Is Chip screwing us over (Stockcharts)???

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  • IIC
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2003
    • 14938

    Is Chip screwing us over (Stockcharts)???

    This is was down all day...although I was able to briefly get on about 1/2 hr after the market closed.

    As a site owner I know web problems occur...But it has been screwed up for at least 14 hours...Anyone know what's going on???
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  • Websman
    Senior Member
    • Apr 2004
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    Originally posted by IIC View Post
    This is was down all day...although I was able to briefly get on about 1/2 hr after the market closed.

    As a site owner I know web problems occur...But it has been screwed up for at least 14 hours...Anyone know what's going on???
    No, but I would like a refund for the missing time...


    • IIC
      Senior Member
      • Nov 2003
      • 14938

      OK...Detective Doug calls Chip...No answer...So I do some checking and find out there was some disasterous Pacific NW storm today...They are in Redmond along with MSFT...OK...No problem...I can live with that...But you know what...I can redirect any one of my 20+ site addy's to another address in about 60 seconds...There is absolutely no reason that Chip...or if he is of the stockcharts employees couldn't have gotten Network Solutions to redirect the address to a page that explains that they are having problems...But maybe I am too optimistic...Maybe everyone who works for Stockcharts got killed in the storm today...If that happened then I'll forgive them.

      This is bad business...And I don't think I'm the best person to tick off...They better have a great excuse and offer or I'm gonna be doing alot of typing
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      • #4
        hey Doug, how much data center redundancy do you need? They are having flooding of Biblical proportions all over Seattle today.

        Maybe the building shown in this article (at the bottom of a large hole) is the one hosting the web servers?

        Sinkhole causes flooding in West Seattle

        P-I REPORTER

        When Jim Jackson bought his West Seattle home a little more than a month ago, he planned to stay there for years and enjoy a short commute from his office nearby.

        But after runoff from a sinkhole surrounded his home with mud and flooded his basement Friday, Jackson's home may be in jeopardy.

        [Moin Kadri, left, an engineering geologist, and Jim Jackson explore a 6-foot-deep sinkhole at the corner of Southwest Thistle and Northrop Place Southwest in West Seattle, which they believe contributed to a mudslide that ended in Jackson's backyard a few hundred feet away.]

        Sand and mud piled against his front door was more than 3 feet high, and the water distribution channels he formed Thursday night made his front walkway look like a construction site.

        "I have no power, no heat; I'm just stuck," said Jackson, who lives on Southwest Thistle Street. "I'm waiting for the city to determine if it's safe to live here. I'm not sure if it was knocked off its foundation."

        A sidewalk at the intersection of Southwest Thistle Street and Northrop Place Southwest was severed from the sinkhole, which was an estimated to be10 feet deep and 12 yards wide.

        An uprooted tree was draped over the alley leading to Jackson's house, suspended only by power lines.

        Neighbors said two drains at the intersection of Thistle and Northrop were cleared at 4 p.m Thursday, but were clogged again by 4:30 and water was at least two feet deep. Jackson said the sinkhole occurred before 5 p.m., and he worked past midnight to clear sand and mud from his property.

        Jackson said it seems obvious that water had been collecting underground for weeks by the way water broke through a brick wall along his front walkway instead of cascading over the street edge.

        "That amount of water didn't just happen in one storm," said Jackson, 58, who said he suspected the water line was neglected. ...


        • IIC
          Senior Member
          • Nov 2003
          • 14938

          Park...If they have problems then I understand that they are down...that is not my complaint...But are you trying to say that no one at Stockcharts could get a hold of Network Solutions to redirect their domain to a page that explained what was going on in one sentence so jillions of us wouldn't continually waste our time all day trying to get onto the site today?

          That is bad business...I'll wait to hear the whole story before making a final judgement...But this better be a good story
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          • #6
            I hear you. I noticed that the site was down before market open today. Obviously they had no disaster mitigation capability in place. But it looks like most of Seattle lost power starting last night sometime.


            • skiracer
              Senior Member
              • Dec 2004
              • 6314

              I switched over to and for their charts today. I don't like their sites as much as but they sufficed. I've always been given back whatever it was that I paid for but didn't get because of their downtime. I'm sure they will more than make it up for us. Jeez, they're only down one day due to a natural disaster.


              • #8
                Originally posted by skiracer View Post
                I switched over to and for their charts today. I don't like their sites as much as but they sufficed. I've always been given back whatever it was that I paid for but didn't get because of their downtime. I'm sure they will more than make it up for us. Jeez, they're only down one day due to a natural disaster.
                For the day I had to use big charts, it just shows you how good Stock Charts is in comparison. I'll be glad to have them back.

                I believe that storm was as Park put it, ripped from the pages of the bible.
                Those 3 guys lost on Mt. Hood cannot be searched for because of that storm.
                We had better get used to these storms and the disruption they cause. Last mother's day weekend we had over 15" of may recall the pictures of York Beach looking like Venice. That storm knocked out dozens of bridges around these parts and flooded hundreds of homes that were thought to be out of harms way. All of these storms are caused by Global warming and I just heard that over the past 14 years there have been 10 that were new record highs. Talk about accelerating temperatures. Remember that chart that Al Gore showed on his movie and how global temperatures going back 600,000 years were very tightly correlated with carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere? Remember that projected spike on the end of that chart? Boy if anything those climate scientist are being too conservative in their predictions. What I don't understand is the shear folly of ignoring all of this in the name of money? Dick head cheney and dumbya will go down in history as the biggest losers of all time. On their watch we got slammed on 9-11, got into the biggest hell hole ever conceived by man (iraq), and now they're putting the shit icing on the cake with global warming.


                • IIC
                  Senior Member
                  • Nov 2003
                  • 14938

                  Well...this morning the SC homepage comes up but nothing else. Not even a mention of a problem. I fully expected to find an email from them apologizing and explaining that they have problems...But Nooooo!!!

                  The big problem with me yesterday was that when I tried the site it appeared that it didn't even exist...Normally, when there is a problem with a site I get some page that says there are technical difficulties. First thot that crossed my mind was that Chip skipped.

                  I called but the phone just rand and rang...No message that they were having probs...although maybe the phone lines were down.

                  I remember when IBD had problems for a whole least they had a message posted within a couple of hours describing the problem. In fact Stockcharts has had a similar message in the past.

                  Well...we'll see what Chip comes up with.
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                  • peanuts
                    Senior Member
                    • Feb 2006
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                    Originally posted by IIC View Post
                    Well...this morning the SC homepage comes up but nothing else. Not even a mention of a problem. I fully expected to find an email from them apologizing and explaining that they have problems...But Nooooo!!!....
                    It still does not come up for me. I am without charts from STOCKCHARTS, but I like what Dave and Rob told me about. I just might have to switch over, but I really like how I can tweak the MACD and RSI indicators at STOCKCHARTS...
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                    • stripesound
                      Junior Member
                      • Dec 2006
                      • 10

             is back on



                      • peanuts
                        Senior Member
                        • Feb 2006
                        • 3365

                        Originally posted by stripesound View Post
                        Ok, but all my chart information is for Thrusday...

                        What happened to Friday? I like Fridays
                        Hide not your talents.
                        They for use were made.
                        What's a sundial in the shade?

                        - Benjamin Franklin


                        • IIC
                          Senior Member
                          • Nov 2003
                          • 14938

                          Originally posted by stripesound View Post

                          Yeah...too bad they don't have any of Fridays action up...thot I was going bonkers until I noticed that everything is the close on Thursday
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                          • peanuts
                            Senior Member
                            • Feb 2006
                            • 3365

                            Originally posted by IIC View Post
                            Yeah...too bad they don't have any of Fridays action up...thot I was going bonkers until I noticed that everything is the close on Thursday
                            3 minutes late, buddy
                            Hide not your talents.
                            They for use were made.
                            What's a sundial in the shade?

                            - Benjamin Franklin


                            • #15
                              Also check out charts at

