanted to work for just the hell of it and for free vegetables when them came in.
Well I put everyone who wanted to work to work for free produce and the place was humming with people. Long haired hippies, trendy yuppie types who were looking to slum and circulate amongst the lower types, and just regular people who were looking for something new and different. Sometimes there would be 30 or 40 people sleeping out on the ground under the stars or in the tent, depending on their age and supple bodies, at any given time. It was a beautiful thing and we were having a great time.
There were several new retirement communities being developed right in that area and the abundance of old folks wanting fresh vegetables provided us with more than enough of an outlet to sell the produce. There was so much produce that we couldn't keep it all fresh long enough to market. We set up a big vegetable stand at the front roadside of the property and they came from early in the morning until dark to buy fresh vegetables. Still there was so much going to waste that Lizza suggested we buy some piglets to feed the waste and rotten stuff to. We bought 36 little piglets for $25 apiece and they grew like corn. We fed them so much each day that you could watch them grow almost daily. There were several old beaten up pens around the property an it was perfect to keep them in.
So we spent an idillyc summer working our butts off and growing vegetables and hogs. Never worked so hard in my life for as little as we made. But we stayed in a stupor most of the time so we really didn't mind it. Made alot of new friends that summer. You would be surprised at how many married women would end up staying over for a few days at a time or the whole weekend. I don't know what they were telling their husbands. There were a few tense situations but in those days I was still winding down from the army and was in great shape and ready and capable of anything.
As everything does the growing season came to an end an everyone kind of drifted off on their own ways. I stayed in that tent until late November before it became to much to live under those conditions. I had a couple of big truck loads of corn brought in for the hogs and Lizza grew them until the next spring with some help from myself and a couple of her friends. We sold them in the spring for a nice profit. They were all close to 300 lbs. at that time. I was there when the guy who bought them killed them and boiled them in a big vat of water, shaved them clean, gutted them out and took the carcasses away. I gave Lizza over $5000 cash from the sale of those hogs. She had no idea of how much money that was or what she could do with it. I'll have to try and find a picture of her. She was very old, squat, white hair, and two teeth in her mouth. Her house had windows but no doors in the summer and in the winter she would heat the house with an old wood burning stove that made it so hot in the house that you couldn't stay in it. She loved it hot in the winter. The dogs and cats had the run of the house and would come in an out at will dragging anything they caught or found with them. This is only the beginning of scratching the surface on what was truly a remarkable summer and relationship with an old black woman. To be continued.
Sorry about taking up so much space Doug. I'll do it over at my own place next time.Last edited by skiracer; 02-05-2006, 12:42 PM.THE SKIRACER'S EDGE: MAKE THE EDGE IN YOUR FAVOR