A Few Opinions

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  • OmahaInvestor

    A Few Opinions

    Hey guys let me get a few of your opinions on these 3 stocks. What do you think of, ACGL HELX and UNT? I am looking and all 3 look like they have good growth projections and relatively good fundamentals. I'm not very good with charts so maybe some of you TA guys can give me some info on these. I would appreciate it greatly. Thanks.

  • #2
    I am somewhat familiar with all three (but not intimate), and all three look fundamentally sound as buys, as I looked at them all just recently.

    I had Arch Capital, along with ASI, American Safety on my screen recently, but passed on both, in favor of another one of their peers. It was not that I disliked them, just chose the other stock, which gave me the ability to take a much larger stake, giving me a quicker dollar on smaller moves.

    I was watching Helix, along with NTG (Netgroup) and LSS (Lonestar), and ended up going with Lonestar, although Helix was my very close second choice, and I almost took a position in both.

    I gave Unit a quick look last week while I was researching ARD, and took Arena, mainly on gut, and a little on the fact that I was not comfortable with the sudden dip UNT took in February. I probably didn’t give UNT its’ proper due though.

    I like all three, but they need to fit your model and comfort level.

