I received a mailing from Steve Sarnoff's "Options Hotline " promoting their service ...The fee is steep 750 per year and they claim 100% Winners in 2005 , 95% Winners in 2004 and 91% Winners in 2003. Needless to say quite an impressive record. They only give you one pick on Sunday Nite with detailed instructions to read to your broker for purchase on Monday morning. It does seem too good to be true. Has anyone utilized this service.....and if so what is your honest opinion? Thank You !
Options Hotline Steve Sarnoff Anyone Familar?
When I see something like this, I immediately do a google.com search and see what I can find about the author/proprietor/etc. After following most of the links returned after searching on "Steve Sarnoff" I didn't find any independent assessment of his service.
You can consider buying his service, or you might consider buying only a book or video about his offering. Here are a couple of links.
Looks like this essay is the gist of his pitch:
Sarnoff's DVD "Superleverage" has a list price $49.95, but much less on eBay, etc.
eBay auction for "Superleverage" ends Aug 12, current bid $17.97, with ZERO bids so far!
More offerings from that eBay seller: