Grebnet's Two Cents

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  • grebnet
    • Oct 2003
    • 389

    Grebnet's Two Cents

    Alright Ill try starting a thread. My first post will be last nights post on Skiracers thread :

    HOM If you got in early this am , you made a good quick chunk. I was toying with the idea of adding more but decided not to get carried away in case earnings didnt beat.

    Now just need AOB, TIII EZEN,IGII,IDWD,NMKT and RGMI too continue on.

    YHGG,CAMH,NCNC and KSW ...need to get going, Im patient

    have scored with CHID and GV ....waiting for the time to buy back my partial sales.

    Sold all of my HQSM today at .34 ( avg cost .26 ) . had higher hopes but wasnt thrilled with todays report . will consider reentry if gets below .23

    thats enough insight into my high risk portfolio

    Be forewarned that many of what I buy are not worth buying small lots as comissions will eat up good chunks of profits. I buy anywhere from 10,000 - 50,000+ shares of some of these small guys. I am not a daytrader but rather a frequent trader. I dont use stops as these are often manipulated enough that stops will be taken out and youre left with a good idea that lost money. If I like a pick and it drops after my purchase, I do the ghastly (is that a word ?)thing of adding to my position. If I see other posts on MM that I like ,and buy , I will post them here also. Not to steal their idea just to show what Im buying.

    Alright lets see if this lasts......The goal is to get to the point that work is purely optional.
  • Websman
    Senior Member
    • Apr 2004
    • 5545

    Thanks for starting a thread! I'll be reading every post.


    • gerihearne
      Senior Member
      • Jul 2005
      • 227

      another thanks

      thanks for sharing your picks



      • billyjoe
        Senior Member
        • Nov 2003
        • 9014

        I've been waiting over 2 years for this thread . Halleluljah ! What did you think of HOM's price movement yesterday? It seemed as though people were selling either out of fear of the earnings report or to just take profits before they evaporated. Some early earnings reports weren't met with much reaction then it exploded in extended trading.
        Please share with us again some of the factors you consider most important in looking for future winners. Thanks.



        • grebnet
          • Oct 2003
          • 389

          What i do.

          I posted this in Jan on another thread. so just cut and pasted. ::

          I do all of my trading thru Schwab and keep track of stocks on Yahoo where I enter date /price and source of info . I rarely hold stocks for a year. I regularly take profits . If I still like a stock as it is pulling back, I add to it ( I know there are those who say you shouldnt.).

          I regularly read quarterly financial statements for discussion of prior and future quarter projections. I eliminate any stock that has guided lower , and stocks that do not have qtr over qtr ( same qtr year to year not consecutive qtrs.) growth . I also want low debt and not growing debt. The majority of my stocks have positive earnings and reasonable p/e to growth...

          I agree that <$10 stocks are subject to swings and therefore I dont use stops. My trading system is not very sophisticated... I rely on my "gut" feeling and screening criteria that I like.

          I have done very well for 2 years now , but will not consider that I know what Im doing until it works for 5 straight years.


          • grebnet
            • Oct 2003
            • 389


            Sold 20 % of my HOM holdings at $12.10. The remaining 80 % are pure profit + a little. ie if go to 0 I still made a little. so gonna let it ride.


            • grebnet
              • Oct 2003
              • 389


              just bought TGB at $2.88 , had sold for a nice profit last week at $ 3.38 (then watched it go to $4.16) see if I can get another ride.


              • peanuts
                Senior Member
                • Feb 2006
                • 3365

                micro caps, with high value

                Originally posted by grebnet
                Alright Ill try starting a thread. My first post will be last nights post on Skiracers thread :

                HOM If you got in early this am , you made a good quick chunk. I was toying with the idea of adding more but decided not to get carried away in case earnings didnt beat.

                Now just need AOB, TIII EZEN,IGII,IDWD,NMKT and RGMI too continue on.

                YHGG,CAMH,NCNC and KSW ...need to get going, Im patient

                have scored with CHID and GV ....waiting for the time to buy back my partial sales.

                Sold all of my HQSM today at .34 ( avg cost .26 ) . had higher hopes but wasnt thrilled with todays report . will consider reentry if gets below .23

                thats enough insight into my high risk portfolio

                Be forewarned that many of what I buy are not worth buying small lots as comissions will eat up good chunks of profits. I buy anywhere from 10,000 - 50,000+ shares of some of these small guys. I am not a daytrader but rather a frequent trader. I dont use stops as these are often manipulated enough that stops will be taken out and youre left with a good idea that lost money. If I like a pick and it drops after my purchase, I do the ghastly (is that a word ?)thing of adding to my position. If I see other posts on MM that I like ,and buy , I will post them here also. Not to steal their idea just to show what Im buying.

                Alright lets see if this lasts......The goal is to get to the point that work is purely optional.

                I see that you too like micro caps with earnings growth, low float, and are not scared of OTCBB. You may like to look at PDGE.ob, MVCO, and MHL

                I too will be watching your posts
                Hide not your talents.
                They for use were made.
                What's a sundial in the shade?

                - Benjamin Franklin


                • grebnet
                  • Oct 2003
                  • 389

                  PDGE.ob, MVCO, and MHL

                  Thanks Peanuts : Im always open to suggestions.

                  PDGE : i have looked into before,I didnt buy but dont recall why....will have to see if I can find notes on it. quick look though Debt/Equity is .471 and I usually like below 0.3 unless the industry norm is higher ie the way financing is set up.

                  MVCO : havent looked into but again D/E is .804 so need to see why so high
                  revenue growth seems to run about 10 % last couple of years , a little low for my norm. Earnings growth is better but need to see why 3rd qtr last year was so high ( may have been artificial due to a sale of something ) . my initial impression is Not interested.

                  MHL :without looking at anything else, just their line of buisness right now scares me away.....want to see what happens with interest rates and this "Housing Bubble" ,,certainly potential to have a slow down


                  • grebnet
                    • Oct 2003
                    • 389


                    Bought back GV at $1.79 ( the shares I sold at $2.60 on 5/4 ). Still holding part of original position from 2/17 at $1.05


                    • billyjoe
                      Senior Member
                      • Nov 2003
                      • 9014

                      If you look at AOB chart for the past 6 months , it's about back to where it started. Some people would say that's a nice cup others might say it's time to pull the plug. Do you see the near future as a crucial time with AOB? I'm saying the next 30 days. Are you ever concerned about the financial numbers it being a foreign based stock?



                      • spikefader
                        Senior Member
                        • Apr 2004
                        • 7175

                        Excellent! And thanks Grebnet! Looking forward to reading this thread.

                        For new folks who don't know it already Grebnet discovers some absolute gems!


                        • grebnet
                          • Oct 2003
                          • 389


                          My first purchase of AOB was at $1.97 on 7/21/05. I have traded a coulple of tines and am sitting on a decent chunk of profit.
                          Im not much of a technical analyst so will defer that to ( and welcome opinions )better techies.

                          I actually am encouraged by the way it is acting and am holding tight. ( although with these chinese stocks , that can change quickly )


                          • Lyehopper
                            Senior Member
                            • Jan 2004
                            • 3678

                            Wtg Greb!!!!

                            Dude!!!! this is great!.... I've always liked your posts.... I'll be one of your avid readers here.... You are HUUUUGE!!!!
                            BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!


                            • grebnet
                              • Oct 2003
                              • 389


                              nice guidance by RGMI here.
                              At Yahoo Finance, you get free stock quotes, up-to-date news, portfolio management resources, international market data, social interaction and mortgage rates that help you manage your financial life.

