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  • Iran

    The only realistic solution would be a UN Security Council resolution which resulting in a total blockade of Iran. China could be made to go along with such a measure if guaranteed sufficient oil supply from other countries. That would mean sharing the sacrifice, but it also could result in crude oil at $100 a barrel and gasoline prices twice what they are today. As painful as that would be short term, there is no other realistic option short of military action.
  • billyjoe
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2003
    • 9014

    Maybe Israel will take them out.



    • #3
      Maybe Israel will take them out.


      Frankly, I am counting on it. They are the only ones with guts to do it.


      • Lyehopper
        Senior Member
        • Jan 2004
        • 3678

        Originally posted by billyjoe
        Maybe Israel will take them out.

        Webs and me will handle it for a fee....
        BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!


        • #5
          Why hasn't Bush taken out China? They've had nukes for over 30 years.


          • Adam
            Senior Member
            • Oct 2005
            • 201

            Originally posted by NY4Ever
            Maybe Israel will take them out.


            Frankly, I am counting on it. They are the only ones with guts to do it.

            From what I heard Sheron had missions scheduled to hit the facilities in March if a piecefull resolution could not be found. Frankly, I think the world won't be free of war until all radical religion is stopped. It doesn't matter what religion is radical at the time. It just happens to be Islamists at this date in time. Remember the Crusades. I think It's radical for anyone to kill or even dislike someone just because they can't agree on something noone has hard core evidence of. Why waste so much time worrying about what other people believe in? The free nations of the world free themselves of the timely efforts of fighting a war that can never be won. Spend the time making the world a better place for the people of your country. I guess after being in the desert for thousands of years you get bored and need entertainment so why not harass your neighbors. Hell, why not the world.

            We can only hope someone steps in before it becomes another job for America. The world knows there is a problem. Noone has the right to decide who should live, die, or occupy any piece of land. If Isriel is to continue to prosper they should be allowed without disturbance. If everyone focused on being productive insted of destructive the advances will be unbelieveable.

            If Iran continues to threaten the safety of the world eventialy it will end up like Iraq. It is thier chioce, join the world or go down with jihad. And when Jihad is over the rest of the world will continue to prosper. Those who took life for questionable reasoning will see their day come to an end. I can only hope some other country gets the guts to step up and solve the problem.

            Here in America, the way you make the most money by solving problems piecefully and on good terms for both parties. I't has worked well. Poeple who solve problems are sucessfull. Those who create problems where there is none or little, in the theory of evolution, should eventialy become extinct!

            We can only hope!!!


            • billyjoe
              Senior Member
              • Nov 2003
              • 9014


              I'm not against any religion, but notice how the pilgrims to Mecca are getting wiped out lately in stampedes etc. The amazing thing is they justify it by saying anyone who dies on a pilgrimage is guaranteed a place in heaven. How can you argue with that logic?



              • Adam
                Senior Member
                • Oct 2005
                • 201

                Originally posted by ParkTwain
                Why hasn't Bush taken out China? They've had nukes for over 30 years.
                They are to buisy spending their time on becoming the technilogical and boiengineering powerhouse of the world than to waste time to thereten or kill people. There would be noone to sell their goods if they started that crap. Thanx to Bush putting the nix on stem cell research. When the US finally leagalizes the research we will be lightyears behind. PS The aren't so picky about animal/human testing over there either


                • Adam
                  Senior Member
                  • Oct 2005
                  • 201

                  Originally posted by billyjoe

                  I'm not against any religion, but notice how the pilgrims to Mecca are getting wiped out lately in stampedes etc. The amazing thing is they justify it by saying anyone who dies on a pilgrimage is guaranteed a place in heaven. How can you argue with that logic?


                  Yea, that sounds like a good excuse for Ignorance.


                  • #10
                    Shame on You

                    What's happening here, folks? Keep your opinion to yourself if you're going to disrespect other people's religion or traditions.

                    The stampede in Mecca is unfortunate but that gives you no right to call them "Ignorance".

                    Who the hell are you? Racism and bigotry are not tolerated here on this board. What do you say Ernie?


                    • Websman
                      Senior Member
                      • Apr 2004
                      • 5545

                      Karel, I would recommend deleting this thread, before it goes too far...


                      • Lyehopper
                        Senior Member
                        • Jan 2004
                        • 3678

                        Originally posted by Websman
                        Karel, I would recommend deleting this thread, before it goes too far...
                        I respectfully yet strongly disagree Webs.... this has always been a free forum. I say "ignore it, if you don't like it".... Everyone here has a right to express an opinion. Remember this.... threads will die if ignored.... as will members.... No fuel, no flame....

                        BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!


                        • Websman
                          Senior Member
                          • Apr 2004
                          • 5545

                          Originally posted by Lyehopper
                          I respectfully yet strongly disagree Webs.... this has always been a free forum. I say "ignore it, if you don't like it".... Everyone here has a right to express an opinion. Remember this.... threads will die if ignored.... as will members.... No fuel, no flame....

                          Well, you know Lye...I should just come up there to Virginia and whip your.... just kidding.

                          Ok, you have a good point Lye.

                          karel, Lye has changed my mind. Let the freedom of expression continue!


                          • Adam
                            Senior Member
                            • Oct 2005
                            • 201

                            Originally posted by Hany
                            What's happening here, folks? Keep your opinion to yourself if you're going to disrespect other people's religion or traditions.

                            The stampede in Mecca is unfortunate but that gives you no right to call them "Ignorance".

                            Who the hell are you? Racism and bigotry are not tolerated here on this board. What do you say Ernie?

                            I'm sorroy. I don't mean it to sound racist but It doesn't matter to me when or what race is involved. But when they use an excuse to make people feel better about something that could be avoided It's just that an excuse. Is it not the Islamists that started all this. Maybe It's time their own people who need to tell them to cut the shit. The world cannot prosper if we people continue to make excuses for trageties that can be avoided. Either mankind will cause their own extinction, or we will figiure a way to work together to make the most of the world we are given no matter what religion one believes in.

                            P.S. Who are you??????Are you for freedom??? Freedom of speech????
                            Last edited by Adam; 01-15-2006, 01:26 AM.


                            • Adam
                              Senior Member
                              • Oct 2005
                              • 201

                              Originally posted by Lyehopper
                              I respectfully yet strongly disagree Webs.... this has always been a free forum. I say "ignore it, if you don't like it".... Everyone here has a right to express an opinion. Remember this.... threads will die if ignored.... as will members.... No fuel, no flame....


                              Does that mean you don't like me Lye? I'll stop voicing my opinion if it bothers people. I just want someone to come up with a solution to the problem that doesn't involve dropping bombs.

