Pete's Money Makers

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  • Peter Hansen
    • Jul 2005
    • 3968

    $2 Canadian Stock Can Make You A Millionaire.

    Stock Gumshoe has determined that Lombardi's Pick Of the year $2 stock millionaire maker is a pink Sheet wonder named AVION GOLD AVGCF .
    AVGCF has a market cap of $600 Million and they are making money .....perhaps this Gold Mine is more than just a hole in the ground with a liar on top? Needless to say verrrrrrrrry interesting story .READ ALL ABOUT IT HERE!

    Here is a CHART of AVGCF Inc. is the leading provider of real-time or delayed intraday stock and commodities charts and quotes. Keep tabs on your portfolio, search for stocks, commodities, or mutual funds with screeners, customizable chart indicators and technical analysis.


    • Peter Hansen
      • Jul 2005
      • 3968

      7 STOX For 6/1/11

      7 quick picks for today!

      1.** AVGCF Higher Risk producing gold miner with a story ..
      2. CCIX
      3. CRD.A
      4. **GGCRF Silver miner
      5. GTXI
      6. NWBO
      7. QCOR


      Good Luck, God Bless and enjoy the day!


      • Peter Hansen
        • Jul 2005
        • 3968

        13 Stox For 6/2/11

        Wow the markets got chowdered today ....hardly any stocks were immune from the slaughter. The DIA, SPY and QQQQ have not signaled down drafts yet .....but if these huge drops continue they will.
        After such a huge drop , I feel Thursday's markets will snap back always seems to work that way. I am sure that the pundits will come back with the usual clap trap BS ...."the markets over reacted" etc.
        I am going out on a limb .....but I have what I believe are a list of 13 stocks , many of which should be in the winners circle at Thursday's close.
        As Jackie Gleason would say ..."and awaaaaay we go"

        1. AVEO Aveo pharmaceuticals
        2. CRD.A Crawford Co
        3. DUSA Wow up Wednesday while most other stocks tanked
        4. FEIC Fei company
        5. IKAN Ikanos communications
        6. **JBII Even this turkey flew yesterday , shorts on yahoo talking the stock down , but JBII just seems to say Bah Fungol to all of yuse!
        7. MPEL Melco Crown Entertainment
        8. **NWBO Northwest Bio
        9. QXM Quia Xing Mobile
        10 RRGB Red Robin Burgers ........well at least folks still have money to buy theri burgers
        11. SNSS Sunesis Pharmaceuticals
        12. TRID Trident Systems
        13. ZAGG Still climbing and killing the shorts

        Good Luck , God bless and stay safe tomorrow .


        • Peter Hansen
          • Jul 2005
          • 3968

          8 money makers for 6/3/11

          Well the jobs report is out today , and "Hope And Change" is not all it was cracked up to be, although I must say .....for many there is no hope and we defintely need a change in the positive direction. Oh yeah there are jobs created if ya want to wear a name tag, hair net and funny hat, but those are not the kind of jobs that move a country forward.

          1. AGYS Agilysis provides technology services. A yahoo poster seems impressed..."$30m Enterprise Value - $200m in Revs. 31-May-11 09:55 am

          Very cheap when you back out $120m cash and no debt......

          Expect $10-$12 in sale of remaining piece with large dividend before end of year
          2. AXK Acceir Technology Reached 52 WK HIGH on the AMEX
          3. BIOS Biopharma
          4. CCIX Coleman Cable
          5. CRD.A Crawford Co
          6. **GHLV Global Health
          7. **IMSC Inplant Sciences Explosive Dectectors for anti terrorism. Here is their website .....NOTE in the column on the right how orders are pouring in! Al Quaida and the gang are not finished yet and terrorism may be coming to a town near you? For $1.13 a share IMSC may be worth a few gambling dollars.
          8. **KBLB Kraig BioCraft Labs

          Good Luck God Bless and have a beautiful weekend.

          How about 2 "Wild Assed" songs to round out the weekend? .......crank up the speakers and enjoy!

          Last edited by Peter Hansen; 06-03-2011, 01:15 PM.


          • Peter Hansen
            • Jul 2005
            • 3968

            The MIGHTY MO!

            Another great article on a SUPER dividend stock......tucked away in a ROTH IRA account the Mighty MO will "Smoke" most of the other stocks you have !


            • Peter Hansen
              • Jul 2005
              • 3968

              5 STOX FOR Monday 6/6/11

              Some rough sledding over the past few days in the stock markets. Needless to say one can say conditions are precarious at best, nevertheless, here are 5 interesting picks.

              1. AGP Amerigroup Corp A Mr market pick that has great financials , and a picture perfect chart!
              2. CRD.A Crawford Co. claims management to insurance companies
              3. IPSU Imperial Sugar nice chart , may be a bit over extended right here , but financials also good.
              4. ** MNGA OTCBB HIGH RISK STOCK that can make clean fuels by recycling liquid waste into useable products , and also has patents on a plasma welding device .....along with sweet financials ....Look Here for income statement and click on other topics for more advice
              Here is what the company does explained in diagrams
              The Chinese seem to like the company and they are pumping 1 Million into MNGA here
              5. **NWBO An OTCBB Biopharma with a great chart Could NWBO be a bought out? ......who knows, but read this .......interesting!
              Earlier this year Amgen took over privately-held Biovex, a biotechnology firm that was developing a vaccine for head and neck cancer, for $1B. Biovex's cancer drug showed efficacy that fell short of Northwest Biotherapeutics’ DCvax, at least as observed in earlier trials. Yet the resemblance shows the potential inherit in new generation immunotherapy-based firms. This is the future of cancer therapy.


              Good Luck , God bless and enjoy the rest of yor weekend!
              Last edited by Peter Hansen; 06-06-2011, 09:53 AM.


              • Peter Hansen
                • Jul 2005
                • 3968

                6 STOX For 6/7/11

                The stock markets have definitely been a challenge, but after 4 down days , today may be an UP day . The number of stocks reaching 52 week highs on all exchanges has gradually been going down ......NOT a good sign.
                In today's picks I have 2 SHORTS!

                1. ASIA SHORT This One . Since it is a SHORT SELL at $15.22 and put in a stop at $19.30 to cover , in case the trade goes against you.
                2. DANG SHORT This One. Since it is a short SELL at $16.39 and put in a stop to cover at $22.45 in case the trade goes against you.
                3. NATR Natures Sunshine LONG
                4. RPTP Raptor Pharmaceuticals LONG
                5. **SFRX LONG OTCBB High Risk Stock
                6. ZLC LONG Zale Corporation

                Good Luck God Bless ........and be careful out there!
                Last edited by Peter Hansen; 06-07-2011, 10:15 AM.


                • Peter Hansen
                  • Jul 2005
                  • 3968

                  11 STOX For 6/8/11

                  Once again Bernanke opened his mouth near the market close , and stocks took a nose dive! Couldn't that guy wait until the makets were closed. Another Obama Economics advisor jumped off the sinking ship , I believe that is 3 so far.
                  Mexico just bought a load of gold, China is loading up on gold and even a Texas University bought , I believe 100 Million in gold , and the huge Pimco fund is 4% SHORT US debt. Bill Gross was always banging the drum for US Paper , now he is beginning to run away from it.
                  This does not bode well for the economy.
                  Todays picks include 7 SHORTS and 4 LONGS!

                  1. ASIA SHORT
                  2. ACTV LONG
                  3. CNIT SHORT
                  4. DANG SHORT
                  5. NATR LONG
                  6. NOAH SHORT
                  7. OMX SHORT
                  8. RPTP LONG
                  9. PEIXD SHORT Pacific Ethanol PEIXD or PEIX one or the other should work!
                  10. YRCW SHORT
                  11. ZLC LONG

                  Perhaps someone can suggest put options for the shorts?
                  Good Luck, God Bless and have a great day!
                  Last edited by Peter Hansen; 06-08-2011, 11:47 AM.


                  • Peter Hansen
                    • Jul 2005
                    • 3968

                    8 for 6/9/11

                    These are the days that try men's souls...picking any stock in this crazy market is precarious at best. With that thought in mind here are 5 LONGS and 3 SHORTS for consideration.

                    1. AXK LONG Accel technology
                    2. CRD.A LONG Crawford Company
                    3. HEAT SHORT Smartheat The chart is nosediving
                    4.**JBII High Risk OTCBB Plastic to oil stock appears to be basing ready to resume its upward move
                    5. OMX SHORT Officemax The fat lady is waiting in the wings , and bankruptcy looks close . Here is a chart of OMX use it to look at graphs of other the other picks .
                    6. RPTP LONG Raptor Pharmaceuticals
                    7. YRCW SHORT Yre Worldwide
                    8. ZLC LONG Zale Corporation

                    Good Luck , God Bless and enjoy your day.


                    • billyjoe
                      Senior Member
                      • Nov 2003
                      • 9014

                      I agree with your long ZLC and AXK but like you said, if the market sucks, most longs will also. I've not bought anything lately. Wait until the next bull market. I'll be ***** in silk!



                      • Peter Hansen
                        • Jul 2005
                        • 3968

                        Billie Thanx

                        Originally posted by billyjoe View Post
                        Pete, Billie The market is up as I write today ......but tomorow it could change on a dime ......bottom line most economic news is still bad!
                        I agree with your long ZLC and AXK but like you said, if the market sucks, most longs will also. I've not bought anything lately. Wait until the next bull market. I'll be ***** in silk!


                        • Peter Hansen
                          • Jul 2005
                          • 3968

                          9 STOX For 6/10/11

                          The stock futures are down as I write , and some probably don't want to hold positions over the weekend. To keep more balance in these tricky markets , the following picks are 5 LONG and 4 SHORT!

                          1. APWR SHORT A Power energy generation
                          2. CWTR SHORT Cold Water Creek
                          3. DCIX SHORT Diana Containerships
                          4. HOV SHORT they say NOW is the best time to buy a house but Hovanian appears to be going into the tank
                          5. **JBII LONG HIGH RISK OTCBB stock that converts waste plastic into oil
                          One huge machine is already in operation in Niagra Falls NY .As more machines are added and revenues rise ........who knows?
                          6. LAVA LONG Magma Design
                          7. NATR LONG Nature's Sunshine Products
                          8. RMTI LONG Rockwell Medical
                          9. SGEN LONG Seattle Genetics

                          Good luck , God Bless and have a great weekend!


                          • Peter Hansen
                            • Jul 2005
                            • 3968

                            8 stox for 6/13/11

                            June 13th could be unlucky , BUT my "8" picks for Monday 6/13 should do well because the Chinese hold "8" as a Lucky number.
                            Seriously, these stock markets are precarious, and the doom sayers seem to believe a stock market crash is inevitable .......but no one knows for sure.
                            Think positive and believe the LONG picks will rise , and the SHORT picks will fall ........and they WILL!

                            1. CWTR SHORT Coldwater Creek appears to be taking the gas pipe , in an economy minded market cash pressed women will turn to K-Mart , JC Penny and Dress Barn for their apparel.
                            2. DCIX SHORT Diana Containerships .....In a down economy what is there to ship?
                            3. ESIC LONG Easylink Communications ......bust out chart and wow look at these financials I smell some coin here!
                            4. HOV SHORT Housing pundits seem to say homes in certain areas could still fall another 10-25%
                            5. **JBII LONG Plastic to oil company with things beginning to happen .....yes a gamble but check these links out
                            Rawnoc: JBII IN FINAL NEGOIATIONS WITH LARGE COMPANY/COMPANIES: (1) "Company received what management believes is a final referral agreement with a larg...

                            Perhaps OBAMA could take some time off from Golf and head on up to the "Green" JBII factory in Niagara Falls NY ...this would be perfect company for him to promote , and possibly the only employer of Green jobs in the area.
                            6. MNI SHORT Mcclatchy Company
                            7. NATR LONG Nature's Sunshine Products
                            8. PEIXD SHORT PAcific Ethanol , corn prices going through the roof, rumors of ending the corn subsidy ....PEIXD recently had 1 FOR 7 reverse split to prop up the stock price ...but that did not seem to work ..look at the chart
                            See any hope for PEIXD? Oh yeah a buyer could come in an offer a high price .....but how likely is that?
                            Ever wonder how all the 8 picks performed over the last 3 months ...well here is a chart ......NOTE the SWEET JBII Performance during this crappy market!

                            LAST MINUTE Dark Horse Entry .

                            **ECOB is a HIGHLY Sppeculative lumber company that produces an environmentaly safe wood product , that resists rot, fungus , insects etc. Apparently Japan may be interested to use for rebuilding destroyed homes. ECOB was mentioned in a previous is the link ......
                            Needless to say ECOB is worth watching .....note the chart as it appears to be comining off a bottom.

                            Good Luck, God Bless and enjoy the rest of the weekend!
                            Last edited by Peter Hansen; 06-13-2011, 08:48 AM. Reason: Addition


                            • Peter Hansen
                              • Jul 2005
                              • 3968

                              7 stox for 6/14/11

                              How many know that TODAY is Flag Day? ....put those flags out today and fly proudly the American Flag. Apparently there is some fringe group that has hacked into some computers and is calling for the resignation of Helicopter Ben . They plan for some protests today this will affect the markets is anyone's guess . For those who wish more information check out this link
                              Get full-length product reviews, the latest news, tech coverage, daily deals, and category deep dives from CNET experts worldwide.

                              Could be much ado over nothing!

                              1. HOV SHORT Hovnanian
                              2. **JBII LONG Plastics to oil High Risk Pink Sheet Stock
                              3. PWRD SHORT Perfect World Co
                              4. PEIXD SHORT Had a wild ride yesterday to close up about 10% , this stock appears to be jerked by the pros
                              5. RMTI LONG Rockwell medical
                              6. ULTA LONG
                              7. ZAGG LONG Zagg company

                              Good Luck, God Bless and fly those flags today!


                              • Peter Hansen
                                • Jul 2005
                                • 3968

                                6 stox for 6/15/11

                                Caution is advised today as stock futures are DOWN and apparently caused by unrest in China which some say will soon come here.Perhaps it is best to wait until 12-1 PM before placing any trades?

                                1. JBII LONG Moving up but today but the stock is extended
                                2. MIC LONG
                                3. NFEC LONG
                                4. XTXI LONG
                                5. HOV SHORT
                                6. ZAGG LONG Great stock but also very extended and do for a pullback.

                                Good Luck , God Bless and caution is advised.

