The "Dilbert" stories Contest ending 3/23

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  • SundialMan
    • Mar 2006
    • 96

    The "Dilbert" stories Contest ending 3/23

    The Dilbert tales: mine - and yours?

    Years ago, Scott Adams, author of "Dilbert," put up a notice on his website that he wanted people to send him a bunch of stories about their weird experiences working in a cubicle. He was going to incorporate some of them in his upcoming Dilbert television show. A friend of mine claimed they saw a copy of my submission (which I also sent to that friend) on a computer screen behind Mr. Adams during a television interview. But that could just be the wishful thinking of a friend. Anyway, I don't remember them all, but one or two come to mind. Perhaps some of you could reply with your weird office tales in posts right here. Once again, I am not personally eligable to win this contest I'm judging. There are no formal prizes. Scott Adams, whose pockets are deeper than mine, didn't have any prizes either. The real hidden prize in this contest is that you get to "get off your chest" an old, weird office event you lived through and had to deal with. The contest will end on Friday midnight on March 23rd, 2007, as the AM hours of Saturday the 24th begin. I'll announce the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners that weekend. You will, like in my last writing contest, have bragging rights for your next beer bust or cocktail party or gathering at your office water cooler, etc. I have three examples of my own below. Once again, mine aren't allowed to be official entries in the contest.

    Story 1: My first story took place when I was programming computers in Lower Manhattan in a secure Data Center building. It was Friday afternoon in mid-spring and I wanted to take a break and get a snack outside from a shop in the neighborhood. I threw my light overcoat over my shirt and went to a small grocery. When I returned, the guards refused to let me in the building because I was told there was a bomb scare. I asked them why didn't they evacuate the building earlier and not put both me and the remaining people still inside, as we talked, at risk. They said something about they wanted to continue production, but couldn't have me back upstairs warning the others. I had to wear the same suit pants in to work on Monday because my jacket still was sitting on the back of my desk chair over the weekend. I don't know if this became the basis for a Dilbert episode, but it would have fit perfectly.

    Story 2: This was (and is) a new, very modern data center that a sheer glass modern architecture front that went down to the ground, facing flush against the revolving doors. In the first big flash spring rainstorm that occurred after it was built, I had to pause for a moment to close my umbrella at the entrance and got thoroughly soaked. At a meeting, I said that bodegas/small groceries designed 50 years ago had an awning that kept you from getting soaked and this wasn't progress. After a while, they did build a Plexiglas awning over the entrance to avoid that problem.

    Story 3: I eventually left this firm for another. One of things that peeved me from the previous winter was the fact that the company was delaying paying its small year end bonus to the programmers until late Jan.-early Feb. In the meantime, the NY Giants had won the 1986 Superbowl. Mayor Koch rightfully said he could not justify the expense of a parade in New York City because the New Jersey-based Giants did not bring in any revenue to New York. He was right: his critics would have devoured him. My company, among others, had offered to pay for the parade in New York. All this occurred while I was waiting for my small bonus. Some of you may know that computer programmers can be called in the middle of the night to either fix a program of theirs on the phone or go immediately to the office to work on it. At my exit interview from the company, I mentioned the delay in the bonus the previous year and said that the next time one of their programs doesn't work, they should call up (then Giant quarterback) Phil Simms to fix it, since he was getting our bonus money. The personnel guy even laughed at that one.

    OK, so do any of you have a bizarre Dilbert-like story to add here?
    Last edited by SundialMan; 03-13-2007, 06:56 PM. Reason: needed to clarify the winner(s) announcement
  • SundialMan
    • Mar 2006
    • 96

    Another Rule: Don't Identify the Workplace/Employer

    You may have noticed I was a bit vague in my 3 example stories about where I worked, not giving the business's name or industry. Unless you yourself are the employer in the story, I would suggest it would be wiser to not identify any private company, government agency, non-profit co., etc. where your story took place. In fact, I am going to make that a rule and request the board monitors enforce it. It protects you foremost. Companies do get offended and retaliate against some items posted on the 'net.



    • billyjoe
      Senior Member
      • Nov 2003
      • 9014

      In the late 1970's I worked in building maintenance for a major company in Columbus, Ohio. We were looked down upon or completely ignored by some company executives, one once referring to me as "you people" over something as trivial as an unemptied waste basket (not my job , I was the most covenient underling in his field of view).Being trained as a sociologist, I enjoyed his commentary and didn't mention I was more highly educated than he. Not recognizing me a few days later as he used his card to activate the opening of the underground garage, he started to enter with his new Porche Turbo Carrera . My snow shovel accidentally hit the metal strip in the concrete causing the garage door to close just missing the Porsche by a fraction of an inch. Maybe you had to be there. I found it humorous.



      • SundialMan
        • Mar 2006
        • 96

        OK, our first entry. I have to reserve comment and be impartial until the end. And I'm glad to get the contest's first response.



        • SundialMan
          • Mar 2006
          • 96

          Looks like we have a winner

          Well, the contest ends in 21 minutes as I type and it looks as billyjoe, as the only entrant, has won. The odds of someone else posting in the next few minutes are slim to none...a Slim is leaving town, as they say out West.

          Your entry was pretty good, billyjoe. And you get credit for having the juevos to step forward. You won the braggin' rights.

          This is the second one of these contests I ran and it's obvious that they attact a lot more readers than writers. OK, some more readers than writers. Hey, this is a stock board collection first and a light subject board area second or third.

          Last edited by SundialMan; 03-23-2007, 11:44 PM. Reason: fix a misspelling


          • Lyehopper
            Senior Member
            • Jan 2004
            • 3678

            Waaaaait!.... I wanna enter!

            Hey!.... I shot a skunk this week while working.... See Louetta's thread for details....LOL!

            Last edited by Karel; 03-24-2007, 03:11 AM. Reason: Link added
            BEEF!... it's whats for dinner!

