Money Question

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  • IIC
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2003
    • 14938

    Originally posted by Adam
    Sounds to me it either it doen't pay to fly, or there's a bunch of clowns running the buisness.

    Speakin of hot pants , flew hooter to Myrtle beech and they had some nice girls aboard. On the way home we got robbed, no hooters girls!!!!
    Speaking of Hooters...They will be opening a new Hooters Hotel and Casino in Vegas soon...I'm counting on Dave to get us all comped there...Maybe that's where we should hold the Mr. Market Convention???

    Geez...this thread sure changed directions fast...IIC
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    • OmahaInvestor

      I was in Vegas a few weeks ago. The Hooters casino I think opens up this month or at least this quarter. Around here though the Hooter girls usually aren't that good looking. In fact, we even had a pregnant one once.

      Back to the subject I've decided not to use the money for investing. I'll just work more hours at my job and save up it'd be much easier that way. Thanks for all the advice.


      • Adam
        Senior Member
        • Oct 2005
        • 201

        Originally posted by IIC
        Speaking of Hooters...They will be opening a new Hooters Hotel and Casino in Vegas soon...I'm counting on Dave to get us all comped there...Maybe that's where we should hold the Mr. Market Convention???

        Geez...this thread sure changed directions fast...IIC
        Girls, liquor,stocks and gambling? I'd never forgive myself if I missed it!!!
        VEGAS $$MM$$ CONVENTION!!!!!

        Everhing changes faster now in the information minute money, the next minute panties.....or have they always been that close???

        OmahaInvestor, Always study before you invest. Invest in a financial education. By that I mean Investing in all types of assets as well as you schooling. When you go to the bank for a loan noone asks to see your your grade transcipts or resume, they want to see your balance sheet. This is the report card for the affluent. How you manage this balance sheet is what makes you wealthy. I believe IIC said what he learned in colledge was to work the system and work the people. I only made it 1 1/2 (not very good)years in colledge before I had to make money to live. I've lost lots and learned lessons, every failure has more lessons than does a success. Financial education. Learn to read financial statements. You sound like your already on the right track with your decision. Don't forget about the infinite investment options. Real estate, if the market softens, it would be a good time for a young man to get into a house at a reasonable price by his colledge to live and rent out for a couple years and when you graduate you should be selling for a profit. See, many options study them, each has separate risks, some are more stable. You've already started in the right direction by joining the group here.

        $$MM$$ is huge!!! and only the finest meats and cheeses are here!!!


        • Websman
          Senior Member
          • Apr 2004
          • 5545

          I'm liking the $$$Mr Market$$$ in Vegas thing. I can get a good deal on some AirTran tickets out of Pensacola.


          • mimo_100
            Senior Member
            • Sep 2003
            • 1784

            I would borrow, if....

            Originally posted by OmahaInvestor
            Right now I am in college and I have the luxury of getting most of my college paid for through scholorships but I still have the option of taking out student loans. Do you guys think it'd be stupid of me to use this money not for school but to take it out and use it to invest? It'd be interest free until I graduate, plus its a very low interest rate after that? I've been successful this far and wouldn't take too much out that it'd kill me if I lost it. It is cheaper than trading on margin and being in college I don't have a whole lot of excess money to invest. What are your opinions on this idea?

            If the money is interest free, you could borrow $20,000, and make 3 or 4 thousand dollars by taking out a 3 yr cd compounded at 5%, then paying it back when you graduate. No risk. This assumes they would let you use the money whereever you wanted.

            Tim - Retired Problem Solver


            • IIC
              Senior Member
              • Nov 2003
              • 14938

              Originally posted by mimo_100
              If the money is interest free, you could borrow $20,000, and make 3 or 4 thousand dollars by taking out a 3 yr cd compounded at 5%, then paying it back when you graduate. No risk. This assumes they would let you use the money whereever you wanted.

              He'll have to pay taxes on that money though...IIC
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              • mimo_100
                Senior Member
                • Sep 2003
                • 1784

                Originally posted by IIC
                He'll have to pay taxes on that money though...IIC
                Good point.

                I assumed that, as a student, his line 36 was pretty small.

                I just ran a quick tax return on Joe Student who earns $8000

                in wages, pays $800 in fed taxes, $200 in state taxes, FICA and Medicare,

                earns $1000 in interest, $4850 in standard deductions, and $3100 in personal exemptions. His total taxable income was $0. He got an $800 tax refund.

                I used TurboTax 2004 as I have not purchased 2005 yet.

                Tim - Retired Problem Solver


                • IIC
                  Senior Member
                  • Nov 2003
                  • 14938

                  Originally posted by mimo_100
                  Good point.

                  I assumed that, as a student, his line 36 was pretty small.

                  I just ran a quick tax return on Joe Student who earns $8000

                  in wages, pays $800 in fed taxes, $200 in state taxes, FICA and Medicare,

                  earns $1000 in interest, $4850 in standard deductions, and $3100 in personal exemptions. His total taxable income was $0. He got an $800 tax refund.

                  I used TurboTax 2004 as I have not purchased 2005 yet.

                  Can I send you my taxes're fast???
                  "Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"

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                  • mimo_100
                    Senior Member
                    • Sep 2003
                    • 1784

                    Originally posted by IIC
                    Can I send you my taxes're fast???

                    TurboTax is fast -- I just feed in the numbers. It's quite easy. Try it
                    if you haven't done your taxes yet -- cheap -- $40.00.
                    Last edited by mimo_100; 01-17-2006, 11:24 AM. Reason: spelling, again
                    Tim - Retired Problem Solver


                    • IIC
                      Senior Member
                      • Nov 2003
                      • 14938

                      Originally posted by mimo_100

                      TurboTax is fast -- I just feed in the numbers. It's quite easy. Try it
                      if you haven't done your taxes yet -- cheap -- $40.00.
                      Taxes...Is it October yet???
                      "Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"

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                      • Adam
                        Senior Member
                        • Oct 2005
                        • 201

                        Yea, Its getting that time of year. I just through everythig I got at my accountants and let them figure it out, K-1, W-2, 1099's, statements out the wazoo, friggin F-15's,

