Originally posted by Websman
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Lyehopper's Roundup....
being a guard and going to the prison everyday for a lifetime would be almost the same as doing a life sentence wouldn't you say. in nj lifers have to do 14.5 years of the life sentence, for a 1st time lifer, before being considered for parole. the chances for a lifer getting out sooner than a guard working there for a lifetime is much higher for the hardened criminal.THE SKIRACER'S EDGE: MAKE THE EDGE IN YOUR FAVOR
Originally posted by skiracer View Postbeing a guard and going to the prison everyday for a lifetime would be almost the same as doing a life sentence wouldn't you say. in nj lifers have to do 14.5 years of the life sentence, for a 1st time lifer, before being considered for parole. the chances for a lifer getting out sooner than a guard working there for a lifetime is much higher for the hardened criminal.
You know, running a private prison might be a good business venture in a secure growth industry.LOL!.... I've got a great spot "up the hollow" for a prison. Also got a great place to dump the nasty ones who won't follow the rules. Webs, how much salary would it take to get you and a few of your buddies to move up here and help me run a private "supermax"....BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!
Originally posted by Lyehopper View PostI guess the prisoners don't get to guzzle beer and go fishing on their nice 18ft center console boat on the weekends like Ol' Webs does.
You know, running a private prison might be a good business venture in a secure growth industry.LOL!.... I've got a great spot "up the hollow" for a prison. Also got a great place to dump the nasty ones who won't follow the rules. Webs, how much salary would it take to get you and a few of your buddies to move up here and help me run a private "supermax"....
One of the best ways to make a profit in a private prison is to house federal inmates. The Feds will pay us handsomely for each inmate that we house for them. We may also be able to get a contract to house illegal immigrants who are awaiting deportation. Although we would want to build a maximum security facility, our inmates would most likely be classified as minimum to medium security.
We need to be sure to get an "ACA" Accreditation. This would open the door for the possibility of Federal grants. http://www.aca.org/standards/
Also, we need to install security cameras in all of the lock down units, to ensure that our staff are not abusing the prisoners, which could lead to unneccessary lawsuits.
Plus...We need to think about our food service operations. Would we run it ourselves, or would we consider a contract with a company such as Aramark?
Then we have to consider health care. This could get very expensive, but I would think that the Fed's would cover the majority of this expense.
As far as staff, I recommend that we lure certified Corrections officers away from the Virginia state prison system, by offering competitive salary and benefit packages. Of course we will offer a retirement plan, but we'll make sure that we push any old timers out before they have a chance to collect. Retirement is way too expensive and will cut into the profits. I'd rather not keep any employee any longer than 5 years. Any longer than that and they get too comfortable, so we need to make sure that we don't allow any unions in....we don't want deadbeats working for us.
When do we break ground?
Originally posted by skiracer View Postbeing a guard and going to the prison everyday for a lifetime would be almost the same as doing a life sentence wouldn't you say. in nj lifers have to do 14.5 years of the life sentence, for a 1st time lifer, before being considered for parole. the chances for a lifer getting out sooner than a guard working there for a lifetime is much higher for the hardened criminal.
Originally posted by Websman View PostI'll consider a position as the Warden. I'll need at least $250,000 per year, a company car and a housing allowance.
One of the best ways to make a profit in a private prison is to house federal inmates. The Feds will pay us handsomely for each inmate that we house for them. We may also be able to get a contract to house illegal immigrants who are awaiting deportation. Although we would want to build a maximum security facility, our inmates would most likely be classified as minimum to medium security.
We need to be sure to get an "ACA" Accreditation. This would open the door for the possibility of Federal grants. http://www.aca.org/standards/
Also, we need to install security cameras in all of the lock down units, to ensure that our staff are not abusing the prisoners, which could lead to unneccessary lawsuits.
Plus...We need to think about our food service operations. Would we run it ourselves, or would we consider a contract with a company such as Aramark?
Then we have to consider health care. This could get very expensive, but I would think that the Fed's would cover the majority of this expense.
As far as staff, I recommend that we lure certified Corrections officers away from the Virginia state prison system, by offering competitive salary and benefit packages. Of course we will offer a retirement plan, but we'll make sure that we push any old timers out before they have a chance to collect. Retirement is way too expensive and will cut into the profits. I'd rather not keep any employee any longer than 5 years. Any longer than that and they get too comfortable, so we need to make sure that we don't allow any unions in....we don't want deadbeats working for us.
When do we break ground?
VA has two supermax prisons in the same county.... Red Onion and Wallens Ridge. Those prisons were created to create revenue for the depressed VA county their located in, Wise County. The Commonwealth leases the facilities and has created hundreds of jobs and $millions in payroll, bolstering the economy in Wise County and the surrounding area.... I always thought these were private prisons but from what I've just read, they are not.
BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!
Geez...the posts are from 2007...Seems like I just talked to him the other day"Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"
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Originally posted by Websman View PostWe're getting older Doug..."Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"
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