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  • mooddude
    No Posting allowed; invalid email
    • Dec 2004
    • 187

    CUP and ESCL

    It's been interesting to watch both stocks fluctuate recently. These two stocks are of absolutely different quality... different news, different graphs but they both could earn you a lot. Has anybody followed CUP or ESCL and if yes, would you care to comment?
  • peanuts
    Senior Member
    • Feb 2006
    • 3365

    Originally posted by mooddude
    It's been interesting to watch both stocks fluctuate recently. These two stocks are of absolutely different quality... different news, different graphs but they both could earn you a lot. Has anybody followed CUP or ESCL and if yes, would you care to comment?
    I have owned CUP on and off since 1.55. All my trades are documented on Yahoo if you feel like trying to prove me wrong in this next statement: I have more than tripled my money with CUP! You are right, this can make you HUGE money, but be careful with it. Just when you think it is going up, it goes down, and just when you think it will drop, it skyrockets. Currently, I am out since May 5.

    I do not know anything about ESCL
    Hide not your talents.
    They for use were made.
    What's a sundial in the shade?

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    • mooddude
      No Posting allowed; invalid email
      • Dec 2004
      • 187

      What's the link to your yahoo log?


      • peanuts
        Senior Member
        • Feb 2006
        • 3365

        Originally posted by mooddude
        What's the link to your yahoo log?
        it is on the yahoo message board for CUP. Look at the very first page of posts, you will see my name... I have the 4th post on the board. Prior to the creation of the message board, I posted on PCU message board about CUP and got some flack about it. You have to search through all the posts to find mine, but they are all there. Well, now that I think about it, I did not post my trade on the 5th. I forgot about that. I did tell IIC, though. I am not an active participant on that board. Most Yahoo! message boards are a joke, and only serve the purpose of proving stupidity to other people. But, I have found some great information on some of the boards.... FRGB to name just one.
        Hide not your talents.
        They for use were made.
        What's a sundial in the shade?

        - Benjamin Franklin


        • skiracer
          Senior Member
          • Dec 2004
          • 6314

          Originally posted by peanuts
          it is on the yahoo message board for CUP. Look at the very first page of posts, you will see my name... I have the 4th post on the board. Prior to the creation of the message board, I posted on PCU message board about CUP and got some flack about it. You have to search through all the posts to find mine, but they are all there. Well, now that I think about it, I did not post my trade on the 5th. I forgot about that. I did tell IIC, though. I am not an active participant on that board. Most Yahoo! message boards are a joke, and only serve the purpose of proving stupidity to other people. But, I have found some great information on some of the boards.... FRGB to name just one.
          It always amazes me that people will go to many of these other boards and then come here an in one fell swoop use them for verification of something they stated an at the same time badmouth them to such a degree that one would wonder if what they are saying is the truth about that place then why do they even bother going there except for the fact that birds of a feather love to flock together. You should stand back and read your last post from someone elses perspective. Flipping and flopping like a fish out of water.


          • peanuts
            Senior Member
            • Feb 2006
            • 3365

            Originally posted by skiracer
            It always amazes me that people will go to many of these other boards and then come here an in one fell swoop use them for verification of something they stated an at the same time badmouth them to such a degree that one would wonder if what they are saying is the truth about that place then why do they even bother going there except for the fact that birds of a feather love to flock together. You should stand back and read your last post from someone elses perspective. Flipping and flopping like a fish out of water.
            There is no hard line to take on Yahoo! message boards. I stated that. Your speed reading skills need honing. Maybe YOU should re-read my post. In case you miss it again, in essence, I stated that most yahoo boards suck, but some are good. Would it be just as flip-floppy to say, "most beers are good, but some taste like cold piss." or "liars sometimes tell the truth" Is that flip-flopping? The points are that even if you like beer, some of them you won't like; and even a liar can share some knowledge at times. The point I made about Yahoo! boards was that the majority of them are the proving grounds for idiots and others are the proving grounds for good investors. It just depends when you get there and who you ignore.
            Hide not your talents.
            They for use were made.
            What's a sundial in the shade?

            - Benjamin Franklin


            • skiracer
              Senior Member
              • Dec 2004
              • 6314

              Originally posted by peanuts
              There is no hard line to take on Yahoo! message boards. I stated that. Your speed reading skills need honing. Maybe YOU should re-read my post. In case you miss it again, in essence, I stated that most yahoo boards suck, but some are good. Would it be just as flip-floppy to say, "most beers are good, but some taste like cold piss." or "liars sometimes tell the truth" Is that flip-flopping? The points are that even if you like beer, some of them you won't like; and even a liar can share some knowledge at times. The point I made about Yahoo! boards was that the majority of them are the proving grounds for idiots and others are the proving grounds for good investors. It just depends when you get there and who you ignore.
              Good response Peanuts. Too much noise at the Yahoo boards for me. Passed that milepost along time ago.

