The Next Big Thing

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  • billyjoe
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2003
    • 9014

    The Next Big Thing

    I think it was Peter Lynch who said in one of his books to use your children as a source for up and coming companies. My kids are now 18, 20 ,and 22 and have been computing since they were very young . Actually they taught me what little I know about getting online.
    Looking back, here are some of the companies I first heard about as a result of the kids : from sons-- EBAY , PIXR , GOOG from daughter-- AEOS , ANF. Unfortunately the only one I bought although sold too early was GOOG.
    Now for the Next Big Thing. It is , purchased by Rupert Murdoch's NWS last year for a reported 518 million. GOOG and MSFT want a piece of it now. Virtually every teenager in this country is wild over it. They head to the terminal to update their profiles as soon as school is out. At under $20 NWS and Murdoch are going to make billions out of

  • Websman
    Senior Member
    • Apr 2004
    • 5545

    Originally posted by billyjoe
    I think it was Peter Lynch who said in one of his books to use your children as a source for up and coming companies. My kids are now 18, 20 ,and 22 and have been computing since they were very young . Actually they taught me what little I know about getting online.
    Looking back, here are some of the companies I first heard about as a result of the kids : from sons-- EBAY , PIXR , GOOG from daughter-- AEOS , ANF. Unfortunately the only one I bought although sold too early was GOOG.
    Now for the Next Big Thing. It is , purchased by Rupert Murdoch's NWS last year for a reported 518 million. GOOG and MSFT want a piece of it now. Virtually every teenager in this country is wild over it. They head to the terminal to update their profiles as soon as school is out. At under $20 NWS and Murdoch are going to make billions out of

    I think you're right on Billyjoe! I'll have to look the ticker symbol up and do some more research.


    • #3
      Originally posted by billyjoe
      I think it was Peter Lynch who said in one of his books to use your children as a source for up and coming companies. My kids are now 18, 20 ,and 22 and have been computing since they were very young . Actually they taught me what little I know about getting online.
      Looking back, here are some of the companies I first heard about as a result of the kids : from sons-- EBAY , PIXR , GOOG from daughter-- AEOS , ANF. Unfortunately the only one I bought although sold too early was GOOG.
      Now for the Next Big Thing. It is , purchased by Rupert Murdoch's NWS last year for a reported 518 million. GOOG and MSFT want a piece of it now. Virtually every teenager in this country is wild over it. They head to the terminal to update their profiles as soon as school is out. At under $20 NWS and Murdoch are going to make billions out of

      Myspace seems to be popular with teens extending all the way to the post-college years.
      Actually, not a bad idea!


      • Websman
        Senior Member
        • Apr 2004
        • 5545

        Originally posted by Websman
        I think you're right on Billyjoe! I'll have to look the ticker symbol up and do some more research.
        Myspace is owned by NWS???


        • Websman
          Senior Member
          • Apr 2004
          • 5545

          Here's my take, so far...

          NWS is bullish long term, but I'll wait for a pullback before entering. I still need to check the fundamentals and run all of the data through the VTP.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Websman
            Myspace is owned by NWS???
            This is what I found:


            • lemonjello
              Senior Member
              • Mar 2005
              • 447


              This was just on CNBC BTW. You guys are so cutting edge.

              Originally posted by Websman
              Myspace is owned by NWS???
              Donate: Salvation Army
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              Read: Fred on Everything


              • Websman
                Senior Member
                • Apr 2004
                • 5545

                Originally posted by lemonjello

                This was just on CNBC BTW. You guys are so cutting edge.
                Not good news.... CNBC must be spying on us.


                • peanuts
                  Senior Member
                  • Feb 2006
                  • 3365

                  Originally posted by diogenes
                  Myspace seems to be popular with teens extending all the way to the post-college years.
                  Actually, not a bad idea!
                  All you "senior members" should realize this is huge! I even have a "myspace" space. I won't share the address until it is done.

                  Not 100% sure how they will generate money, and how the "teens" will like any kind of new advertising and looks to the sites. Right now, there is a lot of work that needs to be done before it runs smoothly. Slow response and transfer time, and I did a big write-up once that was lost... so it's not perfect, yet. There are some legal issues to iron out as well... child predator protectionism needs to be established... it's iffy

                  Great thinking, though. Cutting edge stuff is the best... even better when it's profitable. I like west coast wineries... willamette valley WVVY Global supply will put these into overdrive over the next 10 years... I have some shares in my long-term portfolio. Also VOIP stuff should do well as communications shift more to our computers. I like TIII for the long term
                  Hide not your talents.
                  They for use were made.
                  What's a sundial in the shade?

                  - Benjamin Franklin


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by peanuts
                    Great thinking, though. Cutting edge stuff is the best... even better when it's profitable. I like west coast wineries... willamette valley WVVY Global supply will put these into overdrive over the next 10 years... I have some shares in my long-term portfolio. Also VOIP stuff should do well as communications shift more to our computers. I like TIII for the long term
                    I agree with the VOIP. I have been using skype lately and have been impressed.

                    Funny you mention TIII, as I was watching it sometime ago a'la poorman.


                    • skiracer
                      Senior Member
                      • Dec 2004
                      • 6314

                      Originally posted by peanuts
                      All you "senior members" should realize this is huge! I even have a "myspace" space. I won't share the address until it is done.

                      Not 100% sure how they will generate money, and how the "teens" will like any kind of new advertising and looks to the sites. Right now, there is a lot of work that needs to be done before it runs smoothly. Slow response and transfer time, and I did a big write-up once that was lost... so it's not perfect, yet. There are some legal issues to iron out as well... child predator protectionism needs to be established... it's iffy

                      Great thinking, though. Cutting edge stuff is the best... even better when it's profitable. I like west coast wineries... willamette valley WVVY Global supply will put these into overdrive over the next 10 years... I have some shares in my long-term portfolio. Also VOIP stuff should do well as communications shift more to our computers. I like TIII for the long term
                      It a coincidence that you mention west coast wineries. Four friends and myself have been buying case lots of California Cabernets and sometimes other reds or whites as futures before they are released and then taking possession of the product. We store it and then drink it or trade it off with other collectors. You're actually much better off buying the actual product in the bottle and holding on to it for a few years to either trade off or drink or anything else. Once that year is over and done with that's it and the wine in the bottle is the most valuable.


                      • tokyojoeskid
                        No Posting allowed; invalid email
                        • Oct 2003
                        • 222


                        Myspace is huge, its incredible how many people my age are using it and people of all ages. Another big one is It lets college students find friends from the past strictly through the universities and highschools. I don't know if anyone particular company that is public owns it but it is valued at over 1 billion dollars. Both these companies will be huge because they appeal to the generation of kids from 16-30 Y?(don't know our label).

                        gotta run


                        • mrmarket
                          • Sep 2003
                          • 5971

                          agree on both...myspace and facebook.

                          myspace is addictive...I have one. Can anyone find it?

                          The problem with myspace is that it isn't a pure play. It is owned by NWS which dwarfs it so it is difficult to benefit from the myspace upside by investing in NWS.

                          I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

                          - $$$MR. MARKET$$$


                          • Websman
                            Senior Member
                            • Apr 2004
                            • 5545

                            Originally posted by mrmarket
                            agree on both...myspace and facebook.

                            myspace is addictive...I have one. Can anyone find it?

                            The problem with myspace is that it isn't a pure play. It is owned by NWS which dwarfs it so it is difficult to benefit from the myspace upside by investing in NWS.
                            You make a valid point Huge One. How much of an effect will Myspace have on the actual NWS stock price?


                            • peanuts
                              Senior Member
                              • Feb 2006
                              • 3365

                              Originally posted by skiracer
                              Four friends and myself have been buying case lots of California Cabernets and sometimes other reds or whites as futures before they are released and then taking possession of the product. We store it and then drink it or trade it off with other collectors. You're actually much better off buying the actual product in the bottle and holding on to it for a few years to either trade off or drink or anything else. Once that year is over and done with that's it and the wine in the bottle is the most valuable.
                              I like this idea. Where do you buy from? PA alcohol laws suck, but they are getting more lenient. I think (but not 100% sure) that I can legally import wine from dealers. I think...
                              Hide not your talents.
                              They for use were made.
                              What's a sundial in the shade?

                              - Benjamin Franklin

