Welcome To Myself Drpedicle Is In Da Houseeee

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  • IIC
    Senior Member
    • Nov 2003
    • 14938

    Originally posted by DRPEDICLE View Post
    JNPR, YHOO, BRCM...Why would you think any of them are good buys?

    I'm giving you some slack here because a few think you are good...Which you very well might be???...But I don't know you so I have no idea.

    Mind briefly explaining why you would suggest any of these...And also what time frame?...I'm a pretty experienced Day Trader as well as an Old Time Canslimmer and I know there is a HUGE difference in buying a stock intended for a 1 min or 1 yr hold and everything in between...Thx in Advance for any explanations you might offer..Best, Doug(IIC)
    "Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"

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    • #17
      Originally posted by SundialMan View Post
      DR. PED. Welcome back. Now we've got the finest meats and cheeses and...CHICKEN ! Good to see you got that Cap Locks problem fixed.

      Seriously, I know towards the end of Dr. PED's long term posting on AOL, he got away from quick daytrades and had a more studied view of the Market.

      DR. PED, you're gonna be making an appearance on the Sopranos this March 7th? Right? I hope they keep you in after the final edit.

      Be Well, Dr. PED.

      Jack the Sundialman
      Every time I pass a Boston Chicken I think of Ped...then I laugh until beer comes out of my nose.

      I think the CAPS are like a stiff back, it kinda stands out. Ped, you should go see a chiropractor.

      As for a more studied view of the markets, I believe those ARE picks from 1999, he just forgot.


      • #18
        Originally posted by IIC View Post
        JNPR, YHOO, BRCM...Why would you think any of them are good buys?

        I'm giving you some slack here because a few think you are good...Which you very well might be???...But I don't know you so I have no idea.

        Mind briefly explaining why you would suggest any of these...And also what time frame?...I'm a pretty experienced Day Trader as well as an Old Time Canslimmer and I know there is a HUGE difference in buying a stock intended for a 1 min or 1 yr hold and everything in between...Thx in Advance for any explanations you might offer..Best, Doug(IIC)
        Back in the late 90's, someone wrote a song about Ped, to the music of the Beverly Hillbillies...damn I wish I had saved it. We used to have some pretty good times in the Pool Hall, but everyone is either dead or wishing they were. Maybe Sundialman can find a copy of that song...it wasn't him who wrote it.


        • Websman
          Senior Member
          • Apr 2004
          • 5545

          Originally posted by DRPEDICLE View Post
          Just When You Thought It Was Time To Relax
          Some Of You May Know Me From Aol Stock Chat, Mnc And Shark Tank Days,,,,im Backkkkkkkkkkkkkk Let Rock

          Yhoo Is Hotttt Hottt Hotttt ,,,,
          Yo yo...What be up DR P??? Da Vulcans would like to welcome you to da mo fo crib! We's sure hopin' dat you can answer any stock jelated questions dat we could ax of you.

          I needs some mo' gold fo my grill and I be tired of havin' to xplain to my homies why ain't I gots no bling round my neck.

          Bring-on-da-mo-fo-stock picks Homey!!!

          PS - For those wondering, Vulcans are multi-lingual


          • SundialMan
            • Mar 2006
            • 96

            Dr PED song

            "Back in the late 90's, someone wrote a song about Ped, to the music of the Beverly Hillbillies...damn I wish I had saved it. We used to have some pretty good times in the Pool Hall, but everyone is either dead or wishing they were. Maybe Sundialman can find a copy of that song...it wasn't him who wrote it."

            No, Tatnic, I didn't save that song. But I have an old one I can redo from memory.

            to the tune of Secret Ageng Man
            as sung by Johnny Rivers

            There's a man who leads a life of trading DANGER
            With everyone he meets he remains a stranger
            With every critic's jeer
            He runs to FEEL THE FEAR
            Odds are good he won't own the same stocks tomorrow

            Secret Trading Man
            Secret Trading Man
            They've given you an account number
            And tried to take away your fame

            Cruisin' with Riviera Holdings Monday
            And staying with The Bombay Company Tuesday
            Be carefull what you say
            You'll give your trades away
            Odds are good he won't own the same stocks tomorrow

            Secret Trading Man
            Secret Trading Man
            They've given you an account number
            And tried to take away your fame
            Last edited by SundialMan; 03-03-2007, 09:00 PM. Reason: needs an extra "to" in last line of Chorus


            • SundialMan
              • Mar 2006
              • 96

              another DR PED remark

              In my Writings thread in these boards, there is a "No CNBC" parody song that mentions both DR. PED and $$MR. MARKET$$.

              A few years ago, I was remarking to Dave Steckler in an email about the coming Jewish New Year that fall. There is an Orthodox Jewish custom of sacrificing an animal, usually a fowl, as a surrogate for one's sins the preceding year. One NJ rabbi was overheard to begin the practice by asking his assistant, "GIMME DAT CHICKEN!!!" Dave couldn't stop laughing.

              Yeah, those were fun days. But we all had to become more level headed in our trading. Action for action's sake only enriches the brokers, something DA PED said to me in similar words a few years ago in an email.

              Say, DR. PED, did you ever get to attend that Learning Annex Class we searched for online with Maria Bartaromo (sp?)?


              • IIC
                Senior Member
                • Nov 2003
                • 14938

                Good song Sun...But I must say I'm a bit dissapointed in PED's contribution so far...3 stocks and that's it...I would think a day trader would be coming up with 3 stocks an hour
                "Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"

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                • #23
                  Originally posted by SundialMan View Post
                  "Back in the late 90's, someone wrote a song about Ped, to the music of the Beverly Hillbillies...damn I wish I had saved it. We used to have some pretty good times in the Pool Hall, but everyone is either dead or wishing they were. Maybe Sundialman can find a copy of that song...it wasn't him who wrote it."
                  I think it started something like this

                  ...come and listen to a story 'bout a man named ped, poor chiropractor barely kept his famly fed.....then one day when he was looking for some stocks, he burst through the door a rippin' off his smock...BUY______, BUY_____, BUY______, ITS HOT HOT HOT.

                  That's close enough.
                  Last edited by Karel; 03-03-2007, 12:12 PM. Reason: Quote repaired


                  • SundialMan
                    • Mar 2006
                    • 96

                    IIC, I can't speak for Dr. PED, but I know him somewhat, having kept in contact with him after he stopped posting on AOL. He isn't giving you a bunch of daytrades every Monday thru Friday because he got tired of it, indeed soul tired of the constant up-and-down which was only making his broker a steady check. I believe he enjoyed the attention, as I did and do, but there comes a point when you have to ask yourself: are you playing The Market or is the Market playing you? Give DR. PED a little time to find his sea legs and he will hopefully come up with some intermediate trades of value. Daytrading, for most amateurs (and PED has a full time profession outside the stock market), is a form of banging your head against the wall. The only pleasure it produces is when you stop. Look, Dr. PED put his name up on this board. If we give him a little breathing room, he'll come up with a few good stocks. Don't expect the "DR. PED version of CNBC" here. Those days are over. You can only go on a stock bender when you are young and/or inexperienced. Dr. PED has now been around the block. Accept the possibility of a more analytical, experienced DR. PED and you might be rewarded with a winner or two.


                    • IIC
                      Senior Member
                      • Nov 2003
                      • 14938

                      Originally posted by SundialMan View Post
                      IIC, I can't speak for Dr. PED, but I know him somewhat, having kept in contact with him after he stopped posting on AOL. He isn't giving you a bunch of daytrades every Monday thru Friday because he got tired of it, indeed soul tired of the constant up-and-down which was only making his broker a steady check. I believe he enjoyed the attention, as I did and do, but there comes a point when you have to ask yourself: are you playing The Market or is the Market playing you? Give DR. PED a little time to find his sea legs and he will hopefully come up with some intermediate trades of value. Daytrading, for most amateurs (and PED has a full time profession outside the stock market), is a form of banging your head against the wall. The only pleasure it produces is when you stop. Look, Dr. PED put his name up on this board. If we give him a little breathing room, he'll come up with a few good stocks. Don't expect the "DR. PED version of CNBC" here. Those days are over. You can only go on a stock bender when you are young and/or inexperienced. Dr. PED has now been around the block. Accept the possibility of a more analytical, experienced DR. PED and you might be rewarded with a winner or two.
                      Day trading is not a skill...It is an art. If you are successful you do not get tired of it.

                      A good Day Trader is not just someone who can read 1 min. charts...You have to have NERVES OF STEEL...You will get whacked...And sometimes WHACKED hard....But you get in...Get out...And get it over with...Win or Lose...You still feel the the same way at the end of the day...I'm human and yes I've been mad at myself sometimes...But I get over it REAL QUICK....But I've never thought that I was making my broker rich!

                      Heck...Let's hear what PED has to say...I'm game...In fact, some call me a "Scavenger Trader"....Stealing ideas from others...Doesn't bother me any...I'll take it from anywhere I can get it..."Whatever Works"..."Adapt to what is happening...Not what you think will happen"

                      I heard PED was a Legend...Not 4 Nuttin'...But I never heard of him...I'd like to see some "Legend Stuff"....Maybe I'll put in my book..."Having Legends For Breakfast"...lol
                      "Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"

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