Omaha's Portfolio

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  • OmahaInvestor

    Omaha's Portfolio

    Ok guys I am going to try my hand at picking some big stocks for you guys. I decided to start this week. I will narrow my choices down from 16 to 3, I want all your opinons on these stocks.

    bhi cbg ber pke frk gdi gwr mlm jbht ibca keys lufk cldn driv ntri remx

    Tell me what you think and which one you like and why.
  • studentofthemarket
    • Feb 2006
    • 58

    if you are going to make picks for others, why do you request other people's input?

    but since you asked

    IBCA --- gone up for me nearly 5% since purchase on 2-6-06, and will go up more. they have steady growth and will hit about 38 when I anticipate selling to move on to something else. it is rather late and I'm sleepy.

    there my first post, that was easy.

    I bought WIRE on 2/14/06... I figure it will go up quite a bit once the rebuilding of the hurricane damage reallly gets going. in N.O. they're still arguing and not doing much building just yet across the board.

    good trading,



    • OmahaInvestor

      Your opinons are just for the purpose of discussion, I am not going to use them in narrowing down my choices. I just wanted to get people talking about these stocks before I narrow it down.


      • jiesen
        Senior Member
        • Sep 2003
        • 5320

        I like LUFK. Not that the others aren't good, but I just don't recognize any others right off the bat. I know that LUFK made the $$MM top 5 a few weeks ago.

        At Yahoo Finance, you get free stock quotes, up-to-date news, portfolio management resources, international market data, social interaction and mortgage rates that help you manage your financial life.

        with 4Q earnings up 254% from the previous year, P/B under 5 and a P/E under 20, I'd stay this rising star is still a bargain.


        • OmahaInvestor

          I have narrowed it down to CBG, BER, and FRK!

          I will do a short write up on these stocks today and post it tonight. If anyone likes or hates these stocks please feel free to post away. I'd like to hear your input.


          • rrezac
            Junior Member
            • Aug 2005
            • 23

            Omaha, are you a guy named Warren Buffett? Me and 7 other people here in Lincoln just came into a bundle of money and are looking for a way to invest. Looking forward to your write up. =)


            • peanuts
              Senior Member
              • Feb 2006
              • 3365


              Originally posted by OmahaInvestor
              I have narrowed it down to CBG, BER, and FRK!

              I will do a short write up on these stocks today and post it tonight. If anyone likes or hates these stocks please feel free to post away. I'd like to hear your input.

              First of all, they all seemed to be quality picks. Of the three, I am most familiar with FRK as it is a member of the same industry as one of my personal portfolio picks, USLM. I think that you will be better off investing in USLM. Not because it is a better company, or FRK is a bad company, but the percentage gains in USLM pps should be higher over the same time horizon. This is only my opinion and may be biased due to my personal investment. However, USLM, with a low mkt cap, high earnings, and new stuff going on (acquisition and o&g wells), has what it takes to build momentum. It carries a higher amount of risk. I'm sure you are familiar with the risk/return sentiment.

              good luck with your experiment. I have started another one, similar to this on this MB. It is titled, "Mining the IBD, striking gold" Let me know what you think.

              How did you determine "the 3"? What criteria did you use to narrow down your picks?
              Hide not your talents.
              They for use were made.
              What's a sundial in the shade?

              - Benjamin Franklin


              • OmahaInvestor

                Omaha, are you a guy named Warren Buffett? Me and 7 other people here in Lincoln just came into a bundle of money and are looking for a way to invest. Looking forward to your write up. =)
                I could only dream of being Warren Buffett, if you just won the 365 million I think you really need to seek someone who knows what they are doing! It's amazing that they actually won that much money but I guarantee that 6 of them will be broke within 5 years. It's pathetic how many lottery winners end up worse off than where they started, I guess its a blessing and a curse.

                How did you determine "the 3"? What criteria did you use to narrow down your picks?
                My 3 were picked from using the IBD as well. I basically went through the IBD and circled all the stocks that met my original criteria after that I went through and eliminated those stocks that had missed earnings in the recent past. After that I check ownership buying and selling, insider holdings and then I looked for those with very little debt or at least enough cash to cover their long term debt. That narrowed my search to roughly 16 and of that I chose these 3 because I think they have the best chances to increase in value in the short term.


                • OmahaInvestor

                  Just to update the status of my picks. I know I never posted my write up on here because I forgot.

                  BER up 2.4%
                  CBG up 9.6%
                  FRK down 2%

                  My next 2 stocks for this month are GS,and BRCM! Anyone want to put in their advice on these two picks? Or my previous picks? I'd love to hear about it.


                  • OmahaInvestor

                    Heres a quick little write up as to why I like GS.

                    GS- Profit margin is huge almost 23% huge As we all know we love huge around here. Secondly the amazing amount of cash they have 61B in Cash and 83B in short term thats roughly 11B more than debt so we know they won't be going bankrupt. Add that to the 92% projected growth in EPS this quarter and you have a company that will at least move up some short term. Sales growth estimate of 50% is huge too. Overall the books look really nice. It's got a long history of quality earnings.

