Dear Boardreaders,
All week I have been hearing that Code Pink woman's chant ("PULL OUT NOW"), and it seems we have a "Code Pinch" (see footnote) as the Ochs-Sulzberger family, owner of the New York Times Co., pulling their $640 million out of the venerable capitalist firm Morgan Stanley.
because that firm has been very critical of how the Times is run as a business, its' two tiered stock classes which takes all power from non-family shareholders and New York Times stock's drop in share price from over $40 in 2004 to the current $24 and change.
One can only speculate as to where they now use these funds. Will they pay off NY Times business debts? Will they reinvest the money in North Korean bonds and Iranian currency? How about Air America? Or an American flag factory? The possibilities are endless.
In an idea rejected by my American Thinker editor, I wish to consider here a contest as to where the Ochs-Sulzberger family, owners of the NY Times, should now put their private capital. Replies will judged on satirical or comedic writing skills, not on how good an actual investment they come up with. The rest of MR. MARKET's boards are dedicated to that subject. If you want to discuss a non-stock good investment, I suggest you start your own subject thread, as it is an interesting topic. All entries must be posted on this board. No email entries or posting on my other Off Topic (non-financial) subject headings allowed.
Since my time is limited, I will make this a contest of either the first 200 entries posted or the arrival of midnight, next Friday February 9th. That is Friday night going into Saturday morning, to make it plainer. There will be a First, Second and Third Prize Winner. Perhaps some honorable mentions. I'm sorry that I don't have any sponsorship to award gifts or cash prizes, but the winners can have bragging rights at their next gathering - or over their backyard fence. Certainly they will have bragging rights with their buddies on the $$MR. MARKET$$ Boards.
I will be the sole judge - and as judge I am ineligable to win the contest myself. I include that rule for those of who may have harbored concerns about me showing the same type of insider family favoritism that the Sulzbergers show at their newspapers' board meetings.
Footnote: "Pinch" is the nickname of the current Publisher of the NY Times, Mr. Sulzberger Jr.
All week I have been hearing that Code Pink woman's chant ("PULL OUT NOW"), and it seems we have a "Code Pinch" (see footnote) as the Ochs-Sulzberger family, owner of the New York Times Co., pulling their $640 million out of the venerable capitalist firm Morgan Stanley.
because that firm has been very critical of how the Times is run as a business, its' two tiered stock classes which takes all power from non-family shareholders and New York Times stock's drop in share price from over $40 in 2004 to the current $24 and change.
One can only speculate as to where they now use these funds. Will they pay off NY Times business debts? Will they reinvest the money in North Korean bonds and Iranian currency? How about Air America? Or an American flag factory? The possibilities are endless.
In an idea rejected by my American Thinker editor, I wish to consider here a contest as to where the Ochs-Sulzberger family, owners of the NY Times, should now put their private capital. Replies will judged on satirical or comedic writing skills, not on how good an actual investment they come up with. The rest of MR. MARKET's boards are dedicated to that subject. If you want to discuss a non-stock good investment, I suggest you start your own subject thread, as it is an interesting topic. All entries must be posted on this board. No email entries or posting on my other Off Topic (non-financial) subject headings allowed.
Since my time is limited, I will make this a contest of either the first 200 entries posted or the arrival of midnight, next Friday February 9th. That is Friday night going into Saturday morning, to make it plainer. There will be a First, Second and Third Prize Winner. Perhaps some honorable mentions. I'm sorry that I don't have any sponsorship to award gifts or cash prizes, but the winners can have bragging rights at their next gathering - or over their backyard fence. Certainly they will have bragging rights with their buddies on the $$MR. MARKET$$ Boards.
I will be the sole judge - and as judge I am ineligable to win the contest myself. I include that rule for those of who may have harbored concerns about me showing the same type of insider family favoritism that the Sulzbergers show at their newspapers' board meetings.
Footnote: "Pinch" is the nickname of the current Publisher of the NY Times, Mr. Sulzberger Jr.