I was wondering if any of you chartist can tell me what this candlestick means. I bought this a few yrs back and just let it sit there for a while. It is to date 113% up and held up today. I just cant find a pic of this candle stick. Can any one give me an interpertation?
Originally posted by sisterwin2I was wondering if any of you chartist can tell me what this candlestick means. I bought this a few yrs back and just let it sit there for a while. It is to date 113% up and held up today. I just cant find a pic of this candle stick. Can any one give me an interpertation?
What it means is that JSDA is going to pause on its move higher. That pause may be somewhere between 3 and 12 days, but it is going most likely going to pull back for awhile.