Pete's Money Makers

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  • steelman
    Senior Member
    • Jun 2008
    • 648

    That's very cool!!

    How do you know about all those number? Are you Chinese? I went to Thailand and Japan before and it was a lot of fun speaking the languages but difficult because of the tones. If I was off by just a little bit, it meant something completely different. I hope to go back someday.
    It's time to Grab the Bull by the Horns!


    • Peter Hansen
      • Jul 2005
      • 3968

      Guys thank you!

      Guys thanx for the can always learn soemthing on this site!


      • wooish
        Senior Member
        • Dec 2008
        • 499

        Yes you bet. You're right, slight off in sound would make the meaning different that might end up in an embarrassing situation.


        • Peter Hansen
          • Jul 2005
          • 3968

          10 for 1/28/11

          Stock futures were down , but as I write are now SLIGHTLY positive. Once again a mixed bag of10 picks. It would be difficult for me to isolate the BEST of the 10 picks , and NO other person can do that either. It is best to make a few bucks , let your winners run and cut your losses short. As a stop loss you could try using a price slightly below the LOW of the previous day . A good site for that is, or simply go to click financial , and then select price history!

          1. BIOF This $1.33 NASDAQ stock had taken a huge FAll and now appears to be climbing back UP
          2. CCME China Medical
          3. CY Cypress Semiconductor
          4, DKS Dick's Sporting Bouncing UP off a 50 Day EMA
          5. GLUU Glu Mobile
          6. **KNKT.PK THis HIGH SPEC had an AMAZING chart over the past 5 days!
          REMEMBER KNKT.PK is only for gamblers. Make 20% and SELL!
          7. **MFON HIGH SPEC Mobile device technology
          LOOK at the steady RISE in MFON
          8. MPG Chart indicate a BREAKOUT .....and "RUMORS" on Yahoo seem to indicate that a BUYOUT may happen soon for this $3.83 NYSE stock ....A $6 to $7 price tag is on this stock ....If that happens Looooook out moonshot!
          Read it here
          9. SPRD The performance on this communictions stock has been "EXTRA ORDINARY" 3 Newsletters Recommend SPRD
          Newsletters Recommending SPRD

          Top 3 performers over 12 months through January 2011

          1 -- The Oberweis Report

          2 -- Louis Navellier's Emerging Growth

          3 -- Cabot China & Emerging Markets Report
          Maybe these guys know something?

          10. YMI Bioscience stock with nice UP move!

          Good Luck God Bless ......and have a beautiful PROFITABLE DAY!

          Check the performance of these picks at day's end , I know that some will put $$$ into your portfolio!
          Last edited by Peter Hansen; 01-28-2011, 10:41 AM.


          • azpat0
            Junior Member
            • Sep 2003
            • 7

            FTNT- Solid one!

            I got in today at 37.80: Peter: You are "da Man!


            • azpat0
              Junior Member
              • Sep 2003
              • 7

              Thank you, Pater!

              Thanks for your mention of Dream Tai. It is a wonderful addition to my tool kit of technical aids in selecting a stock and when to enter and exit a trade! Thanks- Petere for the mention of this software! Patrick


              • Peter Hansen
                • Jul 2005
                • 3968


                Originally posted by azpat0 View Post
                Thanks for your mention of Dream Tai. It is a wonderful addition to my tool kit of technical aids in selecting a stock and when to enter and exit a trade! Thanks- Petere for the mention of this software! Patrick
                I really think Dream Tai is worth every penny of the 20 Dollars they ask for the program which also has LIFETIME free upgrades.
                I also like they give an excellent FREE analysis of stocks for 9 stocks per email if ya happen to have 10 email addresses , you will get 90 stock analyses!
                Personally for 50 per month , I dont think a subscription to vector vest is worth it. I wish they would use all those programs they have in the service and just give out , perhaps 5 weekly picks ......but of course then you would REALLY see what their research is really worth .......and that just ain't happening LOL.


                • Peter Hansen
                  • Jul 2005
                  • 3968

                  9 for 1/31/11

                  Wow another month almost gone .....where does all the time go? Although Egypt probably has the mummies turning over in their pyraminds as rioting continues , I think the markets will bounce back today after the recent sell off!

                  1. ACLS Technology
                  2. BPFH Financial
                  3. CRUS Cirrus Logic
                  4. EPAY Bottomline technologies
                  5. **MFON Hight RISK OTCBB
                  6. OPLK Oplink Communications
                  7. SOQ Gold and other resources
                  8. USO US oil Fund
                  9. YMI Biosciences

                  Good Luck God Bless ........and have a beautiful day!


                  • Peter Hansen
                    • Jul 2005
                    • 3968

                    Bonus bonus energy reports!

                    These Reports are FREE and available on the internet for all ... Trust me the PDF reports should be a MUST READ for all Energy Stock Enthusiasts! You WILL make money with these picks.....what is the Catch here?......really none , but the publisher wants you to subscribe to their "Energy Investor" newsletter. More information on the service is in the reports. I am NOT a subscriber!

                    Here is the link Scroll Down and simply click on the various reports!

                    Stay Informed ......Pete!


                    • Peter Hansen
                      • Jul 2005
                      • 3968

                      Money Six For 2/1/11

                      As January goes, so goes the rest of the year ...if this hold true ....the BULLS should be in for a pretty good year. The revolution in Egypt has seemed to have quieted down and the mummies in the Cairo museum can rest easy again until the next upheavel. A MILLION person march is scheduled for today and the army promised not to fire a shot ....hopefully they will keep their word. I am sure Mubarak is loading up his departure plane with gold bullion , with a one way ticket to Switzerland close to banks which can handle a HUGE gold deposit .....FOLKS that is retirement MuBarak style LOL!
                      Enough of that nonsense are today's picks.

                      1. GTE Gran Tierra Energy .Absolutely beautiful up chart
                      2. LNG Cheniere Energy A stock with a great future ahead.
                      3. OPLK A breakout communications stock
                      4. SOQ Oil and Gas Exploration
                      5. SSN Samson Oil And Gas This $2.72 oil and gas stock is on fire and going higher.
                      6. TRIT China Water Infrastructure Now before ya run for the hills because of Chinese stock accounting me out.
                      Millions of Chinese have no access to clean drinking water and suffer water shortages. TRIT handles sewage treatment, hardware and software for monitoring water flow, and pollution control.
             says TRIT is UNDERVALUED at its current price of $12.68 , and its true value should be $18.83 , in the first nine months of 2010 revenues soared 168% to over 29 Million, and net income increased by 78% to $4.5 MILLION. P/E is 9.8 and over the last 12 months sales growth has been an astounding 244% With only 8,000,000 shares of stock outstanding , and when full year 2010 numbers are released in March 2011 ...Lookout the stampede into the stock will be on full force.
                      Still need to be convinced .....check out this Piper Jaffrey report .
                      It is PDF and 34 pages long so it takes a few seconds to load up .......BUT I am sure you will be impressed!

                      Good Luck , God Bless ......and let's make some coin today!


                      • Peter Hansen
                        • Jul 2005
                        • 3968

                        9 for 2/2/11

                        It seems as if rioting in Egypt has calmed down somewhat after Mubarak announced his desire not to run again. Hopefully some form of stabilty will reign. Here are the picks one day early . Many are momentum picks.......bascially make your quick 5 % or so and then sell.

                        1. CENX Century Aluminum breaking out here
                        2. DNN Dennison mines Uranium miner
                        3. ENTG Supposedly earnings will be strong ....and this $8.53 stock will soon be $10.00
                        4. FVE Rumors have that this $6.60 AMEX stock will be moving to the NYSE SOON.......when that happens Mutual funds and Large organizations will pick it up and .....BLAST OFF!
                        5. LNG Need I say more Tuck away this Natural gas stock and watch your portfolio grow.
                        6. MAG Makes drive systems for overhead cranes and hoists.....with the economy improving this $1.80 NYSE stock will be BLASTING back up to $4.00. Fiscal year quarter revenues jumped to $24.9 Million which amounts to a super 40% year over year climb. MAG has turned the corner and is now in the BLACK. MAG sits on 10 Million in cash with virtually zero debt. MAG's Assets are 2.5X current liabilities....oh yeah MAG is EXPECTED to grow earnings by , hang onto your hats.....200% this year . Hey for $1.80 a share, ya may want to throw a few shares into your portfolio.
                        7. TI Telecom Italia .strickly a momentum play .....make a few percent and then sell!
                        8. TRIT An undervalued Chinese water purification stock with HUGE Upside potential.
                        9. UEC Another Uranium momentum stock

                        Good luck, God Bless .....and let's maKE MORE COIN on Wednesday.

                        How about a 100% ACCURATE Stock Market indicator ....since 1940?
                        Verrrrrrrry Interesting , and basically it says the markets should be up on average 22% this year in 2011.....READ ALL ABOUT IT HERE!
                        Last edited by Peter Hansen; 02-02-2011, 08:43 AM.


                        • riverbabe
                          Senior Member
                          • May 2005
                          • 3373


                          MAG looks like a great way to diversify. thanks pete.


                          • Peter Hansen
                            • Jul 2005
                            • 3968


                            Originally posted by riverbabe View Post
                            MAG looks like a great way to diversify. thanks pete.
                            River thanx .....i hope MAG works out for all !


                            • Peter Hansen
                              • Jul 2005
                              • 3968

                              8 For 2/3/11

                              Happy New Year , or in Mandarin , Gong Xi Fa Cai" to all our Chinese friends . May the year of the rabbit bring good luck to us all. The following stocks are mostly momentum plays , make a few bucks and then get out with a profit. They should do well provided the markets do not collapse.

                              1. BSFT
                              2. CEVA
                              3. ESV
                              4. JKHY
                              5. LNG
                              6. MAG Great stock for hold through earnings
                              7. MGIC
                              8. REE

                              Good Luck, God Bless and a beautiful day to all!


                              • Peter Hansen
                                • Jul 2005
                                • 3968

                                11 for 2/4/11

                                TGIF Needless to say we do live in interesting times .....The Egyptian crisis continues , and today another HUGE gatheriing is planned after Friday prayers......who knows what will happen next? Perhaps " THE SHADOW" Knows?
                                Did ya ever wonder who is REALLY controlling this Egyptian uprising radio talkshow host expresses his views.

                                Do I believe his explanation? ......well I try to keep my mind open to ALL possibilities, although I never believed in "MAN" made global warming, or
                                according to the Warren commission report that Kennedy was killed by a lone gunman ......but that is just me.
                                Remember world events do influence the stock markets .

                                Well on to the picks . These are mostly momentum picks , and some may be extended or over bought at this time . I have used a program called Dream Tai , to isolate the most "Powerful" stocks.

                                1. ABMD
                                2. AN
                                3. BSFT
                                4. CELL
                                5. IBCP
                                6. LNG
                                7. MAG
                                8. REE
                                9. SCON
                                10. SFN
                                11. TA

                                Good Luck God bless ........and as always have a beautiful weekend!
                                P.S. I am working on a RARE EARTH STOCK that could be a blockbuster stay tuned !

