The Exelauno Day Data Dump

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  • skiracer
    Senior Member
    • Dec 2004
    • 6314

    Originally posted by Lyehopper
    Nice additions to your photo gallery $$MM$$.... Is that your head that's being farted on dude?.... I'm guessing that picture will be Skiracer's

    Aside from the hairy photos there nothing like a picture of a grown man getting his head farted on Lye. I see that you have realized that. Don't be to cruel to me because I'm now one of the inner circle of the VTP since Webs cleared my induction yesterday. I'm waiting for my ears to arrive.

    We're into the second day of the demo on the big site and we have a couple of big excavators working on taking down so pretty big gunnite rock formations. It always amazes me that people get so enthralled with watching big machinery at work. It was raining like hell here all day and they were lined up and standing in the rain watching the trucks and roll-offs getting filled and the demo taking place.


    • Adam
      Senior Member
      • Oct 2005
      • 201

      Originally posted by skiracer
      We're into the second day of the demo on the big site and we have a couple of big excavators working on taking down so pretty big gunnite rock formations. It always amazes me that people get so enthralled with watching big machinery at work. It was raining like hell here all day and they were lined up and standing in the rain watching the trucks and roll-offs getting filled and the demo taking place.

      I know what your talking about Ski. You might know my company also we cover all of NJ and some. Disposal Systems Inc. we do evironmental waste management. When you lift a house and remove contamination the entire neighborhood is constanty coming to see and ask a million questions. I do miss running the big machines, it was much more fun than running the company is. I can still remember when I was first starting to operate and there would be two or three people onsite to oversee the work, standing there watching you. Not to mention the neighbors. It's funny, I still love seeing big machines at work. I rarely get to see jobsites in progress anymore. Only time I end up there is when there's a big problem.

      Today I got some unbelievable pictures of a extended boom excavator that was loaded to high and went right through a concrete road overpass. if you want, I'll send you the pic's from work tomarrow. I'm sure they had to cut the way out. Made the rebar look like dental floss.


      • Lyehopper
        Senior Member
        • Jan 2004
        • 3678

        Originally posted by Adam
        I know what your talking about Ski. You might know my company also we cover all of NJ and some. Disposal Systems Inc. we do evironmental waste management. When you lift a house and remove contamination the entire neighborhood is constanty coming to see and ask a million questions. I do miss running the big machines, it was much more fun than running the company is. I can still remember when I was first starting to operate and there would be two or three people onsite to oversee the work, standing there watching you. Not to mention the neighbors. It's funny, I still love seeing big machines at work. I rarely get to see jobsites in progress anymore. Only time I end up there is when there's a big problem.

        Today I got some unbelievable pictures of a extended boom excavator that was loaded to high and went right through a concrete road overpass. if you want, I'll send you the pic's from work tomarrow. I'm sure they had to cut the way out. Made the rebar look like dental floss.
        Post the pics dude, I love that kinda

        I bought a real nice used 1984 JD 510B backhoe back in 1990.... In 1995 I contracted this dude to haul it from my plant in Roanoke to my farm in Bedford County. He called me on my cell phone as he pulled up in my company's parking lot.... I said "I was in a meeting with a customer but the key was in the machine and would he mind topping off the tank with offroad diesel on the way to the farm".... He said "sure".... He loaded the backhoe on his duel tandem trailer and took off.... I got a call 10 minutes later from the dude.... He confessed that he had forgotten to put the hoe in the "down" position and that he had nailed the bridge overpass where 460 goes under 581.... TOTALED my freakin backhoe too!!!!.... Hit so hard it broke the rear axel of his trailer in half. BAAAAM!!!! My insurance company paid me for the backhoe and then sued him personally because he didn't have subcontract haulers insurance and his insurance carrier refused to pay. (The bridge was OK) Poor fella lost big time on that deal (wonder if he trades stocks now).... Anyway.... I bought the backhoe back from my insurance company and then resold it the same week for a $2,500 profit.... Then I just bought me a JD 2640 farm tractor w/loader with the money.... I really need to buy me a backhoe again....
        BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!


        • mrmarket
          • Sep 2003
          • 5971

          Originally posted by Adam

          Today I got some unbelievable pictures of a extended boom excavator that was loaded to high and went right through a concrete road overpass. if you want, I'll send you the pic's from work tomarrow. I'm sure they had to cut the way out. Made the rebar look like dental floss.
          Are those pictures as good as someone getting farted on?

          I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

          - $$$MR. MARKET$$$


          • spikefader
            Senior Member
            • Apr 2004
            • 7175

            Originally posted by mrmarket
            ...which one do you like...
            My two favorite are CIB and GGB. I can't decide which is best.

            Here's the Creme of the Crop from this dump and it opens today.
            For newbies, what is Creme of the Crop? It's a system series I run that is filtered down from mrmarket's dumps.


            • The Photon
              Senior Member
              • Nov 2003
              • 189

              Spike you have out done yourself!! interactive charts to the max... LOL I have seen it all! fantastic! -
              The Photon


              • spikefader
                Senior Member
                • Apr 2004
                • 7175

                Thnx dude!


                • Adam
                  Senior Member
                  • Oct 2005
                  • 201

                  Originally posted by mrmarket
                  Are those pictures as good as someone getting farted on?
                  Now thats not nice!!!...someone getting farted on could be funny!

                  Ernie, you hear about the excavator that hit a bridge on 195 this summer at exit 11?

                  Yea, That was one of my new guys. He doesn't work here anymore.


                  • Adam
                    Senior Member
                    • Oct 2005
                    • 201

                    Crash Pic's

                    Sorry Lye, I cant get it to post the pic's. Says the files to big.


                    • Websman
                      Senior Member
                      • Apr 2004
                      • 5545

                      Originally posted by Adam
                      Sorry Lye, I cant get it to post the pic's. Says the files to big.
                      You need to go to imageshack first...

                      Unlimited space to host images, easy to use image uploader, albums, photo hosting, sharing, dynamic image resizing on web and mobile.


                      • Lyehopper
                        Senior Member
                        • Jan 2004
                        • 3678


                        Originally posted by Adam
                        Sorry Lye, I cant get it to post the pic's. Says the files to big.
                        Here ya go fellas.... Adam sent these to me. UNBELIEVABLE! Almost cut that bridge in half! I'd loved to have seen that drivers face after he stepped out of his truck and looked back at this mess.LOL.... THANKS ADAM! these pics are HUUUUGE!!!!

                        BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!


                        • Adam
                          Senior Member
                          • Oct 2005
                          • 201

                          One of my drivers totaled an excavator hitting a bridge this year. Not that bad, but it was a mess to clean up. The cops and DOT just stood around while I gave orders and cleaned up the crash. Isn't that their job?..hehehe...they had no idea what to


                          • Rob
                            Senior Member
                            • Sep 2003
                            • 3194

                            My 2¢

                            Originally posted by Lyehopper
                            Is that your head that's being farted on dude?....
                            IMHO, that kind of stuff spoils an otherwise good Web site, and it makes me reluctant to invite others here. Never been much of a fan of bathroom humor. Maybe I'm the only one, but I doubt it.


                            • Lyehopper
                              Senior Member
                              • Jan 2004
                              • 3678

                              Hamburgers and "CHEESE"....

                              Originally posted by Rob
                              IMHO, that kind of stuff spoils an otherwise good Web site, and it makes me reluctant to invite others here. Never been much of a fan of bathroom humor. Maybe I'm the only one, but I doubt it.
                              You are the one who invited me here dude. You said you liked $$$Mr Market$$$'s humor.

                              Several of $$MM$$'s stock commentaries have used "gas expulsion" as a punchline. I think $$MM$$ and "head-farting" are kinda like hamburgers and "cheese" dude.... they just go together.

                              Let's see if I understand.... I guess what you'd really like Ernie to do is..... What?.....Cut "the cheese"?....LOL!!!! Sorry ROB!!!!
                              BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!


                              • sisterwin2

                                Originally posted by Lyehopper
                                You are the one who invited me here dude. You said you liked $$$Mr Market$$$'s humor.

                                Several of $$MM$$'s stock commentaries have used "gas expulsion" as a punchline. I think $$MM$$ and "head-farting" are kinda like hamburgers and "cheese" dude.... they just go together.

                                Let's see if I understand.... I guess what you'd really like Ernie to do is..... What?.....Cut "the cheese"?....LOL!!!! Sorry ROB!!!!
                       this was just too funny for me. Let me say now Rob I am sorry for the giggle but The facility I am running (excuse the pun) is on quarantine for this nasty GI bug.

                                Ty Lye.... I giggled

