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  • casinoboy3


    recently went public

    what do you guys think? looks like an awesome opportunity to me.... one of the major defense contractors up there with Boeing and Lockheed..... it seems to me like one of those companies i can grab a cheap 100 shares now or so, and in 10 years it'll be worth 20k.
  • billyjoe
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2003
    • 9014

    I own it and agree with your assessment. Short term the war controversy may effect it a bit negatively. This has been a very profitable company for many years although privately held. One advantage , they don't rely on one item such as body armor or tanks and did well before the Iraq situation started and will continue after it is forgotten.



    • casinoboy3

      Well SAI is up about 12% since i posted..... and i never got in. I had a limit order to buy at 17.00 but it only went as low as 17.21. Now its over 20. Anyone have any comments as to a good buy point? Fundamentally I don't see a reason why the stock would drop anytime soon, and that makes me want to buy now. At the same time, I want to wait for a bit of drop - technical/chart wise, I have no idea....



      • billyjoe
        Senior Member
        • Nov 2003
        • 9014

        For what it's worth, Cramer from Mad Money said he'd buy it up to 20 and was surprised it was below that level as long as it was. I also had limit orders for 16.50 and 16.95 and couldn't get any , but got some at 17.50 and 17.70 the day it went public. When it dropped to 17.21 got another batch and it's up 14.89% now. So far so good. I also see nothing discouraging on the horizon. Maybe it'll pull back some and you can get in next week. Good luck.


