Anyone Interested In A New Weekly Contest?

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  • Rob
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2003
    • 3194

    Anyone Interested In A New Weekly Contest?

    Question: Would anyone be interested in participating in a second POTW contest? It would run concurrently with the original POTW, but with some different rules. I've thought about doing this for a while but never brought it up till now. Here's how I see it working:
    1. All picks must come from either the NYSE, the NASDAQ, or the AMX.
    2. NO SHORT plays, long only.
    3. No picks allowed after market open on first trading day of the week or prior to the market close on the last day of the current trading week. (The same "carved-in-stone" rule would apply for any player who genuinely needs to make their pick for the coming week(s) prior to the close of trading, but again, this allowance must not be abused.)
    4. Once posted, no changing of one's pick for the week will be allowed. (Anyone caught editing the post in which they made their pick will be banned from the contest.)
    5. The stock will be sold at the price of the final tick during regular market hours on the last day of the trading week.
    6. Stocks that closed at less than 5.00 on the last trading day are not allowed.
    7. No Bulletin Board or Pink Sheet stocks, etc.
    8. The same stock may be played by multiple players.
    9. Any player who fails to post a stock pick will incur a 2.5% penalty for the week.
    This would be the basic framework; other rules might be needed. If enough people respond positively, I'll go ahead and start the contest in a new thread sometime after the market closes today. I have a number in mind for the number of people I would like to see in order to start this contest, but I'll keep that number under wraps. Let me know!
  • IIC
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2003
    • 14938

    I'm not...thx...Doug(IIC)
    "Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"

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    • Rob
      Senior Member
      • Sep 2003
      • 3194

      Originally posted by IIC View Post
      I'm not...thx...Doug(IIC)
      I didn't think you would be.



      • Lyehopper
        Senior Member
        • Jan 2004
        • 3678

        Originally posted by Rob View Post
        I didn't think you would be.

        I'm in....
        BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!


        • jiesen
          Senior Member
          • Sep 2003
          • 5320

          I'd participate, but I'd likely pick the same stock as I would in the regular POTW...


          • Rob
            Senior Member
            • Sep 2003
            • 3194

            Originally posted by jiesen View Post
            I'd participate, but I'd likely pick the same stock as I would in the regular POTW...
            No problemo there, Jiesen.

            That reminds me ... another rule I forgot to include in the original message: Only one pick per week.

            But, Jiesen, haven't you ever been undecided between two stocks you'd like to play in the contest? I know I have. With a second game going on you could play 'em both!

            Lye: Thanks, I thought you might be a player.


            • peanuts
              Senior Member
              • Feb 2006
              • 3365

              Originally posted by Lyehopper View Post
              I'm in....
              I'm just going to pick whatever Lye picks every week

              Seriously, I like this idea. I think I'll use this opportunity to put my IBD screen to work

              Can I also play the other POTW, or is it one or the other?
              Hide not your talents.
              They for use were made.
              What's a sundial in the shade?

              - Benjamin Franklin


              • Karel
                • Sep 2003
                • 2199

                OK, I'll just post my POTW pick over here (or wherever it is) too!


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                • skiracer
                  Senior Member
                  • Dec 2004
                  • 6314

                  Originally posted by Rob View Post
                  Question: Would anyone be interested in participating in a second POTW contest? It would run concurrently with the original POTW, but with some different rules. I've thought about doing this for a while but never brought it up till now. Here's how I see it working:
                  1. All picks must come from either the NYSE, the NASDAQ, or the AMX.
                  2. NO SHORT plays, long only.
                  3. No picks allowed after market open on first trading day of the week or prior to the market close on the last day of the current trading week. (The same "carved-in-stone" rule would apply for any player who genuinely needs to make their pick for the coming week(s) prior to the close of trading, but again, this allowance must not be abused.)
                  4. Once posted, no changing of one's pick for the week will be allowed. (Anyone caught editing the post in which they made their pick will be banned from the contest.)
                  5. The stock will be sold at the price of the final tick during regular market hours on the last day of the trading week.
                  6. Stocks that closed at less than 5.00 on the last trading day are not allowed.
                  7. No Bulletin Board or Pink Sheet stocks, etc.
                  8. The same stock may be played by multiple players.
                  9. Any player who fails to post a stock pick will incur a 2.5% penalty for the week.
                  This would be the basic framework; other rules might be needed. If enough people respond positively, I'll go ahead and start the contest in a new thread sometime after the market closes today. I have a number in mind for the number of people I would like to see in order to start this contest, but I'll keep that number under wraps. Let me know!

                  Count me in but I would like to make a suggestion. So as not take anything away from the original POTW make one of the rules that "at no time can a contestant have the same pick in both games. That way it will not take anything away from the either.


                  • Karel
                    • Sep 2003
                    • 2199

                    Originally posted by skiracer View Post
                    Count me in but I would like to make a suggestion. So as not take anything away from the original POTW make one of the rules that "at no time can a contestant have the same pick in both games. That way it will not take anything away from the either.
                    I am not sure about the logic of this. It will take *ME* from one or the other.


                    My Investopedia portfolio
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                    • IIC
                      Senior Member
                      • Nov 2003
                      • 14938

                      Originally posted by Karel View Post
                      I am not sure about the logic of this. It will take *ME* from one or the other.



                      I see the point...but I'd like to see the other contest increased to a total max of 5 trades per week...although I don't expect that since it would be too much tracking work...Doug
                      "Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"

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                      • Lyehopper
                        Senior Member
                        • Jan 2004
                        • 3678

                        Originally posted by IIC View Post
                        .....I'd like to see the other contest increased to a total max of 5 trades per week...although I don't expect that since it would be too much tracking work...Doug
                        I expect you are right....

                        Hey Doug, I know you'll play the new contest. You can't resist.
                        BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!


                        • Gatorman
                          No Posting allowed; invalid email
                          • Dec 2004
                          • 448

                          I would be interested in participating. My pick may or may not be the same as for the original POTW since, although the rules basically reflect how I play the present POTW, I usually have 2 or more possible picks each week and would sometimes like to play more than one.


                          • New-born baby
                            Senior Member
                            • Apr 2004
                            • 6095

                            I would play

                            I'd play.
                            I like your new rules with just one suggestion: Pick of the Month instead of Pick of the Week.
                            pivot calculator *current oil price*My stock picking method*Charting Lesson of the Week:BEAR FLAG PATTERN


                            • IIC
                              Senior Member
                              • Nov 2003
                              • 14938

                              Originally posted by Lyehopper View Post
                              I expect you are right....

                              Hey Doug, I know you'll play the new contest. You can't resist.

                              Yeah...I probably will...but don't expect me to win all that often...Anything more than 3 days is a long term hold for me...Doug(IIC)
                              "Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"

                              Find Tomorrow's Winners At

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