Should Homer Be Banned???

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  • IIC
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2003
    • 14938

    Should Homer Be Banned???

    Now I don't want to influence anyone's opinion or vote...So I'll refrain from voting for a day or two.

    The poll will be anonymous...So you don't have to worry about anyone knowing your opinion.

    There are only two choices:

    1) YES...He is an arrogant as*hole who probably read a couple of books and likes to imagine that he has some Big Shot friends. He thinks he is better than all 1800+ members here who he refers to as "Suckers"...But he is probably just suffering from a prolonged case of dementia...BAN HIM!!!

    2) NO...He is smarter than everyone else here. We should all listen to him...We should kneel before him...kiss his hand and forever thank him for saving us from those savage hedge fund managers who are intent on taking all our money because we are too stupid to know any better...AWARD HIM THE MEMBER OF THE YEAR AWARD...He is our Saviour!!!

    The poll is expired.

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  • Lyehopper
    Senior Member
    • Jan 2004
    • 3678

    I'm a free speech advocate....

    I voted no... Not for the reasons you posted Doug, but just because he's done nothing really all that wrong here. There's no crime in being crazy, if there were I'd have been banned a long time ago.

    If you pull a big fat blood sucking tick off your coon dog and lay it upside-down on a flat rock in the 104 degree sunshine it'll be dead before nightfall.... Ski's right.... If he bothers you, simply pluck him off the dog and throw him on a hot flat rock! LOL!.... In other words.... just ignore the freakin' SOB!!!!

    BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!


    • skiracer
      Senior Member
      • Dec 2004
      • 6314

      Originally posted by Lyehopper
      I voted no... Not for the reasons you posted Doug, but just because he's done nothing really all that wrong here. There's no crime in being crazy, if there were I'd have been banned a long time ago.

      If you pull a big fat blood sucking tick off your coon dog and lay it upside-down on a flat rock in the 104 degree sunshine it'll be dead before nightfall.... Ski's right.... If he bothers you, simply pluck him off the dog and throw him on a hot flat rock! LOL!.... In other words.... just ignore the freakin' SOB!!!!

      When I find a really big one like you're talking about I like to lay him on the rock and then flatten them out with another big rock and watch that blood squish all over the place. Do you think we could get away doing that with Homer?


      • billyjoe
        Senior Member
        • Nov 2003
        • 9014

        Have corrected post #93 , Homersays thread.


        • #5
          Originally Posted by Lyehopper
          That's another dude Homer.... His handle was Robbb24, He never responded much to anything.... We ran his ass off long ago, you'll be next I'm sure.


          • Lyehopper
            Senior Member
            • Jan 2004
            • 3678

            tick,tick,tick,tick..... BOOOOOM!!!!

            Originally posted by skiracer
            When I find a really big one like you're talking about I like to lay him on the rock and then flatten them out with another big rock and watch that blood squish all over the place. Do you think we could get away doing that with Homer?
            When I was a kid I had an English Setter named "Gypsy" who constantly stayed in the woods and the weeds sniffing out anything she could find. I called her "Gyp".... She was a very fine bird dog and I was in my twenty's before she died.... ANYWAY .... I would pull ticks off her in the summertime (that was before they invented that top spot stuff which btw is GREAT).... I'd put the ticks in a jar that was about 25% filled with gasoline and close the lid. By the end of summer I'd have a quart jar nearly completely full of fat pickled ticks. Sometime later in the fall I'd take those gas soaked ticks and pour them in a big pile on a rock across the road from our house and set them ablaze. You could hear the big fat ones explode as they burned. It was alot of fun. SsSsSsSssss!
            BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!


            • Websman
              Senior Member
              • Apr 2004
              • 5545

              Homer reminds me of one of my Uncles...


              • #8
                Originally posted by Websman
                Homer reminds me of one of my Uncles...
                I'd like me some of them French Fried potaters, uh huh.


                • #9
                  Abstain. If I want to spend time arguing about who's an arogant asshole and who's not, I could just stay on the Yahoo baords, after banning myself.


                  • IIC
                    Senior Member
                    • Nov 2003
                    • 14938

                    Originally posted by stenzrob
                    Abstain. If I want to spend time arguing about who's an arogant asshole and who's not, I could just stay on the Yahoo baords, after banning myself.
                    Oop's...Sorry about that Stenz...I forgot to put in the 3rd choice:

                    Abstain: IIC is just a rabble rouser who likes to get people's blood boiling...He should be banned from posting anymore polls...Us defenseless suckers can take care of ourselves...We don't need some Big Mouth Self Appointed Do Gooder like IIC posting some stupid poll that won't sway the administrators one way or the other regardless of the outcome.

                    Now...In all seriousness...The poll was a joke. I respect Homer for not taking the bait. He thinks I can be baited...But what he doesn't realize is that I actually like to be baited.

                    Maybe I took this too far...So that's it for me on this subject except for one final thing...

                    The only thing that really burned me up was when Homer called everybody Suckers...I'm sure he doesn't even know 99%+ of the people here...I consider myself a pretty good trader...Not the best...and yes I have been periodically sucker punched...But I did not take his comment to heart for myself...But I bet some people did...I happen to know that many here only read posts...I also know that many have lost a great deal of money...And I don't personally think it is right to put them down. I prefer to help people when I can...Maybe Homer is some kind of Market Wiz and maybe he isn't...I have no idea...But putting others down...especially when he has no idea who he's talking to...does not impress me much.

                    Me...I'm a generalist...I know a little bit about a lot of things...But I'll admit...I'm an expert in nothing...Said my piece...I'm done with this issue...Best to all...Doug(IIC)
                    "Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"

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                    • Lyehopper
                      Senior Member
                      • Jan 2004
                      • 3678

                      Originally posted by IIC
                      ....The only thing that really burned me up was when Homer called everybody Suckers...
                      Homer called me an "asshole."... I thank'd him for the complement. SsSsSsSssss!!!!

                      I'm not sure why he doesn't like me, I think I'm a fairly nice guy and I never was really mean to him or anything.... He's probably from California.... You know how "sensitive" the men out there tend to be.....

                      Now THERE'S a poll idea for ya Doug-E-Fresh!.... "Is Lyehopper really a nice guy or just an asshole"????.....LOL!
                      BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!


                      • IIC
                        Senior Member
                        • Nov 2003
                        • 14938

                        Originally posted by Lyehopper
                        Homer called me an "asshole."... I thank'd him for the complement. SsSsSsSssss!!!!

                        I'm not sure why he doesn't like me, I think I'm a fairly nice guy and I never was really mean to him or anything.... He's probably from California.... You know how "sensitive" the men out there tend to be.....

                        Now THERE'S a poll idea for ya Doug-E-Fresh!.... "Is Lyehopper really a nice guy or just an asshole"????.....LOL!

                        Yeah Lye...But he was right about that...LOL

                        Sure...I'm sensitive...Not for myself...But for others.

                        You do the poll.

                        Now...There are over 200 million people on the Net...But nobody is patrolling it to make sure everyone is Safe and Sound...EXCEPT ME!!!

                        It's a tough job...But somebody had to step up to the plate and save the world...Next week I solve the crisis in the Middle East...IIC
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                        • Rob
                          Senior Member
                          • Sep 2003
                          • 3194

                          Originally posted by IIC
                          ...But nobody is patrolling it to make sure everyone is Safe and Sound...EXCEPT ME!!!

                          If I may ask, Doug, what kind of server are you running? Windows? Unix? Which server software do you run? Curious.


                          • IIC
                            Senior Member
                            • Nov 2003
                            • 14938

                            Originally posted by Rob
                            If I may ask, Doug, what kind of server are you running? Windows? Unix? Which server software do you run? Curious.
                            Why do you ask???...Does it matter???
                            "Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"

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                            • IIC
                              Senior Member
                              • Nov 2003
                              • 14938

                              Originally posted by IIC
                              Why do you ask???...Does it matter???
                              ...Well that wasn't a very "Sensitive" answer...Sorry...But before I do answer I'm curious to know why you would ask???
                              "Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"

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