CDS & TFSP 2 Sky Rockets
CDS ( AMEX) close $11.85 is undervalued according to Vector Vest and its true value should be $15.34. CDS is a Chinese company that helps other Chinese companies gain access to the US market!
TFZP ( OTCBB) TFZP has developed cold packs that has tremendous advantages over competitors. While most cases of gel cold packs weigh up to 619lbs, a case of TFZP's cold packs weigh only 18lbs. This significant reduction in cost will save the shipping industry millions of dollars a year!!!
I prefer CDS of the two mentioned ......Let's see what happens tomorow?
CDS ( AMEX) close $11.85 is undervalued according to Vector Vest and its true value should be $15.34. CDS is a Chinese company that helps other Chinese companies gain access to the US market!
TFZP ( OTCBB) TFZP has developed cold packs that has tremendous advantages over competitors. While most cases of gel cold packs weigh up to 619lbs, a case of TFZP's cold packs weigh only 18lbs. This significant reduction in cost will save the shipping industry millions of dollars a year!!!
I prefer CDS of the two mentioned ......Let's see what happens tomorow?