Is there anyway to have the messages sent in by member sent directly to my email address? I miss just clicking the email button and having them all there. I find I do not access your web site as much and miss many of the members contributions.
I at least get your reccommendations sent right to my email address.
Thanks for that and thanks for ARO I got in at 30.11
Also just bot some more WLS today and got back into CHS also.
BEst wishes
Is there anyway to have the messages sent in by member sent directly to my email address? I miss just clicking the email button and having them all there. I find I do not access your web site as much and miss many of the members contributions.
I at least get your reccommendations sent right to my email address.
Thanks for that and thanks for ARO I got in at 30.11
Also just bot some more WLS today and got back into CHS also.
BEst wishes