OT: No, thank you

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  • OT: No, thank you

    I flew to Chicago this morning. There was a soldier in cammos who was in the 101st going through security ahead of me. It was taking him forever to get all his stuff off so he could go through the detector. People on line were yelling at the TSA grunts to let him pass, he had to catch a flight, etc. TSA apologized but said they had to do this. People were really POed at TSA.

    At O'Hare this afternoon, coming home before boarding I was waiting in line at a Starbucks counter behind two soldiers in cammos, one was from the 10th Mountain and the other was a Ranger. The ordered their coffees; I leaned forward and told the girl at the register to put it on my bill. They turned and said thanks but that wasn't necessary. I said I was glad to do it and no, thank you for what you're doing for our country. Everyone in line applauded and the manager gave them their coffees on the house. Made me pay for mine, though <g>.

    Here's a thought - if you're on line at a coffee shop, Mickey D's, wherever, and you see a soldier in uniform also on line, offer to pick up their bill. It's a way of saying thanks for their service.

  • #2
    Dave you’ve impressed me by what you’ve done


    • #3
      You might hate the war; you might not trust the politicians; but you have to honor and respect those in the U.S. armed services who are serving this country.


      • skiracer
        Senior Member
        • Dec 2004
        • 6314

        Originally posted by DSteckler
        You might hate the war; you might not trust the politicians; but you have to honor and respect those in the U.S. armed services who are serving this country.
        Good show on your part Dave. It's strange how things change over the course of time. When I came home from Viet Nam I wouldn't wear my fatigues or dress stuff because people were spitting on guys and calling them baby killers. I was in a bad mood over all of that an it took me quite awhile to come down off of the experience. For a long time I was walking on eggs for fear of going off on someone who might have said something stupid about my serving my country or our being there at all. These guys or anyone who puts their life on the line for our country an our way of life are only doing what their country an our political leaders are asking of them. We should all respect them to the fullest for what they are doing regardless of our own feelling about the rest of it.


        • #5
          Originally posted by DSteckler
          You might hate the war; you might not trust the politicians; but you have to honor and respect those in the U.S. armed services who are serving this country.

          <---- clapping loudly
          You're a good guy, Dave.


          • Adam
            Senior Member
            • Oct 2005
            • 201

            Your comments are deeply appreciated, I my self, make it a priority to show my appreciation to those who protect our freedoms. Many have died for before us have made these freedoms possible. Having many family members in the services, and losing my 22 yr old cousin a month ago to an "Iraqi Flu" I too feel there is not enough appreciation is given to those who dedicate thier lives (weither you agree with the politics or not). It is disturbing to see the diruption caused by a simple cartoon. If the Free Nations reacted to the 9/11 attacks, or any such attack, in a fraction of the reaction, in proportion the Rioting nations which are reacting to the cartoons...Imagine the devistation. They spit in the face of the united and free nations and then cause caos because of a cartoon picture. How much longer can this maqurade last? My only hope is we don't lose any more innocent lives to find out.

            I appologize if any comments are offending. Tonite I bury my best friend at 28 years old. What disturbs me most is WASTE OF TALENT. Need no more American, Iraqi, Palistinian, Isreili, or any Citizen of any nation waste the talent of thier youth by training them to take lives. This world has lost enough already, NO MORE WASTED TALENT PLEASE!

            Sorry for the rant.



            • sisterwin2

              Originally posted by skiracer
              Good show on your part Dave. It's strange how things change over the course of time. When I came home from Viet Nam I wouldn't wear my fatigues or dress stuff because people were spitting on guys and calling them baby killers. I was in a bad mood over all of that an it took me quite awhile to come down off of the experience. For a long time I was walking on eggs for fear of going off on someone who might have said something stupid about my serving my country or our being there at all. These guys or anyone who puts their life on the line for our country an our way of life are only doing what their country an our political leaders are asking of them. We should all respect them to the fullest for what they are doing regardless of our own feelling about the rest of it.

              WOW, do I remember those days. My bother came home and got the same treatment. I was small for my age but had deep feelings for my brother and miss him with vengence. I got into so many fights, actualy got my butt kicked when I would see such behavior against my brother. BLess you.


              • #8
                good job Dave.

                These people who have to do the fighting suffer a terrible toll, either physically or mentally. My nephew was in the 4th infantry in Iraq during the 1st summer of the war.
                He saw serious fighting against Iraqi troops. He had three kills and saw his liutenant killed who was right beside him. He got out of Iraq alive, but he's emotionally scrarred.

