Tough questions. My opinion -
I guess that's possible - I shouldn't have written $strong, but $stable. At this point I think mechanisms will start kicking in to hold the $ above it's previous lows (see the skullduggery $ chart). IMO there seem to be two likely diametric outcomes implied by the SPX/GOLD chart - stagflation - inflation goes up, economy(SPX) slows down (very bad) (chart goes down) and growth with the $stable or moving up (very good) (chart goes up).
There are also some other scenarios like weak gold and economy (SPX) tanking even faster - deflation, depression (very very bad) (chart could go up). I think Bernanke, as he's mentioned, would start dropping $100 bills from helicopters before that happened.
Can gold keep going up and the economy stay strong based on increased exports? IMO it can but not to extremes - some inflation, the $ stays down and exports increase.
Will the Asians stop buying US bonds? I don't see how growth in China (or India, Vietnam, etc.) can slow down for a long time given their population and drive. The Asian banks always sound like they're going to stop holding $ and buying US bonds, but they are sort of locked in and keep doing it anyway. The bond market will make the call and it seems to be saying lower rates.
There are a lot of question marks, like the middle east, the inverted yield curve, which everyone ignored in 2000 btw, but IMO if the $ stabilizes here or a little lower things don't look so bad. Besides what if we slowly pulled out of the middle east and used the "war money" to develop alternate energy sources or provide everyone in the US with medical insurance or some other crazy idea.
Look at the builder stocks - They predicted the downturn in housing over a year ago and have stopped dropping at their long term trend line - TOL for instance. Greenspan thinks the housing sector drop is over. Not bad if true.
This economy has taken some incredible hits the last seven years and bounced back so I'm cautiously optimistic.
Tough questions. My opinion -
I guess that's possible - I shouldn't have written $strong, but $stable. At this point I think mechanisms will start kicking in to hold the $ above it's previous lows (see the skullduggery $ chart). IMO there seem to be two likely diametric outcomes implied by the SPX/GOLD chart - stagflation - inflation goes up, economy(SPX) slows down (very bad) (chart goes down) and growth with the $stable or moving up (very good) (chart goes up).
There are also some other scenarios like weak gold and economy (SPX) tanking even faster - deflation, depression (very very bad) (chart could go up). I think Bernanke, as he's mentioned, would start dropping $100 bills from helicopters before that happened.
Can gold keep going up and the economy stay strong based on increased exports? IMO it can but not to extremes - some inflation, the $ stays down and exports increase.
Will the Asians stop buying US bonds? I don't see how growth in China (or India, Vietnam, etc.) can slow down for a long time given their population and drive. The Asian banks always sound like they're going to stop holding $ and buying US bonds, but they are sort of locked in and keep doing it anyway. The bond market will make the call and it seems to be saying lower rates.
There are a lot of question marks, like the middle east, the inverted yield curve, which everyone ignored in 2000 btw, but IMO if the $ stabilizes here or a little lower things don't look so bad. Besides what if we slowly pulled out of the middle east and used the "war money" to develop alternate energy sources or provide everyone in the US with medical insurance or some other crazy idea.
Look at the builder stocks - They predicted the downturn in housing over a year ago and have stopped dropping at their long term trend line - TOL for instance. Greenspan thinks the housing sector drop is over. Not bad if true.
This economy has taken some incredible hits the last seven years and bounced back so I'm cautiously optimistic.
Originally posted by skiracer
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