Paying for Research

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  • billyjoe
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2003
    • 9014

    Paying for Research

    It's great getting free information on the web, but occasionally you might have to bite the bullet and shell out some $$$ to get the best data on stocks.
    I'll admit to being a cheapskate so if I limit myself to $99 - $199 per year, who's got the best products? We're all looking for reliable, accurate information that is easy to understand, unbiased and up to date.
    Let's list some sevices that have worked or not worked for you. I'll start with one that was highly disappointing.

    Zacks Research - trial membership $199 per year-- this was a couple years ago. After signing up, I was inundated with hundreds of e-mails. Couldn't tell what was legitimate info. or ads offering more services. Had difficulty contacting a real person after they got my $$. Their alerts on earnings were routinely 24 hours late. It was impossible to qualify for the "money back" guarantee. It took me weeks of e-mails, phone calls, and letter writing to cancel the service and stop what I call unsolicited offers. Most of the information they offered could be found free elsewhere. Their ratings on stocks seemed to be self serving at times, somewhat like IBD's touted 100.

    Anybody else with good or bad experiences? Thanks.

  • Websman
    Senior Member
    • Apr 2004
    • 5545

    Poormans Investment Strategy is excellent. Only $25 per month and well worth it.

    The VTP is also excellent but it's still in the developmental stages and is by invitation only for now.


    • skiracer
      Senior Member
      • Dec 2004
      • 6314

      One of the best bargains for the money is $24.95 a month for their platimum service an it gives you all the newsbreaks as they happen or come across the wires plus alot more technical stuff on stocks. I've made alot of money on just the early morning news before the markets open getting that head start on knowing that something happened during the pre-market.


      • billyjoe
        Senior Member
        • Nov 2003
        • 9014

        Do you find that with you can sometimes beat a big move that starts shortly after the market open? Kind of a delay on the normal gap up in pre-market.



        • skiracer
          Senior Member
          • Dec 2004
          • 6314

          Originally posted by billyjoe
          Do you find that with you can sometimes beat a big move that starts shortly after the market open? Kind of a delay on the normal gap up in pre-market.

          It's been getting harder to find the little tidbits that give you an edge before everyone else because almost everyone who's really into it subscribes to for just that edge. But I still do get info from them that helps out to a large degree pre-market, intraday, and after hours. They also give daily sector reports, the daily swing trader report, the technical take report, an a host of other valuable info. The guy that writes the daily swing trader column is a pro and he hits alot of winners long and short and provides several leads everyday. Plus the educational value of his technical analysis and charts is an education in itself. The technical take column is just as good as the swing trader for providing a great technical take on the markets overall on a daily basis. Great educational and learning tool.


          • Lyehopper
            Senior Member
            • Jan 2004
            • 3678

            Originally posted by Websman
            Poormans Investment Strategy is excellent. Only $25 per month and well worth it.

            The VTP is also excellent but it's still in the developmental stages and is by invitation only for now.
            I agree that the VTP will be the best value on the Web....
            BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!


            • mystiky
              Senior Member
              • Dec 2004
              • 333


              Originally posted by skiracer
              It's been getting harder to find the little tidbits that give you an edge before everyone else because almost everyone who's really into it subscribes to for just that edge. But I still do get info from them that helps out to a large degree pre-market, intraday, and after hours. They also give daily sector reports, the daily swing trader report, the technical take report, an a host of other valuable info. The guy that writes the daily swing trader column is a pro and he hits alot of winners long and short and provides several leads everyday. Plus the educational value of his technical analysis and charts is an education in itself. The technical take column is just as good as the swing trader for providing a great technical take on the markets overall on a daily basis. Great educational and learning tool.
              I also agree that has many benefits. Their Trader service ($3K / year) is really top notch. Sure...its alot of money, but one big trade and you paid for it.

              I use it, and also


              • Bean Stocks

       was worth it but I only had a trial subscription about a year ago. was great while it was free. Don't know if this helps at all.


                • scifos
                  Senior Member
                  • Jan 2004
                  • 790

                  My father and I have split the subscription cost of for about 3 years. Its like 20 a month and the market commentary is always pretty good and they do an incredible job predicting market tops and bottoms and sector rotation. It also comes with a "buy list" which is so-so, and has a ton of turnover.
                  Buy Low
                  Sell High
                  STAY FROSTY!


                  • studentofthemarket
                    • Feb 2006
                    • 58

                    hey websman,

                    that's the guy over on the IBD forum right?


                    • IIC
                      Senior Member
                      • Nov 2003
                      • 14938

                      Originally posted by studentofthemarket
                      hey websman,


                      that's the guy over on the IBD forum right?
                      Yes it is...I know Bruce Internet-Wise anyway...He and I are on one of the same Chats...He and I have different philosophies...But IMO if you are looking for intermediate to longer time frame ideas...I think he is very good...But even more importantly, I think he is an upfront honest person...Don't find too many of those type in this biz...He's on vacation in Cancun right now...Best, Doug(IIC)
                      "Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"

                      Find Tomorrow's Winners At

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                      • Websman
                        Senior Member
                        • Apr 2004
                        • 5545

                        Originally posted by cosmicporch
                        I changed my investment website a bit. I have decided to create a daily list of 25 momentum stocks. I select them by first determining which stocks on the market are within 3% of their high, and then remove the bottom three quartiles based on how high they are off their low. Then stocks which have low buyer interest day to day in recent weeks are removed. Stocks that are not well above their 50 day average are also removed. I also have a list of 5 etfs. Let me know what you think. It doesn't cost anything.


                        Free is always good. I'll keep an eye on your site Cosmo...


                        • IIC
                          Senior Member
                          • Nov 2003
                          • 14938

                          Originally posted by cosmicporch
                          I changed my investment website a bit. I have decided to create a daily list of 25 momentum stocks. I select them by first determining which stocks on the market are within 3% of their high, and then remove the bottom three quartiles based on how high they are off their low. Then stocks which have low buyer interest day to day in recent weeks are removed. Stocks that are not well above their 50 day average are also removed. I also have a list of 5 etfs. Let me know what you think. It doesn't cost anything.


                          Keep up the good work Cosmo.

                          BTW...Nice Disclaimer...My standard disclaimer is: "Maybe they'll go up...Maybe they'll go down...But if they don't then they'll probably stay flat"...Have not been sued yet
                          "Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"

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                          • IIC
                            Senior Member
                            • Nov 2003
                            • 14938

                            Cosmo...I noticed you have ads like Google adsense ads at the top of your page.

                            Can you tell me where you sign up for those?...I am getting sick of Google contacting me all the time with threats because of some of my advertising methods. I see people do what I do all the time...However, I do know a couple of people that they banned. I found a couple of alternatives once...can't remember what they were...but they didn't pay much.

                            It's nice to get a check from Google every month...but I don't care who the check comes from.

                            Thanks, Doug(IIC)
                            "Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"

                            Find Tomorrow's Winners At

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                            • IIC
                              Senior Member
                              • Nov 2003
                              • 14938

                              Originally posted by cosmicporch
                              My page is free which is why there are ads on it. I've been thinking about paying to get those off of there. I want to join a link exchange which pays some money from referrals, but my mom is a bit controlling which doesn't make sense because I would only be paying maybe 25 bucks a month to be on the link exchange and for the site. What are your advertising methods that you get threats?

                              I gotta run out now...I'll answer later...Doug
                              "Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"

                              Find Tomorrow's Winners At

                              Follow Me On Twitter

