Originally posted by IIC
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Money Education for Kids
Originally posted by skiracer View PostNow this is a monumental first of the highest order. Sound the trumpets, wake the troops, raise the flags.
Contrary to popular belief, I don't have to have the last word 100% of the time...98.68% is OK by me.
However, Peanut's projection for 2007 that I MIGHT forget something is way off...Won't Happen...For example, remember that email you sent me a coupla years ago when you confessed to....WAIT!!!...I better not say anything...Never know when your wife might login here.
Ski...I think we are scaring Sun off...He must think we are Nuts...Well, he's half right...LOL"Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"
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Nothing to add, Doug. I already thanked you and everyone for explaining that full URLs are allowed on the MR. MARKET boards.
I once showed the top few items from my list to a guy who took it to his minister for a possible teaching device with his young students. Don't know if they were Sunday school or regular religious school class.
re: Teach your kids
You make an excellent point about teaching the kids so they can teach the parents. Despite the surface cynacism, it contains a truth. When someone teaches a subject, they have to review it and learn even more about it - or recall what they once knew. Those willing to teach their children are also willing to review the fundamentals and institutionalize them within their family.
Many times, when studying biz computer applications, helping another student helped me to learn something as well.
I'd say you're better off taking a positive view on this. Just because millions of people won't do this for their kids (and themselves), that isn't a worthy reason for being discouraged. Let your family be an example for other families to learn from. Saying "what's the use" and walking away from a problem never solved anything. It is better to light a candle (or candlestick chart) than curse the darkness.
Originally posted by SundialMan View PostI think he was just saving time by copying and pasting a post he made at Yahoo.
- Correct, Sun?
No. I am used to the Yahoo message board rules. When I first used the "xxxx" here, I stated that unless someone corrects me, I'll keep doing it. Now I have an explanation of the differing rules here and will cut out the "xxxx" substitution. Thanks, everyone.
JackBEEF!... it's whats for dinner!
Lyehopper, if you weren't listed as a senior member of this board, I wouldn't bother to answer your question. The so called "Commie forum" I have been posting on is the Yahoo Business Boards where they don't allow a full URL address posted because so many people place spam links there. Since MR. MARKET's boards are run by Yahoo, I figured the rules were the same here. I have found out yesterday that is OK to post full URL addresses, so I won't be using the "XXXX" substitution any more.
Originally posted by SundialMan View PostYou make an excellent point about teaching the kids so they can teach the parents. Despite the surface cynacism, it contains a truth. When someone teaches a subject, they have to review it and learn even more about it - or recall what they once knew. Those willing to teach their children are also willing to review the fundamentals and institutionalize them within their family.
Many times, when studying biz computer applications, helping another student helped me to learn something as well.
I'd say you're better off taking a positive view on this. Just because millions of people won't do this for their kids (and themselves), that isn't a worthy reason for being discouraged. Let your family be an example for other families to learn from. Saying "what's the use" and walking away from a problem never solved anything. It is better to light a candle (or candlestick chart) than curse the darkness.
I’m not sure what they teach in schools today and not sure if those teaching are shinning examples for others. Money management is a discipline and if one does not follow it themselves they can’t teach it Period. Sure anyone can read from a textbook and give a test but unless one practices what they preach it is a waist. Not saying all teachers are worthless and I know of some that really mean to do the right thing, but many also suck and are only in it for a paycheck…
Originally posted by SundialMan View PostLyehopper, if you weren't listed as a senior member of this board, I wouldn't bother to answer your question. The so called "Commie forum" I have been posting on is the Yahoo Business Boards where they don't allow a full URL address posted because so many people place spam links there. Since MR. MARKET's boards are run by Yahoo, I figured the rules were the same here. I have found out yesterday that is OK to post full URL addresses, so I won't be using the "XXXX" substitution any more.
Sun...Since you know Ernie I am surprised that he didn't tell you...Being bashed seems to be an old custom around here...Of course, I would never do it...But there are a few people that just can't be controlled...Like Lye.
Actually, it is all in fun...Look at me and Ski...I know that I am his favorite person in the whole world...But the "untrained reader" may not realize it.
Take the ribbing with a grain of salt...Might not be everyone's Cup 'O Tea....But we survive unscathed...Doug(IIC)"Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"
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Originally posted by IIC View PostYeah Lye...Why are you so mean???
Sun...Since you know Ernie I am surprised that he didn't tell you...Being bashed seems to be an old custom around here...Of course, I would never do it...But there are a few people that just can't be controlled...Like Lye.
Actually, it is all in fun...Look at me and Ski...I know that I am his favorite person in the whole world...But the "untrained reader" may not realize it.
Take the ribbing with a grain of salt...Might not be everyone's Cup 'O Tea....But we survive unscathed...Doug(IIC)THE SKIRACER'S EDGE: MAKE THE EDGE IN YOUR FAVOR
Guy Kiyosaki's Rich Kid Smart Kid info
Can't sleep. Tonight I open up a Guy Kiyosaki book on stock investing (Prophecy) and find a whole section on books, a website and games to teach young children and teenagers about money: handling it, making it, saving, investing.
His basic kid's website is:
This includes free online games for kids to learn about money.
The next web page listing his books and other products that teach young people about money. I didn't check out these two specifically, but they should be there: a game "Cashflow for Kids" and a book "Rich Kid Smart Kid."
Hopes this is helpful. One of the reasons that kids get cranky is that they feel like they are trapped in an artificial school world all day and learn nothing about real life. They used to sell a poster when I was a late teenager in the 60s. It said, "I must be a mushroom because everyone keeps me in the dark and feeds me nothing but s**t." The poster didn't have any asterisks. The info on this website I hope addresses this issue - for parent and child alike.
Originally posted by SundialMan View PostLyehopper, if you weren't listed as a senior member of this board, I wouldn't bother to answer your question. The so called "Commie forum" I have been posting on is the Yahoo Business Boards where they don't allow a full URL address posted because so many people place spam links there. Since MR. MARKET's boards are run by Yahoo, I figured the rules were the same here. I have found out yesterday that is OK to post full URL addresses, so I won't be using the "XXXX" substitution any more.
First of all, Mr Market's forum is not run by Yahoo, it's run by Karel.... You see, it is a "V-Bulletin" forum. V-Bulletin is forum software that you buy for about $160 and set up yourself http://www.vbulletin.com/
Any board that does not allow you to post a link, is run by a bunch of "Commie's" if you ask me.... Now as for Yahoo?.... They do indeed allow you to post links there, click the link below and see for yourself.... Maybe they just didn't like you.
BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!
Originally posted by IIC View PostYeah Lye...Why are you so mean???
Sun...Since you know Ernie I am surprised that he didn't tell you...Being bashed seems to be an old custom around here...Of course, I would never do it...But there are a few people that just can't be controlled...Like Lye.
Actually, it is all in fun...Look at me and Ski...I know that I am his favorite person in the whole world...But the "untrained reader" may not realize it.
Take the ribbing with a grain of salt...Might not be everyone's Cup 'O Tea....But we survive unscathed...Doug(IIC)
Why are men these days so sensitive? And why did you tell him that you can't post a link on Yahoo boards? LOL!.... Looks like you were "sitting him up" to me IceMan....
Maybe he's been posting on the Market Millionaires Forum.... Now they are definitely a bunch of Commies over there, that's for sure!BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!
Originally posted by SundialMan View PostLyehopper, no one here told me I couldn't post links. I got the facts screwed up all by myself, assuming the rules were standard across all Yahoo administered boards. I've have since learned better. Let's stop beating a dead horse, figuratively speaking.BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!