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  • Karel
    • Sep 2003
    • 2199


    I did a check on the use of profanity on this board. I used the famous Seven Words and added "damn". I ran a query on the posts database for all posts containing one or more words on the list. This turned up 569 posts on a total of just under 70.000. That is well under 1%

    I then counted these posts per 10.000. This gave
    (Posts up to nr. / Posts with profanity / Date of last post in the range)
    10000: 091 (12/10/2004)
    20000: 068 (06/02/2005)
    30000: 076 (11/02/2005)
    40000: 070 (02/04/2006)
    50000: 067 (05/04/2006)
    60000: 097 (07/31/2006)
    69977: 100 (10/31/2006)

    My conclusions:
    - I am happy there is so little profanity on this board. Even less is better, of course.
    - The last 6 months/20.000 posts show some increase. I hope this is not a trend.


    Last edited by Karel; 10-31-2006, 06:06 AM. Reason: Error in query, numbers corrected
    My Investopedia portfolio
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  • New-born baby
    Senior Member
    • Apr 2004
    • 6095

    Originally posted by Karel View Post
    I did a check on the use of profanity on this board. I used the famous Seven Words and added "damn". I ran a query on the posts database for all posts containing one or more words on the list. This turned up 569 posts on a total of just under 70.000. That is well under 1%

    I then counted these posts per 10.000. This gave
    (Posts up to nr. / Posts with profanity / Date of last post in the range)
    10000: 091 (12/10/2004)
    20000: 068 (06/02/2005)
    30000: 076 (11/02/2005)
    40000: 070 (02/04/2006)
    50000: 067 (05/04/2006)
    60000: 097 (07/31/2006)
    69977: 100 (10/31/2006)

    My conclusions:
    - I am happy there is so little profanity on this board. Even less is better, of course.
    - The last 6 months/20.000 posts show some increase. I hope this is not a trend.


    You are remarkable. Thanks for your work.

    I agree with you and others that we do not need profanity on this board. It helps no one.
    pivot calculator *current oil price*My stock picking method*Charting Lesson of the Week:BEAR FLAG PATTERN


    • billyjoe
      Senior Member
      • Nov 2003
      • 9014

      Thanks , you did a darn good job. I'm still scared of getting on New-born's bad side.



      • Lyehopper
        Senior Member
        • Jan 2004
        • 3678

        Originally posted by Karel View Post
        I did a check on the use of profanity on this board. I used the famous Seven Words and added "damn". I ran a query on the posts database for all posts containing one or more words on the list. This turned up 569 posts on a total of just under 70.000. That is well under 1%

        I then counted these posts per 10.000. This gave
        (Posts up to nr. / Posts with profanity / Date of last post in the range)
        10000: 091 (12/10/2004)
        20000: 068 (06/02/2005)
        30000: 076 (11/02/2005)
        40000: 070 (02/04/2006)
        50000: 067 (05/04/2006)
        60000: 097 (07/31/2006)
        69977: 100 (10/31/2006)

        My conclusions:
        - I am happy there is so little profanity on this board. Even less is better, of course.
        - The last 6 months/20.000 posts show some increase. I hope this is not a trend.


        Hey Rob! Can you make us one of those really cool graphs showing the "profanity growth" in the second and third quarters of this year? Personally, due to recent attention given this subject, I'm shorting all seven of those words and taking a double short position in d--n....
        BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!


        • Websman
          Senior Member
          • Apr 2004
          • 5545

          I remember one time last year when Mr Market used the F word in a post which was follewed by a post by myself and someone else that also contained the F word. Then it was brought to our attention that the F word might offend some others, so we all agreed to delete the F word from our posts.

          The F word can be of great use in my line of work. I have used it quite frequently when explaining to a convicted felon about the error of his ways. It usually helps when you can communicate with a felon in a language that he can comprehend.

          For example, I could say to a felon...
          "Sir, would you please be more quiet?"

          Or, I could say...
          "SHUT THE ---- UP, YOU PIECE OF ----!!!"

          Now, if you'll notice, the second stement was more to the point and is always more effective, when dealing with a convicted felon.

          But, this is a stock board so I don't use the F word here.


          • skiracer
            Senior Member
            • Dec 2004
            • 6314

            Originally posted by Websman View Post
            I remember one time last year when Mr Market used the F word in a post which was follewed by a post by myself and someone else that also contained the F word. Then it was brought to our attention that the F word might offend some others, so we all agreed to delete the F word from our posts.

            The F word can be of great use in my line of work. I have used it quite frequently when explaining to a convicted felon about the error of his ways. It usually helps when you can communicate with a felon in a language that he can comprehend.

            For example, I could say to a felon...
            "Sir, would you please be more quiet?"

            Or, I could say...
            "SHUT THE ---- UP, YOU PIECE OF ----!!!"

            Now, if you'll notice, the second stement was more to the point and is always more effective, when dealing with a convicted felon.

            But, this is a stock board so I don't use the F word here.
            You are such a Vulcan!


            • Lyehopper
              Senior Member
              • Jan 2004
              • 3678

              Originally posted by Websman View Post
              I remember one time last year when Mr Market used the F word in a post which was follewed by a post by myself and someone else that also contained the F word. Then it was brought to our attention that the F word might offend some others, so we all agreed to delete the F word from our posts.

              The F word can be of great use in my line of work. I have used it quite frequently when explaining to a convicted felon about the error of his ways. It usually helps when you can communicate with a felon in a language that he can comprehend.

              For example, I could say to a felon...
              "Sir, would you please be more quiet?"

              Or, I could say...
              "SHUT THE ---- UP, YOU PIECE OF ----!!!"

              Now, if you'll notice, the second stement was more to the point and is always more effective, when dealing with a convicted felon.

              But, this is a stock board so I don't use the F word here.
              I've always found similar vocabulary more effective when communicating with Welders and Millwrights.... Maybe that's because many of them are indeed felons?

              But I, like you, think using such language here isn't necessary.
              BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!


              • #8
                I once heard an old wise man tell me something that has stuck in my mind.

                If you listen to what they say they tell how they live based off what they say.


                • dmk112
                  Senior Member
                  • Nov 2004
                  • 1759

                  I don't believe in censorship... And htf is 'pi$$' and 'tit$' dirty words??


                  • #10
                    Censorship or Self Control?

                    No one is being censored if asked to refrain from using profanity and they do so voluntarily. Isn't censorship when someone else chooses whether something you say (or, in this case, write) will be heard or seen? In my humble opinion, choosing to refrain from the use of profanity when asked is merely an exercise in self control.

