Bean Stock's Vine

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  • Bean Stocks

    Bean Stock's Vine

    Okay, I would like to start a thread that focuses on small cap stocks and alternative investments. Thank you for the space. My game plan is a loose amalgam of many ideas like technical analysis, fundamental analysis, CANSLIM, subconscious experience, daytrading entry points, pop psychology, money management strategies, fad spotting, etc. I have had very good results swing trading and short term investing in stocks even though my game plan has never been codified. I started doing it in the late 90's before it became passe and while everybody else was mostly losing money daytrading.

    This thread should be seen as entertainment and should not be construed as a recommendation to buy or sell. Bean stock is not registered with a broker dealer.

    1st pick: GV. Apparently, they are luxury real estate developer and electrical contractor in FL. A cursory examination of the fundamentals looks good. The p/b is good with earnings growth and revenue growth. The executives are buying merely pennies above the current price. This stock will appeal to the IBD crowd. The chart reminds me very much like GEOI last year, which believe it or not, I got in personally at $3.12 and $3 for my mom's IRA. We are both not in GEOI at this time.

    2nd pick: ADAM. In an advancing market, ADAM is a no brainer out performer as long as it continues to execute and even though it has had a good run. Consider leaving the table after $17.

  • New-born baby
    Senior Member
    • Apr 2004
    • 6095


    Welcome, Bean Stock. Great name! You really know how to pick a name; I'll be following your work to see if your stock picking skills are equal to your ability to choose excellent nomenclature. And how good are you at avatars?

    Welcome aboard.
    pivot calculator *current oil price*My stock picking method*Charting Lesson of the Week:BEAR FLAG PATTERN


    • mrmarket
      • Sep 2003
      • 5971

      Welcome are my favorite little guys right now:


      Know any of these?

      I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

      - $$$MR. MARKET$$$


      • New-born baby
        Senior Member
        • Apr 2004
        • 6095


        Originally posted by mrmarket
        Welcome are my favorite little guys right now:


        Know any of these?
        Would MM care to comment on any/all of these? Do you own any of these?
        And how do you find these growing babies?
        pivot calculator *current oil price*My stock picking method*Charting Lesson of the Week:BEAR FLAG PATTERN


        • Websman
          Senior Member
          • Apr 2004
          • 5545

          I love BB and OTC stocks! I did well with EZEN.OB and HISC.PK. HISC is dead in the water now...


          • #6
            Welcome to the forum Bean Stock.
            I look forward to reading your posts.


            • Lyehopper
              Senior Member
              • Jan 2004
              • 3678

              I hate OTCBB stocks!!!!

              Originally posted by mrmarket
              Welcome are my favorite little guys right now:


              Know any of these?
              I respect you $$MM$$.... but I just gotta speak up here!!!! There are inexperienced investors here that actually listen to you man.

              You gotta be kiddin me dude.... He said "Small Caps" Ernie.... ($300 million to $2 billion in market cap) Actually the two stocks Jack likes are "Micro Caps".... the stocks you posted are JUNK!

              My freakin cattle farm has a better revenue stream than some of these.... And it ain't even my "real" job.

              $220k Revenue(ttm)
              $40k ca$h
              $2.2m debt!!!!
              $677k is the CEO and CFO's combined salary.WHAT????

              ERTH.ob has 9 full time employees. According to "Lyehopper's rule of thumb" a worthwhile small mfg company (not publicly owned) should produce $130k-150k (min) in sales per full time employee. And even then it might be tough going.

              The following are good small (micro) caps....
              ADAM has $263k per employee.
              GV has $262k per employee
              GEHL has $510k per employee
              PARL has over $1.1m per employee!

              OTCBB stocks are VERY risky and extremely speculative imho....

              Just to put things in perspective.... My one (1) employee farm makes ERTH.ob look freakin SICK.....

              OK!!!! Here's an opportunity for ya Ernie.... I have a neighbor, a few miles down the creek who only owns 40 acres of land (leases about 2,000 acres) Him, his wife and a Grandson run nearly 800 head of commercial cattle.... I estimate they sold $500-600k+ last year.... They have no education, they have no internet.... they have very few teeth.... They DO have some nice new John Deere equiptment and a couple of new trucks and a new 40x60 work shop..... I think I can "arrange things" to where they'd sell you some stock DUDE.

              WHY would you invest in these JUNK OTCBB stocks when there are great small cap and micro cap growth companies like ADAM, GV, GEHL and PARL out there? I'll bet you that Jack wouldn't touch those stocks you posted with a 10 foot bean stalk.

              btw.... Welcome Jack! What do you think of GEHL and PARL?

              PS.... Love to see you play in BillyJoe's POTW (weekly stock picking contest) this week dude. If you are interested just post on the POTW thread and I'll get you a copy of the current rules.
              BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!


              • Bean Stocks

                I respect you $$MM$$.... but I just gotta speak up here!!!! There are inexperienced investors here that actually listen to you man.

                You gotta be kiddin me dude.... He said "Small Caps" Ernie.... ($300 million to $2 billion in market cap) Actually the two stocks Jack likes are "Micro Caps".... the stocks you posted are JUNK!

                My freakin cattle farm has a better revenue stream than some of these.... And it ain't even my "real" job.

                $220k Revenue(ttm)
                $40k ca$h
                $2.2m debt!!!!
                $677k is the CEO and CFO's combined salary.WHAT????

                ERTH.ob has 9 full time employees. According to "Lyehopper's rule of thumb" a worthwhile small mfg company (not publicly owned) should produce $130k-150k (min) in sales per full time employee. And even then it might be tough going.

                The following are good small (micro) caps....
                ADAM has $263k per employee.
                GV has $262k per employee
                GEHL has $510k per employee
                PARL has over $1.1m per employee!

                OTCBB stocks are VERY risky and extremely speculative imho....

                Just to put things in perspective.... My one (1) employee farm makes ERTH.ob look freakin SICK.....

                OK!!!! Here's an opportunity for ya Ernie.... I have a neighbor, a few miles down the creek who only owns 40 acres of land (leases about 2,000 acres) Him, his wife and a Grandson run nearly 800 head of commercial cattle.... I estimate they sold $500-600k+ last year.... They have no education, they have no internet.... they have very few teeth.... They DO have some nice new John Deere equiptment and a couple of new trucks and a new 40x60 work shop..... I think I can "arrange things" to where they'd sell you some stock DUDE.

                WHY would you invest in these JUNK OTCBB stocks when there are great small cap and micro cap growth companies like ADAM, GV, GEHL and PARL out there? I'll bet you that Jack wouldn't touch those stocks you posted with a 10 foot bean stalk.

                btw.... Welcome Jack! What do you think of GEHL and PARL?

                PS.... Love to see you play in BillyJoe's POTW (weekly stock picking contest) this week dude. If you are interested just post on the POTW thread and I'll get you a copy of the current rules.
                Eat More Beef.... and GoJi's!!!!
                Thanks for the welcomes. I look forward to the POTW contest. OTCBB's or what I like to call "suite trading" is suicidal for most people. Still, the biggest advance I ever saw was when SCKT.ob went from $0.80 to $50 in 9 months which killed even QCOM's move. I thought it was over bought and sold at about $7. If an OTCBB has 9 employees and a non suite address that is big news. I haven't looked at GEHL. PARL looked okay a few days ago. Gotta go. respond later.


                • skiracer
                  Senior Member
                  • Dec 2004
                  • 6314

                  I agree with you in principle Lye, but these types of issues can be fun and profitable. The biggest score I ever made legally was on a stock called Warnaco which was a clothing manufacturer gone bankrupt. The stock was selling for .06 a share an my brother-in-law and I bought 1 million shares of it between .06 and .12. It went to .26 where I cashed out my half. It was almost a $90,000 score for me within two weeks. My brother-in-law and sister are ministers an his family are worth a zillion so they all bought into the stock on the advice of one of their parishoners and who worked for the company and was upper management. It eventually went to zero and my brother-in-law and his brothers rode it all the way down to nothing. I begged him to sell when I did but they held on thinking it was going to go to $10 like the guy kept saying. They were all mad at me because I called them stupid but I had the cash.


                  • Bean Stocks

                    And how good are you at avatars?
                    I used to post on stock boards a long time ago with variations of EF Hutton. Most of my posting was done on raging bull. By the way, I am avid collector of EF Hutton paraphenalia if anyone has anything to sell.


                    • Bean Stocks

                      I love BB and OTC stocks! I did well with EZEN.OB and HISC.PK. HISC is dead in the water now...
                      I have traded EZEN.ob before. It seemed like a legitimate company and looks interesting now. MSEV.ob is interesting although it probably is not the best entry right here. It is going on the Frankfurt stock exchange and supposedly has some big Alberta oil deals in the works.


                      • Bean Stocks

                        Welcome are my favorite little guys right now:


                        Know any of these?
                        Howdy. KSWW is on my list. PXHB looks good too. thanks.
                        Last edited by Guest; 02-26-2006, 05:18 PM.


                        • IIC
                          Senior Member
                          • Nov 2003
                          • 14938

                          Jack and The Bean Stocks...Cute...IIC
                          "Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"

                          Find Tomorrow's Winners At

                          Follow Me On Twitter


                          • Websman
                            Senior Member
                            • Apr 2004
                            • 5545

                            Originally posted by IIC
                            Jack and The Bean Stocks...Cute...IIC
                            Cute is not a term we rednecks like to use...


                            • Lyehopper
                              Senior Member
                              • Jan 2004
                              • 3678

                              Maybe I could learn to "like" some OTC BB's....

                              Originally posted by Bean Stocks
                              Howdy. KSWW is on my list. PXHB looks good too. thanks.
                              ok.... Maybe I can change my paradigm a little here. KSWW actally does look attractive. I didn't go far enough down the list to evaluate it.

                              I have created a search for some worthwhile OTC BB's.... I tend to be a Small/Micro Cap value investor.... so the challenge (for me) is to find some of these "Nano Cap" companies that are actually worth their pennies....Another challenge is finding ones with enough volume to actually trade.

                              Here are some I think look pretty good and have decent volume. They all have high Growth Rates.


                              Big Cap - Market cap $10 billion and greater
                              Mid Cap - $2 billion to $10 billion
                              Small Cap - $300 million to $2 billion
                              Micro Cap - $50 million to $300 million
                              Nano Cap - Under $50 million
                              BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!

