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  • IIC
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2003
    • 14938

    [QUOTE=New-born baby]Along with the rest of the Muslim world, his goal is to kill every Jew in the world. It is also the goal of the Muslims to exterminate everyone who is not a Muslim, i.e., that includes Christians, too. World domination is their goal.[QUOTE]

    I am flabbergasted that you would say something like that NBB. If you are talking about the extremist Islamic Groups then I could understand...But you are including "Everyone" who is Muslim.

    I don't believe that for a second...There are 2 Muslim Mosques within walking distance of my house...One seems pretty closed knit and it appears that outsiders are not welcome...particularly women...But the other one opens its doors to everybody...In fact, that's where we have our Neighborhood Watch and Neighborhood Council meetings...And there are a lot of Jewish people that live in my area....There are also Muslims in my neighborhood...Am I to think that they are secretly storing weapons of "Mass Destruction" in their attics?

    There are white and black supremicist groups right here in the USA that are every bit as bad as the Muslim extremist groups...And maybe even worse because they are right here in our own backyard.

    I believe you should re-think your stereotypic view...There is no way I believe all Muslims are bad and out to exterminate Christians and Jews.

    1 outta 30 people in the US are Muslim...What are we supposed to do?...Have a Civil War?

    My take is that there are politicians; e.g. Saddam...That use religion to attempt to complement their political agendas. You can try to separate Church and State...But you can't seperate Religion and Politics...Doug(IIC)
    "Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"

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    • #32
      Originally posted by New-born baby
      I am saying that we had to raise an army to protect ourselves from Japanese aggression in WWII. When the Japanese attacked us at Pearl Harbor we were pitifully weak and very nearly could have been successfully attacked on the mainland USA. Without a capable army, gangsters such as Bin Laden and Hitler (he declared war on us 8 Dec 1941) and others would destroy us. In other words, I think we need an army. Are you trying to say we don't need one?

      When you “yank on a leash,” then one might indeed anticipate certain reactions.


      • #33
        [QUOTE=IIC][QUOTE=New-born baby]Along with the rest of the Muslim world, his goal is to kill every Jew in the world. It is also the goal of the Muslims to exterminate everyone who is not a Muslim, i.e., that includes Christians, too. World domination is their goal.

        I am flabbergasted that you would say something like that NBB. If you are talking about the extremist Islamic Groups then I could understand...But you are including "Everyone" who is Muslim.

        I don't believe that for a second...There are 2 Muslim Mosques within walking distance of my house...One seems pretty closed knit and it appears that outsiders are not welcome...particularly women...But the other one opens its doors to everybody...In fact, that's where we have our Neighborhood Watch and Neighborhood Council meetings...And there are a lot of Jewish people that live in my area....There are also Muslims in my neighborhood...Am I to think that they are secretly storing weapons of "Mass Destruction" in their attics?

        There are white and black supremicist groups right here in the USA that are every bit as bad as the Muslim extremist groups...And maybe even worse because they are right here in our own backyard.

        I believe you should re-think your stereotypic view...There is no way I believe all Muslims are bad and out to exterminate Christians and Jews.

        Kinda odd I missed that, but I have met a great number of Muslims and they have always gone out of their to be friendly to me and most everyone else.
        They get the benefit of doubt, just like everyone else. Well atleast from me.

        Of course my small sample relative to the group as whole is not the soundest logic if I wanted to argue that from the sample that is true of the whole, but I am not.
        Last edited by Guest; 05-08-2006, 10:45 PM.


        • #34
          If They offend I’ll remove

          Taliban/al-qaida armored vehicle getting lite up by 2 Navy F-14’s using GBU-16 laser guided bombs
          I bet cnn did not show this on tV
          [Photos not for this forum
          Last edited by Guest; 05-08-2006, 10:52 PM.


          • #35
            dead is dead, eh?

            The RAF got a better bang for the buck than 10 Taliban for 2 laser-guided bombs. How costly per bomb?


            • #36
              Sorry for the post and after posting the photos I thought it was not appropriate for a stock-trading forum.


              • mrmarket
                • Sep 2003
                • 5971

                When I meet someone, the first thing I ask them is their name. What the name sounds like or its origin don't mean anything to me. The reason I ask their name is that if I like the person, I want to remember their name.

                Everyone is born with a name. It's up to them whether or not people will eventually choose to honor it, ignore it or despise it.

                I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

                - $$$MR. MARKET$$$


                • daskro
                  • Sep 2005
                  • 38

                  Originally posted by ParkTwain
                  dead is dead, eh?

                  The RAF got a better bang for the buck than 10 Taliban for 2 laser-guided bombs. How costly per bomb?
                  Oh yes, drawing a parallel between total war and RMI do prove a point indeed!
                  "If you think privatization is corrupt, try without it." _ Anonymous official in response to the Ukrainian parliament's decision to halt the privatization program on the grounds of possible corrupt methods in 1994.


                  • #39
                    Yeah, I changed the subject. After looking at the smart-bomb explosion photos, I was thinking about the economics of America's high-tech weaponry and how it will drive any enemies toward asymmetric tactics (for example, IEDs in Iraq, hijacked domestic airliners). In the meantime, we've grown a domestic fiscal deficit to a level beyond practical comprehension. Ever thought about what economics had to do with the Allied victory in WW2?
                    Last edited by Guest; 05-09-2006, 12:19 AM.


                    • Lyehopper
                      Senior Member
                      • Jan 2004
                      • 3678

                      Originally posted by ParkTwain
                      Yeah, I changed the subject. After looking at the smart-bomb explosion photos, I was thinking about the economics of America's high-tech weaponry and how it will drive any enemies toward asymmetric tactics (for example, IEDs in Iraq, hijacked domestic airliners). In the meantime, we're growing a domestic fiscal deficit to a level beyond practical comprehension.
                      So Park, are you saying that it's the fault of the high-tech weaponery mfg'rs that 9-11 happened?.... So the thugs who murdered civilians on 9-11 with "hijacked domestic airliners" were "driven" to do this?.... and if there were NO high-tech weapons then maybe this would have never happened?.... Awe! Those poor terriorists, it just ain't fair.... What's a terrorist to do these days? Maybe they can lobby the UN to outlaw smart-bombs and the world would be a safer place!
                      BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!


                      • #41
                        no, no, please, I'm not talking about blame for anything. The US military top brass is well aware, and has been for decades, of asymmetric battle tactics. I am only verbalizing a brief thought about the economics of U.S. militarization, including a shift toward high-tech (lethality at a distance, etc.), high-cost weaponry.


                        • Lyehopper
                          Senior Member
                          • Jan 2004
                          • 3678

                          Originally posted by ParkTwain
                          no, no, please, I'm not talking about blame for anything. The US military top brass is well aware, and has been for decades, of asymmetric battle tactics.
                          So it's the "US military top brass" who are at fault for 9-11 'cause they already knew about those sneaky bastard's battle tactics!... ahHAAAAA!.... I knew it was their fault!.... PLUS they're the ones who commissioned the smart-bombs be built in the first place!.... thus "DRIVING" the terrorists to kill thousands of civilians on 9-11.... I think I'm seeing the picture now, it's the US government's fault that terrorism now is a worldwide threat! And the Allied victories in WWII are proof because they blew up too much stuff back then and pissed off alot of future terrorists and "drove" them to learn "asymmetric battle tactics."... I think I'm understanding!
                          BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!


                          • #43
                            Cuba, Key West, China, and offshore oil drilling. AMAZING story!

                            By SUSAN TAYLOR MARTIN, [St. Petersburg, FL] Times Senior Correspondent
                            Published May 8, 2006

                            Few Americans paid much attention last year when Cuban President Fidel Castro announced China would help explore potentially large oil reserves off Cuba's northwest coast - not far from the Florida Keys.

                            But now - with gas prices climbing above $3 a gallon - the prospect of China drilling near the United States has become a hot political issue as two of the world's largest economies vie for new sources of energy.

                            Some members of Congress warn that China and other countries could lock up oil supplies at a time when U.S. companies are barred from doing business with Cuba because of a 43-year-old trade embargo.

                            "We sit here watching China exploit a valuable energy resource within eyesight of the U.S. coast,'' said. Sen. Larry Craig, an Idaho Republican.

                            "I think the American public would be shocked - as this country is trying to reduce dependence on Middle East oil - that countries like China are realizing this energy resource.''

                            But Sen. Bill Nelson of Florida, worried that a Cuban oil spill could hurt the state's environment and $50-billion tourism industry, wants to block drilling in Cuba's northern waters.

                            "Any oil spill 45 miles from Key West is going to absolutely devastate all those delicate coral reefs, the fragile Florida Keys, and would endanger pristine beaches all the way up to Fort Pierce,'' said Nelson, a Democrat.

                            Cuba pumps about 80,000 barrels of oil a day in Havana and Matanzas provinces, but it is of poor quality and meets less than half of the country's needs.

                            Thus there has been considerable excitement about fields off the northwest Cuban coast that could contain 4.5-billion to 9-billion barrels of oil - almost as much as in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska.

                            In February 2005, Castro announced that huge Chinese drilling rigs would be used to further explore areas in which a Spanish company had reported promising results. The Cuban government also signed a contract with China's oil and gas company, Sinopec, to work in areas around the island thought to contain oil deposits.

                            "There's been very little drilling offshore and there's uncertainty over how much oil there is,'' said Chris Schenk of the U.S. Geological Survey. "There's less than in the Gulf of Mexico, but from a Cuban perspective, it would be a lot.''

                            The offshore fields are also reported to have a higher quality oil than found onshore, making it easier to produce, Schenk said.

                            While oil has yet to be found in commercially viable quantities, Craig of Idaho told his Senate colleagues April 26 that the United States is jeopardizing its energy security by not letting U.S. oil companies explore potential sources in Cuba.

                            China, already the world's second-largest energy consumer, ''is using this area off our coast as a strategic commodities reserve,'' Craig said. The result could be "forever closing the door on those resources to the U.S. industry and drastically impacting our foreign policy in the region.''

                            Nelson fired back two days later with a bill that would bar the Bush administration from renewing a 1977 agreement with Cuba unless it agrees not to drill near the Florida Keys.

                            Under the agreement, which lets the two countries share control of the 90 miles of sea between the Keys and the island nation, Cuba claims the water 45 miles off its coast. That means it could drill within 20 miles of a U.S. marine sanctuary near the Keys.

                            To discourage foreign companies from drilling anywhere off Cuba's northern coast, Nelson's bill would keep company executives from entering the United States by authorizing the State Department to deny or revoke visas. ...
                            Last edited by Guest; 05-09-2006, 01:05 AM.


                            • #44
                              Lye, do you read a lot of Tom Clancy stuff? He wrote The Hunt for Red October and other books made into movies, like Air Force One.
                              Last edited by Guest; 05-09-2006, 01:03 AM.


                              • Lyehopper
                                Senior Member
                                • Jan 2004
                                • 3678

                                Originally posted by ParkTwain
                                Lye, do you read a lot of Tom Clancy stuff?
                                Never heard of him....
                                BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!

