Originally posted by RL
Rule 431?
I consider that to be a compliment. Hey, Ray, since I've got lots of time to kill these days I was watching world dart throwing championships on FSN. The dudes were from England I think and it wasn't dartball but maybe dart cricket. Anyway they were awesome. They could hit maybe a square 1/2 inch area with dart after dart. It looked like heavy drinking may also have been involved judging the crowd reaction.
I just got done reading this whole thread....... was thanking GOD that I only buy and sell at this time and only maybe 3-4 trades a month. Then I get to the end of the thread and had to re-read it before I caught on. I am truely blonde and can prove it but goes to show you how ignorance can hurt you.
I am very confused on why anyone would spend the time?
So... whats happening with MFLX.. I am still holding and have not lost a penny but not hitting the 15% either.