this stock is worth watching....November 2nd, the company announced a 121% YOY sales increase.....November 7th, the ceo will appear at a healthcare conference....November 15th we get the ABCD study results....New CEO is sales and marketing oriented.....Breakout of double peak at $2.60 ushered in move to nearly $3.....$3.11 is resistance .....THey've got the patents and the government is willing to pay for their product.....the sales force is now just starting to ramp....I believe this will be another Biolase Technology, the left side of the chart before the tumble.
CAMH....worth watching
Originally posted by Jim Smith View Postthis stock is worth watching....I believe this will be another Biolase Technology, the left side of the chart before the tumble.
What is BIOLASE Technology? And what are your price targets for CAMH?
CAMH has strong potential
Biolase makes water lasers for dentists....Their product costs up to $70K...Of course, dentists don't have to buy it and no government entity was reimbursing for use of it....BLTI ran to $22+ before imploding to $7....Now, CAMH makes a $30K device, the tests cost $400 per patient which the governement and many HMOs are willing to reimburse....MTWA, which CAMH machines measure, is the indicator for who needs an implantable cardiac defribillator....For years, MDT, STJ and BSX wanted to implant ICDs in everyone but now everyone is afraid, though some do need them....CAMH's technology is a risk stratifier for identifying who is at risk from sudden cardiac death and hence needs an ICD. In recent weeks, CAMH has taken steps to go from an R&D oriented company to a sales and markeing company with a new CEO and the nucleus of a sales force. Watch for ICD makers to embrace CAMH where before they saw them as a threat to their ICD market. This is what the ABCD test results, coming Nov 15th, will facilitate. Goldman sachs took this company public 10 years ago and it ran to $15.50 before tumbling....I believe it gets back and if sales continue to ramp, it gets there fast.
Just a note......I sold all of my CAMH yesterday after speaking with a cardiologist who said this T-wave alterans test is of no value. I was fairly high on its potential but decided they are earning so little money 2 million/qtr) that if his opinion is shared by other cardiologists...they are in trouble. Now that Im out it will probably go to $5 but thats OK I made a few $$$ on the deal and on to the next....
Originally posted by Jim Smith View PostNew CEO is sales and marketing oriented..........the sales force is now just starting to ramp
Not sure what you mean ??????
Originally posted by Jim Smith View PostGrebnet, you don't sound like a senior member.....
I have ( until Friday ) owned 1.8 blocks(per haddad)from 4/20/06,4/24,and 7/11/06 . My negative came about after speaking with a cardiologist friend ( while he was inserting a defribillating pacemaker )
he felt this alterans test was of no value... He may be 100 % wrong but to me there are plenty of other stocks out there. It wont bother me if you all make more $$$ in this than I did and I wish you well.
Its better to sell and be sorry than to not sell and be sorry..
Originally posted by grebnet View PostJim....I have always respected your posts and picks . My statements are not meant to insult you ...just posting my concerns .
I welcome your explanation.
Geez Greb...When I make a statement like that you jump all over me...Told 'ya I have the best memory on the Board...IIC"Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"
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CAMH is going to hold its gain
IMO, this is a $10 stock by Xmas.....and a $15 stock by March.....the driver is a sudden acceptance by Cardiologists across the board supported by the results of a 5 year study referred to as the ABCD test.....this gets reported Nov 15th.....Today, the CEO of CAMH is speaking at a CIBC healthcare conference hence the gap higher preopen....this is the best idea I have to give you at this time.