Golf Benefit in Princeton May 31..

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  • gerihearne
    Senior Member
    • Jul 2005
    • 227


    Originally posted by mrmarket
    I do offer this website to all for no charge at all. Is it unreasonable to ask for a very very small donation? I hope no one was offended.
    We're happy to have the opportunity to give back!
    You are HUMONGOUS!!!!


    • Lyehopper
      Senior Member
      • Jan 2004
      • 3678

      Originally posted by mrmarket
      This would really make me look good in I have 2 kids on the team.
      When I was a kid we just sold candy bars and cases of oranges.... I always sold more than any other kid because I went to all of my paper route customers as I was collecting for the newspaper.... I'd say.... "since your spending money today anyway "Mrs. Reynolds" why not order some delicious fresh Florida oranges or grapefruit and help the boosters raise money? I'd hand them the picture and order form and hand over a pencil at the same time..... Then I'd step back, smile and stare right in their eyes.... Worked every time!
      BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!


      • mrmarket
        • Sep 2003
        • 5971

        Originally posted by Lyehopper
        When I was a kid we just sold candy bars and cases of oranges.... I always sold more than any other kid because I went to all of my paper route customers as I was collecting for the newspaper.... I'd say.... "since your spending money today anyway "Mrs. Reynolds" why not order some delicious fresh Florida oranges or grapefruit and help the boosters raise money? I'd hand them the picture and order form and hand over a pencil at the same time..... Then I'd step back, smile and stare right in their eyes.... Worked every time! are HUGE. The response so far has been quite good. I'm really pleased with the members of this forum.

        I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

        - $$$MR. MARKET$$$


        • #19
          Check's (almost) in the mail. Almost dropped it in the slot, but forgot to add those two pesky 1c stamps


          • mimo_100
            Senior Member
            • Sep 2003
            • 1784


            I finally had time to read this --- great.


            Originally posted by mrmarket
            Here's the plea I emailed out..(for all of you lurkers who are NOT members of

            Sorry it’s been a while since my last email to you. Every now and then I go through some periods where my portfolio simmers but does not boil. Today, I was hoping to appeal to you in a different way.

            I am a member of the Princeton High School Football boosters. Due to school budget cuts in our town, our team’s athletic department will have to cut $27,000 from its spending next year. Our football team will likely be negatively impacted.

            I am hoping that some of you might be interested in joining my wife and myself in a round of golf that will be held on May 31 as a benefit for the Princeton High School Football Booster club.
            This event is an important money maker for the club and the proceeds go a long way towards helping us keep up with what all of the other football teams in the area are doing.

            I played in the outing last year and it was really fun. We had 40 golfers last year and would like to get 80 this year. If you can't play golf, perhaps a sponsorship would be suitable for your needs.

            Here is the information:

            Many of the teams, from affluent areas, in New Jersey are applying a “Users Tax” for their athletic teams. Our school believes that this deviates from what we believe a public school education should be, but we’re still faced with fundraising to keep us competitive.

            Please see if you can come along, sponsor us, or pass this on to someone who might be interested. As you can probably guess, this email is going out to a bunch of people, so no contribution is too small. You can be HUGE!

            Sorry about the spammy nature of this email, but I run this website because it makes me feel good, so I guess I’m entitled to send out this kind of thing once in a blue moon.

            Now the fun part…if you’ve read this far, and reply back to this email, I’ll email a bonus $$$MR. MARKET$$$ stock pick to you. Good trade?

            Thanks and have a good weekend.

            $$$MR. MARKET$$$
            Tim - Retired Problem Solver


            • mrmarket
              • Sep 2003
              • 5971

              Looks like sunny skies for Wednesday...still room for some more golfers (and donations)!

              Representatives from this forum have already signed up and WILL be in attendance!

              I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

              - $$$MR. MARKET$$$


              • mrmarket
                • Sep 2003
                • 5971

                Just wanted to say we had a wonderful sunny day of golf. I shot a 104 and Sgjerry shot a 106, so I won the championship. I also hit a drive 290 yards to the fringe. Sgjerry has been a long time member of this forum and it was great to meet him and play a round of golf with him.

                They don't come any better than Sgjerry...a very interesting and intelligent man.

                By the way, we raised about $6,000 for the football team. Those of you who contributed will receive my personal thanks in the near future.

                Peace y'all.

                I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

                - $$$MR. MARKET$$$

