I flew to Chicago this morning. There was a soldier in cammos who was in the 101st going through security ahead of me. It was taking him forever to get all his stuff off so he could go through the detector. People on line were yelling at the TSA grunts to let him pass, he had to catch a flight, etc. TSA apologized but said they had to do this. People were really POed at TSA.
At O'Hare this afternoon, coming home before boarding I was waiting in line at a Starbucks counter behind two soldiers in cammos, one was from the 10th Mountain and the other was a Ranger. The ordered their coffees; I leaned forward and told the girl at the register to put it on my bill. They turned and said thanks but that wasn't necessary. I said I was glad to do it and no, thank you for what you're doing for our country. Everyone in line applauded and the manager gave them their coffees on the house. Made me pay for mine, though <g>.
Here's a thought - if you're on line at a coffee shop, Mickey D's, wherever, and you see a soldier in uniform also on line, offer to pick up their bill. It's a way of saying thanks for their service.
At O'Hare this afternoon, coming home before boarding I was waiting in line at a Starbucks counter behind two soldiers in cammos, one was from the 10th Mountain and the other was a Ranger. The ordered their coffees; I leaned forward and told the girl at the register to put it on my bill. They turned and said thanks but that wasn't necessary. I said I was glad to do it and no, thank you for what you're doing for our country. Everyone in line applauded and the manager gave them their coffees on the house. Made me pay for mine, though <g>.
Here's a thought - if you're on line at a coffee shop, Mickey D's, wherever, and you see a soldier in uniform also on line, offer to pick up their bill. It's a way of saying thanks for their service.