Going into this week are you looking for longs, shorts, or staying in cash and why?
Week of May 22/06 Long/Short/Cash
Originally posted by RunnerGoing into this week are you looking for longs, shorts, or staying in cash and why?
The new tools coming out are going to be a hit I am sure. Watching men with thier tools... they have to have the biggest and most powerful.
A friend works at bdk at in the Forecasting department... they have revamped the whole department for a much better preformance. (now she works 14 hr days), I could not beleive the ran out of Generators last yrs. Especially with the hurricanes being forcasted so strongly..... this yr they are well prepared and with bigger more powerfull tools, Generators ready to be rolled out.
I am also going to take a look at some pharms.... with Part D kicking in hard I just dont know which way to go. (plus coward on options still) Being in the Medical field I see such an upset with medication. Anytime the gov. get involved with anything it does seem there is money to be made. Long term care facilities I am also taking a good look at...... us baby boomers are gonna need a place to recover and alot of us chose not to have children.
summary...... BDK looks good to me.... I sit in cash till I get comfortable with the rest.
Having conducted a sector analysis the market is very oversold and thus do not favor opening any new shorts. On the other hand a lot of technical damage has been put in the sectors. I’d stay away from Gold, Metals, and Energy right now. I think we very well might get the bounce and that this bounce will get slammed back down. I favor cash positions this week until further developments occur. If one does play the bounce I’d be quick to lock in profits by using a stop plan. I’ll be stalking for shorts..
I think Retail will offer some nice shorts as the Retail index is setting up and in P/B mode right now. Drug stores also look like a good short with LDG RAD . The group looks like it has put in a major top
Best Trading….Last edited by Guest; 05-21-2006, 09:39 AM.
Originally posted by Runner1,779 members and 4 votes.
What a joke!! hhhhhaaaaaaahhhhhhh
Voted Long...I don't care what the market does...Something's always going up...Watch Medical...IIC"Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"
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Looking at longs but probably won't buy. Staying away from volatility such as energy , metals. Trying to find sleepers steadily climbing groups anything that isn't strongly effected by comments of world leaders , economists, etc. Maybe boring stocks that are quietly making money.
Sister2Win and BillyJoe hey nothing wrong in staying in cash until you get the conditions your looking for. In fact being in cash is not a bad strategy during choppy times. Some people are addicted to trading and need to be in the action everyday until they blow up their account. Of coarse mainly speaking of those who are undisciplined to bail when they are wrong. Most people on forums hate to be wrong and if you looked over my thread you will see several plays that turned into sour fermented grapes. Hey who cares right.
IIC- what area in Medical are you looking at for a bounce? I guess day traders could care less about the markets direction and yes something is moving up every day. I think during a melt down holding overnight can cost big. NBIX is a great example or that.
Well thus far it appears that the majority of MM’s members are going to play a possible bounce this week (based from those who participated). The purpose of this poll is simply to get a peak into the psychology of the members on where they stand this week going forward. We will see how this pans out at the end of the week…
Best Trading!!
Originally posted by RunnerSister2Win and BillyJoe hey nothing wrong in staying in cash until you get the conditions your looking for. In fact being in cash is not a bad strategy during choppy times. Some people are addicted to trading and need to be in the action everyday until they blow up their account. Of coarse mainly speaking of those who are undisciplined to bail when they are wrong. Most people on forums hate to be wrong and if you looked over my thread you will see several plays that turned into sour fermented grapes. Hey who cares right.
IIC- what area in Medical are you looking at for a bounce? I guess day traders could care less about the markets direction and yes something is moving up every day. I think during a melt down holding overnight can cost big. NBIX is a great example or that.
Hospitals......IIC"Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"
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