<< But how could anyone know what will happen to a company's business, based on what they see in a chart?? >>
You can't but frankly, it's not necessary. Dave Landry at TradingMarkets.com used to write about the "Big Blue Arrow." He used a blue marking pen to draw an arrow in the direction of the trend. If it was up, he stayed in a stock; if down, he got out.
Please keep in mind that Landry is primarily a swing trader. A position trader certainly would want to do research on the fundamentals.
You can't but frankly, it's not necessary. Dave Landry at TradingMarkets.com used to write about the "Big Blue Arrow." He used a blue marking pen to draw an arrow in the direction of the trend. If it was up, he stayed in a stock; if down, he got out.
Please keep in mind that Landry is primarily a swing trader. A position trader certainly would want to do research on the fundamentals.