Originally posted by billyjoe
Lyehopper's Roundup....
BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!
Originally posted by LyehopperGreat movie.... That movie applies to business imo.... A good focused manager with a devoted staff can build a winning team and gain major market share and "stomp" their competition before they knew what hit them....
BillyJoe, I think Lyehopper's favorite movie of all time is "The Outlaw Josey Wales." He knows all the good lines by heart. He also like all the James Bond movies, and I'll bet ya he's listening to Kid Rock CDs (Hillbilly Stomp) in that air-conditioned cab on his tractor--well that and maybe some Alison Krauss.—Rob
The REAL issue
Originally posted by Lyehopperharharhar.... Very funny BillyJoe.... No cable way out here. I do however have "dish".... But I think I can force myself to refrain from watching such a gripping and touching love story as that. sheesh!
It's hay season now dude and I'm workin' my butt off right now. There will be some Looooong days for me while the weather is good.
I've put over 120 acres on the ground since Friday. I'll be raking Friday's cutting as soon as the dew dries tomorrow morning. I should finish bailing by about 6:30 tomorrow night. It'll be crazy like this for about two more weeks.... And to think, my forefathers didn't have a DE cab tractor with air conditioning, air-ride deluxe seat, quiet cab, CD player and a high speed disc bine..... My 6420 has 18 forward gears and I mow wide-a$$ open in 12th gear (C-4).... To accomplish what I have in two days would have taken my Great Grandfather about ten or twelve long days with horse drawn equipment. Now THAT was some hard core farmin'!!!!
You DO have QUOTE TRACKER in your tractor, don't you?
I didn't think so.
When are you going to join the 21st Century?
Originally posted by LyehopperGreat movie.... That movie applies to business imo.... A good focused manager with a devoted staff can build a winning team and gain major market share and "stomp" their competition before they knew what hit them....
Maybe I wouldn't mind workin' for Lye...I truly believe that a GOOD manager needs to suround himself with a GOOD staff....And one should strive to make his boss look good...Sorta like investing...I love to surround myself with better investors than I am...IIC"Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"
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Originally posted by LyehopperI shorted AKS this morning.... I'm featuring the play @ 13.42.
I also shorted STLD in the $58 range.
Basic steel stocks are due a steep correction I think.
Originally posted by Jack HaddadThank you for posting trades which provide numerical numbers. I urge others to follow similarly.BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!
Hi LH!
I was just wondering if it was possible to rate this thread below one star? I feel if I rate it one star I will actually be giving you something. I feel zero stars is more appropriate. The FAQ mentions nothing about a star "range" if you will. Who would I have to contact to institute this new feature?
Originally posted by gdbHi LH!
I was just wondering if it was possible to rate this thread below one star? I feel if I rate it one star I will actually be giving you something. I feel zero stars is more appropriate. The FAQ mentions nothing about a star "range" if you will. Who would I have to contact to institute this new feature?
What stocks do you like gdb?BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!
Originally posted by LyehopperI shorted AKS this morning.... I'm featuring the play @ 13.42.
I also shorted STLD in the $58 range.
Basic steel stocks are due a steep correction I think.BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!
One For Your Radar: CEDC
Lyehopper, here's one to put on your radar. The weekly TRIX signal on CEDC is just now crossing into negative territory. If you can catch that baby when it crosses up, it just could be a good one. Their numbers are still looking healthy.—Rob
Originally posted by RobLyehopper, here's one to put on your radar. The weekly TRIX signal on CEDC is just now crossing into negative territory. If you can catch that baby when it crosses up, it just could be a good one. Their numbers are still looking healthy.BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!
Originally posted by LyehopperI shorted AKS this morning.... I'm featuring the play @ 13.42.
I also shorted STLD in the $58 range.
Basic steel stocks are due a steep correction I think.
Originally posted by stenzrobHey Lye - while you were shorting steel stocks, I've been daytrading SIM, and watching it's price relative to STLD to guess which way SIM might be moving. I have a sneaky suspicion you could be right about a correction, but I'm not sure which day it will start on. This is why I have not been holding it for more than a day or two at time.BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!