When: Wednesday October 29, 2003 Times: 10-12 AM and 1-3 PM
Where: F.O.P. Lodge 5 1336 Spring Garden St.
This seminar is free, but seating is limited.
Thank you for taking the time to read this and post it for other Local 22 members to see.
Learn how my game plan for managing risk can help you going forward.
I take a top-down approach to the market through a five-step risk management approach that incorporates both fundamental and technical analysis.
Step One: Market Evaluation - Using Point & figure Technical Analysis I check my indicators to determine the risk level in the market place.
Step Two: Sector Evaluation - If the market risk level suggests the offensive team should be on the field, I evaluate the sectors, and using my sector indicators determine which sectors are in favor.
Step Three: Stock Evaluation, Fundamental Analysis - I use Fundamental Analysis to determine "What" stocks to buy in favorable sectors.
Step Four: Stock Evaluation, Technical - I use Technical Analysis to determine "When" to buy the fundamentally sound stocks, and to determine risk/reward going forward.
Step Five: Follow-up and Maintenance - I constantly follow up and monitor my stock selections to make sure the risk doesn't fall outside our initial guidelines based on our portfolio goals.
Austin R. Dutton, Jr.
Senior Vice President-Investments
Please visit my website WWW.AUSTINDUTTON.COM for more information.
Where: F.O.P. Lodge 5 1336 Spring Garden St.
This seminar is free, but seating is limited.
Thank you for taking the time to read this and post it for other Local 22 members to see.
Learn how my game plan for managing risk can help you going forward.
I take a top-down approach to the market through a five-step risk management approach that incorporates both fundamental and technical analysis.
Step One: Market Evaluation - Using Point & figure Technical Analysis I check my indicators to determine the risk level in the market place.
Step Two: Sector Evaluation - If the market risk level suggests the offensive team should be on the field, I evaluate the sectors, and using my sector indicators determine which sectors are in favor.
Step Three: Stock Evaluation, Fundamental Analysis - I use Fundamental Analysis to determine "What" stocks to buy in favorable sectors.
Step Four: Stock Evaluation, Technical - I use Technical Analysis to determine "When" to buy the fundamentally sound stocks, and to determine risk/reward going forward.
Step Five: Follow-up and Maintenance - I constantly follow up and monitor my stock selections to make sure the risk doesn't fall outside our initial guidelines based on our portfolio goals.
Austin R. Dutton, Jr.
Senior Vice President-Investments
Please visit my website WWW.AUSTINDUTTON.COM for more information.