A Humble Request

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  • Rob
    Senior Member
    • Sep 2003
    • 3194

    A Humble Request

    I'm wondering if it would be possible to clean up the language around here. One of the things I have enjoyed about this site (the whole forum) is its relative lack of profanity. I'd really hate to see that change ... well, unless it was to an absolute lack of it. I've noticed a marked increase lately. When I cease to enjoy coming to this site, I will cease to visit it. Maybe that means nothing to anyone, but I just thought I'd mention it anyway.
  • alice4321us
    Senior Member
    • Aug 2005
    • 184

    Thank You Rob


    Thanks for bringin it up. Humility is non-different than one's character in my textbook. You would be surprised what one can accomplish by being just a little humble in life.


    • peanuts
      Senior Member
      • Feb 2006
      • 3365

      Originally posted by Rob View Post
      I'm wondering if it would be possible to clean up the language around here. One of the things I have enjoyed about this site (the whole forum) is its relative lack of profanity. I'd really hate to see that change ... well, unless it was to an absolute lack of it. I've noticed a marked increase lately. When I cease to enjoy coming to this site, I will cease to visit it. Maybe that means nothing to anyone, but I just thought I'd mention it anyway.
      Sorry, Rob, if you're referring to my recent use of 'hell' and 'damn', I'll knock it off... I guess that not everyone appreciates the colorfullness of the entire English language, and I appologize if I've offended anyone who does not like the use of certain words. I think that there are some situations that just require a well placed and timed expletive in order to get the point across, but hey, if you don't like it, dude, I'm done. I'll just have to be more creative with my writing.
      Hide not your talents.
      They for use were made.
      What's a sundial in the shade?

      - Benjamin Franklin


      • peanuts
        Senior Member
        • Feb 2006
        • 3365

        Hey Alice,

        You say that you're living in Mars???? That wouldn't be this place, right here, would it?
        Hide not your talents.
        They for use were made.
        What's a sundial in the shade?

        - Benjamin Franklin


        • Lyehopper
          Senior Member
          • Jan 2004
          • 3678

          what the..... are you talkin' about? sssssssss!

          That's not too much to ask for. I'll try to improve in this reguard in the future as well. Come to think of it, I always liked the fact that the fellas here made an honest attempt to use restraint when cursing, like saying $#*% or #!@#@&* or even d---it....
          BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!


          • #6
            it's not a serious place rob

            I rarely post anymore because I don't consider this a serious investor site anymore.....Louetta's Lore is the most active board and there's no investment posts....I'll take serious investment posts with or without profanity.....Sometimes a little profanity helps get the point across.

            on a side note, CAMH is in breakout mode......


            • peanuts
              Senior Member
              • Feb 2006
              • 3365

              Originally posted by Jim Smith View Post
              I rarely post anymore because I don't consider this a serious investor site anymore.....Louetta's Lore is the most active board and there's no investment posts....I'll take serious investment posts with or without profanity.....Sometimes a little profanity helps get the point across.

              on a side note, CAMH is in breakout mode......

              Thanks for pointing out CAMH, right now. I think if there are more serious posts, the quality of the board will improve. However, someone needs to step up, start that off, and keep it going. I enjoyed your thread when you posted.

              HITT is taking a HUGE hit
              Hide not your talents.
              They for use were made.
              What's a sundial in the shade?

              - Benjamin Franklin


              • billyjoe
                Senior Member
                • Nov 2003
                • 9014

                Your cogent argument has furthered my quest for cognitive syntax to replace atrocious vulgarities. And mamma always said it was good to learn a new word every day.



                • skiracer
                  Senior Member
                  • Dec 2004
                  • 6314

                  Originally posted by billyjoe View Post
                  Your cogent argument has furthered my quest for cognitive syntax to replace atrocious vulgarities. And mamma always said it was good to learn a new word every day.

                  First he starts with the rules and regs with the POTW and now he's trying to clean up the vulgarities. Is this guy Elliot Ness or what. The terrible thing about it is that with never mentioning the filthy language you guys use you can slip into the type of language that Doug, Lyehopper, Webs, Peanuts and the rest of you use with such casuality. Why can't you all be more like me. Pure of heart and tongue. This is my last post with any dirty or foul language damnit. I've been clean now almost 30 seconds and it feels GOOD!!!


                  • Lyehopper
                    Senior Member
                    • Jan 2004
                    • 3678

                    Originally posted by skiracer View Post
                    First he starts with the rules and regs with the POTW and now he's trying to clean up the vulgarities. Is this guy Elliot Ness or what. The terrible thing about it is that with never mentioning the filthy language you guys use you can slip into the type of language that Doug, Lyehopper, Webs, Peanuts and the rest of you use with such casuality. Why can't you all be more like me. Pure of heart and tongue. This is my last post with any dirty or foul language damnit. I've been clean now almost 30 seconds and it feels GOOD!!!
                    My goal in life is to be more like you Ed, you #$%*&! you....
                    BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Rob View Post
                      I'm wondering if it would be possible to clean up the language around here. One of the things I have enjoyed about this site (the whole forum) is its relative lack of profanity. I'd really hate to see that change ... well, unless it was to an absolute lack of it. I've noticed a marked increase lately. When I cease to enjoy coming to this site, I will cease to visit it. Maybe that means nothing to anyone, but I just thought I'd mention it anyway.
                      Yeah...you guys knock that shit off already!

                      sorry Rob, I couldn't resist


                      • Rob
                        Senior Member
                        • Sep 2003
                        • 3194

                        I'm sorry too.


                        • #13

                          I'm a little disappointed to see after just joining this forum that there are some who feel that the board itself is not a serious investor site just because it also contains some personal messaging and humor. I've found in the short time I've been here (less than a week) that it is quite easy to sort the serious investing messages from the rest of it. Simply mousing over the topic of one of the threads will bring up a little yellow window showing the beginning of the latest message. If it's a message I have no interest in, I don't have to click on it. One can also figure out fairly easily which threads are serious and which ones aren't. If you don't like a particular thread, don't visit it. So what if it happens to be the most active thread. Again, if you don't like it, don't visit it. As for the salty language, I'm not as bothered by it as Rob but that may be because I'm a new member and haven't seen as much of it as he has. My general opinion of profanity (and if you really think about it, it's true) is that "Profanity is only a weak imitation of strength."


                          • skiracer
                            Senior Member
                            • Dec 2004
                            • 6314

                            Originally posted by Lyehopper View Post
                            My goal in life is to be more like you Ed, you #$%*&! you....
                            I do love it when you talk dirty to me Lye.
                            THE SKIRACER'S EDGE: MAKE THE EDGE IN YOUR FAVOR


                            • Websman
                              Senior Member
                              • Apr 2004
                              • 5545

                              Originally posted by Jim Smith View Post
                              I rarely post anymore because I don't consider this a serious investor site anymore.......
                              Me neither. Vulcans do not joke or have fun. We make money...and we don't spend our money...because we don't have fun.

                              Serious investors don't joke or have fun...

