Investmentlink's Investment Links

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  • investmentlink

    Investmentlink's Investment Links

    Whenever I had the patience to wait for the market to arrive at what I call a “Pivotal Point” before I started to trade; I have always made money in my operation.

    Why? Because I then commenced my play just at the psychological time at the beginning of a move. I never had a loss to worry about for the simple reason that I acted promptly and started to accumulate my line right at the time my personal guide told me to do so. All I had to do thereafter was just sit tight and let the market run its course, knowing if I did so, the action of the market itself would give me in due time the signal to take my profit.

    Reversal Pivotal Points:

    The theory allowed the chance to buy at the exact “right time”. It defined by Livermore as: the perfect psychological moment to make a trade. Reversal Pivotal Point marks a change in trend. Never try to buy at the lowest price or sell at the top. Buy at the right time, and sell at the right time.

    A prudent speculator never argues with the tape, remember: MARKET ARE NEVER WRONG-OPINION OFTEN ARE.

    Continuation Pivotal Point:
    It’s essential to confirm the move is proceeding in the proper action. This is usually occurs during a trending move as a natural reaction for a stock in a definite trend. This is a potential additional entry point in an ongoing move, or a chance to increase your position, providing the stock emerges from the Continuation Pivotal Point, headed in the same direction as it was before the correction.

    The Greatest Speculator Mr Jesse Livermorewas using this method to in & out the market!
  • investmentlink

    Mr Market,
    Your trading method look like same with Jesse Livermore trading skills? I like ur method of trading! Trading the stock with new high meaning the overhead is clear, the sky is clear, not many investors hanging at this price!

    So, the stock with new high is always good news to u rite?


    • investmentlink

      10 Cardinal Trading Mistakes

      1. No trading plan
      Know when to buy and when to exit with a profit or a loss. You must find a method which gives a trading edge, you must verify that it works and you must take the signals the method offers

      2. No money management
      You must know how much you are going to lose if you are wrong and how much you will gain if you are right. You must know the odds of success. You must know how much to risk as a percentage of your capital so if you lose you will have enough capital to recover.

      3. No protective stops on your position
      You must draw a line in the sand as to how much you are willing to lose on your trade. Your stop loss is like an insurance policy against disaster.

      4. Taking small profits and letting losses run
      You must cut loss quickly when wrong and ride your winners. These will take care of your small losses.

      5. Overtrading
      If you risk too much in relation to your account you risk everything on one trade. Risk only a small percentage say 5% on any one trading idea.

      6. Fighting the trend
      Trend trading is the easiest and most profitable method of trading. Swim with the current of the market. If you swim against it you may drown.

      7. Changing your strategy while in a trade
      Never move your stop to give your trade more room. When your stop is hit, you are wrong.

      8. Lack of patience
      There is always opportunity in the market for those who wait for it. Jumping in and out of the market is for the gamblers, not the traders.

      9. Averaging your loss
      Add to a winner not a loser. If your position shows a loss you are wrong. Get out and wait for another opportunity

      10. Letting your emotions cloud your judgment
      Keep your head when all are losing theirs

      just for sharing...
      pls comment if i'm not right! ur comment is welcome


      • New-born baby
        Senior Member
        • Apr 2004
        • 6095

        You have two nice looking investment sites with a load of info. And that list of 10 common trading mistakes is good, too.
        pivot calculator *current oil price*My stock picking method*Charting Lesson of the Week:BEAR FLAG PATTERN


        • mrmarket
          • Sep 2003
          • 5971

          Originally posted by investmentlink View Post
          Mr Market,
          Your trading method look like same with Jesse Livermore trading skills? I like ur method of trading! Trading the stock with new high meaning the overhead is clear, the sky is clear, not many investors hanging at this price!

          So, the stock with new high is always good news to u rite?
          not always....but that is one of the criteria in my stock selection.

          I am HUGE! Bring me your finest meats and cheeses.

          - $$$MR. MARKET$$$


          • investmentlink

            Thanks...good for investors to share the informative article, ebook and link!


            • investmentlink

              Mr Market,
              Are u invest oversea market? Which countries?


              • investmentlink

                Stock Market: Download Full Article for "The Original Turtle Trading Rules"

                Anyone read about this "unique" trading method? What is your comment on it?


                • investmentlink

                  Stock Market: Download Full Article for "The Original Turtle Trading Rules"

                  Anyone read about this "unique" trading method? What is your comment on it?


                  • #10
                    The remaining Turtles no longer use the methodology.


                    • investmentlink

                      Reasons Why Candlestick Are So Popular Today

                      1. Leading Indicator
                      They have the ability to show reversal signals earlier then Western charting techniques. As such candlestick charts are a true leading indicator of market action.

                      2. Pictorial
                      They are very pictorial and describe the state of players' psychology the moment they unfold, all of which can be utilised to make meaningful trading decisions. It consists of hundreds of different pattern groups that accurately identify specific traits and tendencies.

                      3. Versatile
                      They can used alone or in combination with western technical tools. It prometes the ability to recognise complex pattern groups and predict the next possible outcome based on them.

                      4. Can Be Applied To Any Time-Dimension
                      It can be adapted for either short or long term trading (intraday, daily, weekly & monthly charts).

                      5. Flexibility & Adaptability
                      Can be applied to follow as many market desire - be it stocks, futures, currency or commodity.

                      6. Time Tested Dependable & Useful
                      Had been refined by generations of use in Japan. The fact that it is still very much in use today after more than 300 years since its discovery is testimony to its usefulness.

                      Steve Nelson


                      • #12
                        Candlesticks have been popular since the mid-1700's. They were "discovered" in the U.S. in 1989 - 1990.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by investmentlink View Post
                          1. Leading Indicator
                          They have the ability to show reversal signals earlier then Western charting techniques. As such candlestick charts are a true leading indicator of market action.

                          2. Pictorial
                          They are very pictorial and describe the state of players' psychology the moment they unfold, all of which can be utilised to make meaningful trading decisions. It consists of hundreds of different pattern groups that accurately identify specific traits and tendencies.

                          3. Versatile
                          They can used alone or in combination with western technical tools. It prometes the ability to recognise complex pattern groups and predict the next possible outcome based on them.

                          4. Can Be Applied To Any Time-Dimension
                          It can be adapted for either short or long term trading (intraday, daily, weekly & monthly charts).

                          5. Flexibility & Adaptability
                          Can be applied to follow as many market desire - be it stocks, futures, currency or commodity.

                          6. Time Tested Dependable & Useful
                          Had been refined by generations of use in Japan. The fact that it is still very much in use today after more than 300 years since its discovery is testimony to its usefulness.

                          Steve Nelson
                          I prefer chop sticks.


                          • #14
                            Is Steve Nelson related to Ricky Nelson?


                            • skiracer
                              Senior Member
                              • Dec 2004
                              • 6314

                              Originally posted by investmentlink View Post
                              1. Leading Indicator
                              They have the ability to show reversal signals earlier then Western charting techniques. As such candlestick charts are a true leading indicator of market action.

                              2. Pictorial
                              They are very pictorial and describe the state of players' psychology the moment they unfold, all of which can be utilised to make meaningful trading decisions. It consists of hundreds of different pattern groups that accurately identify specific traits and tendencies.

                              3. Versatile
                              They can used alone or in combination with western technical tools. It prometes the ability to recognise complex pattern groups and predict the next possible outcome based on them.

                              4. Can Be Applied To Any Time-Dimension
                              It can be adapted for either short or long term trading (intraday, daily, weekly & monthly charts).

                              5. Flexibility & Adaptability
                              Can be applied to follow as many market desire - be it stocks, futures, currency or commodity.

                              6. Time Tested Dependable & Useful
                              Had been refined by generations of use in Japan. The fact that it is still very much in use today after more than 300 years since its discovery is testimony to its usefulness.

                              Steve Nelson
                              I can appreciate your desire to propagate your site and yourself by passing on what you think is useful information. But you seem to think that we just got off the boat with our experience levels regarding trading in general. We are a sophisticated group of traders who have a very wide range of experience across the board in all areas of technical and fundamental analysis. Please give us a break and recognize who and what you are dealing with before posting general information that you most likely copied from another site. We have seen all of it before countless times and the reality is that you should be trying to present something, anything, that is going to catch our attention an get us excited about what you are talking about. Perhaps some decent stock selections backed up with good technical or fundamental research and analysis would be a start. Knowing who you are talking to and how you approach them is indicative of who you are and if you are worth listening to. My feelings are that some of our responses are illustrative of how we feel about what you are presenting. Give it some more thought and come back at us with something that we haven't seen many times before.
                              THE SKIRACER'S EDGE: MAKE THE EDGE IN YOUR FAVOR

