It's great getting free information on the web, but occasionally you might have to bite the bullet and shell out some $$$ to get the best data on stocks.
I'll admit to being a cheapskate so if I limit myself to $99 - $199 per year, who's got the best products? We're all looking for reliable, accurate information that is easy to understand, unbiased and up to date.
Let's list some sevices that have worked or not worked for you. I'll start with one that was highly disappointing.
Zacks Research - trial membership $199 per year-- this was a couple years ago. After signing up, I was inundated with hundreds of e-mails. Couldn't tell what was legitimate info. or ads offering more services. Had difficulty contacting a real person after they got my $$. Their alerts on earnings were routinely 24 hours late. It was impossible to qualify for the "money back" guarantee. It took me weeks of e-mails, phone calls, and letter writing to cancel the service and stop what I call unsolicited offers. Most of the information they offered could be found free elsewhere. Their ratings on stocks seemed to be self serving at times, somewhat like IBD's touted 100.
Anybody else with good or bad experiences? Thanks.
I'll admit to being a cheapskate so if I limit myself to $99 - $199 per year, who's got the best products? We're all looking for reliable, accurate information that is easy to understand, unbiased and up to date.
Let's list some sevices that have worked or not worked for you. I'll start with one that was highly disappointing.
Zacks Research - trial membership $199 per year-- this was a couple years ago. After signing up, I was inundated with hundreds of e-mails. Couldn't tell what was legitimate info. or ads offering more services. Had difficulty contacting a real person after they got my $$. Their alerts on earnings were routinely 24 hours late. It was impossible to qualify for the "money back" guarantee. It took me weeks of e-mails, phone calls, and letter writing to cancel the service and stop what I call unsolicited offers. Most of the information they offered could be found free elsewhere. Their ratings on stocks seemed to be self serving at times, somewhat like IBD's touted 100.
Anybody else with good or bad experiences? Thanks.