Thought I'd post 3 screening results and keep track of them for anyone's who's interested. I have what are 3 basic screens for larger cap, mid-cap and small cap stocks. I ran the larger cap screen back in July of 2005 and to date its up over 48%. I since reran that same screen (tweaked it a little bit) on 3-11-06 and its up 7.66%. I was curious to see how different market caps would perform under similar parameters. The larger cap screen has done pretty well and it has a much longer track record--the mid and small need a lot more time for study and comparison.
The original screen (July '05) contained only 16 stocks, and is up 48.31% so far, not including dividends which average around 1.5%. Those stocks are: ACH, APA, CEO, CNI, COF, FNM, GS, IPS, ITU, LEH, MBI, PTR, RDN, SHG, TS, UBS.
The March 11th (up 7.66% to date) spit out 29 stocks (mostly larger cap): ABK, APA, BBV, BR, CEO, CIG, CNI, COF, DO, DVN, ESV, FCX, FNM, GS, ITU, LEH, MBI, MTG, NE, OXY, PCU, PGS, PTR, RDN, RIG, SHG, UBS, XTO.
The Small Cap screen (ran 3/24/06, up 3.92% so far) spit out ACTS, AACC, BDE, CCBI, HNR, IMH, MBFI, PLAY, PRAA, PCLN, RGF, SIMG, TBSI, TGIC, UPFC, VPHM.
The Midcap screen (ran 3/24/06, up 3.23% to date): LEND, CCRT, DNR, NDE, PGS, PMI, RRC, RDC, TDW, UNT, WTI.
I'll try to update the results on a regular basis and maybe every 3 months or so rerun them. Trying to keep things simple.
The original screen (July '05) contained only 16 stocks, and is up 48.31% so far, not including dividends which average around 1.5%. Those stocks are: ACH, APA, CEO, CNI, COF, FNM, GS, IPS, ITU, LEH, MBI, PTR, RDN, SHG, TS, UBS.
The March 11th (up 7.66% to date) spit out 29 stocks (mostly larger cap): ABK, APA, BBV, BR, CEO, CIG, CNI, COF, DO, DVN, ESV, FCX, FNM, GS, ITU, LEH, MBI, MTG, NE, OXY, PCU, PGS, PTR, RDN, RIG, SHG, UBS, XTO.
The Small Cap screen (ran 3/24/06, up 3.92% so far) spit out ACTS, AACC, BDE, CCBI, HNR, IMH, MBFI, PLAY, PRAA, PCLN, RGF, SIMG, TBSI, TGIC, UPFC, VPHM.
The Midcap screen (ran 3/24/06, up 3.23% to date): LEND, CCRT, DNR, NDE, PGS, PMI, RRC, RDC, TDW, UNT, WTI.
I'll try to update the results on a regular basis and maybe every 3 months or so rerun them. Trying to keep things simple.