My nephew just brought me some record albums he borrowed about 20 years ago. He has sold the old farm house that my great grandfather bought 86 years ago . If I can get there in the next couple hours I can get a final tour of the old place.
---Don't think my great grandfather ever lived there but my grandparents did , so did my parents as newlyweds in the 1940's. I've still got an 1866 penny my mother found under a floor board.
----The old timers remember it as the house with the 1000 gallon wine barrel out front advertising the family winery. Some of the barrels were so large that a local man made little summer cottages from them and had a resort along Lake Erie called Cask Villa.
-----During prohibition grandpa sold hard cider for 25 cents a gallon. If anyone complained he'd say it was for medicinal purposes. From 1933 - 1958 he produced about 40 different varieties of wine. My father helped sell it from a counter in the barn. They also had sort of a drive through from the house. I've got one of the original cash registers. It goes up to $9.99.
-----It's funny what sticks in your memory from childhood. Running from a ram with it's head down and those curled horns. Grampa told me never to turn my back on one. He got knocked over a fence and broke his hip by a ram years ago. The sheep shearer used to come every year and work out of some wooden railcars my grandfather bought when the Lakeshore Electric Railroad went under in 1938.
-----My father would tell me about the blue racer snakes that would be hanging from the apple trees as he sprayed them from the tractor. I've got the 1934 O-12 orchard tractor in my garage now. Never did see one of those blue racer snakes.
-----We also never could find the hole in the farm house floor from when grampa blasted a rat with a 12 gauge shotgun. I still believe it happened.
-----That's about all I can remember. At least we've still got about 59 acres of the farm left to wander around on whenever we feel like it.
---Don't think my great grandfather ever lived there but my grandparents did , so did my parents as newlyweds in the 1940's. I've still got an 1866 penny my mother found under a floor board.
----The old timers remember it as the house with the 1000 gallon wine barrel out front advertising the family winery. Some of the barrels were so large that a local man made little summer cottages from them and had a resort along Lake Erie called Cask Villa.
-----During prohibition grandpa sold hard cider for 25 cents a gallon. If anyone complained he'd say it was for medicinal purposes. From 1933 - 1958 he produced about 40 different varieties of wine. My father helped sell it from a counter in the barn. They also had sort of a drive through from the house. I've got one of the original cash registers. It goes up to $9.99.
-----It's funny what sticks in your memory from childhood. Running from a ram with it's head down and those curled horns. Grampa told me never to turn my back on one. He got knocked over a fence and broke his hip by a ram years ago. The sheep shearer used to come every year and work out of some wooden railcars my grandfather bought when the Lakeshore Electric Railroad went under in 1938.
-----My father would tell me about the blue racer snakes that would be hanging from the apple trees as he sprayed them from the tractor. I've got the 1934 O-12 orchard tractor in my garage now. Never did see one of those blue racer snakes.
-----We also never could find the hole in the farm house floor from when grampa blasted a rat with a 12 gauge shotgun. I still believe it happened.
-----That's about all I can remember. At least we've still got about 59 acres of the farm left to wander around on whenever we feel like it.