Hi, Everyone. MR. MARKET suggested I write a thread about writing itself, as I am a writer, published online, as well as longtime investor and MR. Market subscriber. Although my name is Jack Kemp, I am not the politician.
I've been published many times at AmericanThinker.com. Once they like your writing, it's relatively easy to get, say 45% of your submissions published, but I wrote a piece a couple of years ago defending Taser as a company when various "do gooders" attacked it. In fact Tasers were invented as a result of many liberals and idealists working on non-leathal weapons for hostage and other tough situatons. Anyway, my article, in which I admitted to making some money trading Taser long, got published. But then came the toughest writing assignment of my life. I got two reply letters from a reader, forwarded to me by the editor. The first was standard anti-corporation boilerplate criticisms which was so trite that I didn't even bother to reply. Then the guy sent me a letter telling me what was really bothering him: his son, a scizophrenic, had an loud incident that resulted in a policeman shooting him with a Taser and killing him. Now I had to write to my toughest critic, toughest in that his argument was real world and personal, not some hypothetical politics b.s. Below is my reply to him. I left out his name to give him privacy.
Mr. XXXX, your earlier email did not discuss what really is going on with you personally. I also send my condolences on the loss of your son. And your son's death. I have no knowledge of the details of why or how the police came to shoot him with a Taser, but it is a tragic loss for you, no matter the circumstances.
I'd like to briefly discuss one of the competitors to Taser that does not use an electric stun device because I think it would be of interest to you. For the purposes of full disclosure, I once owned shares in this company but do not now. Lamperd Less Lethal is a company that makes a five shot pistol and an assualt rifle attachment that projects expanding rubber bullets that reach the size of a tennis or softball and knocks people down. Lamperd is a Canadian company trying to get into the US and Canadian military (hostage situation) and police markets, but at this time is going nowhere. I will mention the stock price to make a point about their adaption: Lamperd went from around $2.50 earlier in the year to $1.15 recently, a sign that they are not signing up a lot of customers for reasons I don't know. Perhaps they need a champion like you to tell your story in their advertising and promotion. I mean that seriously.
If you could spare the time from your other obligations in life, you could perhaps make the world better for other parents of schizophrenics who have a medical incident in public. I believe the effort would be somewhat theraputic for you, even though it will not bring back your son to life. As much as you are understandibly angry at Taser, you might actually do them a favor by contacting their scientists and give them some suggestions, at least conceptually, on what they should research in order to improve their product in the future.
The first autos had no safety glass, no seatbelts, no airbags. They didn't even have side view mirrors or turn signals, adaptions developed in the early Indianapolis 500 races. I'm sure a lot of people died because of those safety features not being there, but I'm also glad that no personal injury attorney put the automobile industry out of business in 1912 because we would not have ambulances, firetrucks and general transportation as we know it.
By the way, there are other electric stun-gun type companies around which claim to have a superior device to Tasers, but for some reason, their product just hasn't been able to take much market share from Taser. I know Taser is also working on advancements to their equipment, just as Ford didn't stop with its 1920 Model T.
Once again, I'm sorry for the loss of your son. I hope this email has given you some positive suggestions.
Jack Kemp
I've been published many times at AmericanThinker.com. Once they like your writing, it's relatively easy to get, say 45% of your submissions published, but I wrote a piece a couple of years ago defending Taser as a company when various "do gooders" attacked it. In fact Tasers were invented as a result of many liberals and idealists working on non-leathal weapons for hostage and other tough situatons. Anyway, my article, in which I admitted to making some money trading Taser long, got published. But then came the toughest writing assignment of my life. I got two reply letters from a reader, forwarded to me by the editor. The first was standard anti-corporation boilerplate criticisms which was so trite that I didn't even bother to reply. Then the guy sent me a letter telling me what was really bothering him: his son, a scizophrenic, had an loud incident that resulted in a policeman shooting him with a Taser and killing him. Now I had to write to my toughest critic, toughest in that his argument was real world and personal, not some hypothetical politics b.s. Below is my reply to him. I left out his name to give him privacy.
Mr. XXXX, your earlier email did not discuss what really is going on with you personally. I also send my condolences on the loss of your son. And your son's death. I have no knowledge of the details of why or how the police came to shoot him with a Taser, but it is a tragic loss for you, no matter the circumstances.
I'd like to briefly discuss one of the competitors to Taser that does not use an electric stun device because I think it would be of interest to you. For the purposes of full disclosure, I once owned shares in this company but do not now. Lamperd Less Lethal is a company that makes a five shot pistol and an assualt rifle attachment that projects expanding rubber bullets that reach the size of a tennis or softball and knocks people down. Lamperd is a Canadian company trying to get into the US and Canadian military (hostage situation) and police markets, but at this time is going nowhere. I will mention the stock price to make a point about their adaption: Lamperd went from around $2.50 earlier in the year to $1.15 recently, a sign that they are not signing up a lot of customers for reasons I don't know. Perhaps they need a champion like you to tell your story in their advertising and promotion. I mean that seriously.
If you could spare the time from your other obligations in life, you could perhaps make the world better for other parents of schizophrenics who have a medical incident in public. I believe the effort would be somewhat theraputic for you, even though it will not bring back your son to life. As much as you are understandibly angry at Taser, you might actually do them a favor by contacting their scientists and give them some suggestions, at least conceptually, on what they should research in order to improve their product in the future.
The first autos had no safety glass, no seatbelts, no airbags. They didn't even have side view mirrors or turn signals, adaptions developed in the early Indianapolis 500 races. I'm sure a lot of people died because of those safety features not being there, but I'm also glad that no personal injury attorney put the automobile industry out of business in 1912 because we would not have ambulances, firetrucks and general transportation as we know it.
By the way, there are other electric stun-gun type companies around which claim to have a superior device to Tasers, but for some reason, their product just hasn't been able to take much market share from Taser. I know Taser is also working on advancements to their equipment, just as Ford didn't stop with its 1920 Model T.
Once again, I'm sorry for the loss of your son. I hope this email has given you some positive suggestions.
Jack Kemp