Tag Team Match
Mr. Market,
I don't remember him, but I remember Bruno Sammartino. Maybe it was a regional thing. The biggest guys in our area were The Sheik, Flying Fred Curry and Bull Curry, Bobo Brazil, Haystacks Calhoun, and my favorite announcer, Lord Layton. Wiki says Flying Fred was famous for his drop kick, but they used to say he invented the "flying mare" around here. I almost got hit by a chair during a tag team match With Curry and Calhoun vs. The Love Brothers, a pair of cheating hippies around 1968.
Mr. Market,
I don't remember him, but I remember Bruno Sammartino. Maybe it was a regional thing. The biggest guys in our area were The Sheik, Flying Fred Curry and Bull Curry, Bobo Brazil, Haystacks Calhoun, and my favorite announcer, Lord Layton. Wiki says Flying Fred was famous for his drop kick, but they used to say he invented the "flying mare" around here. I almost got hit by a chair during a tag team match With Curry and Calhoun vs. The Love Brothers, a pair of cheating hippies around 1968.