Pete's Money Makers

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  • Peter Hansen
    • Jul 2005
    • 3968

    CDS & TFSP 2 Sky Rockets

    CDS ( AMEX) close $11.85 is undervalued according to Vector Vest and its true value should be $15.34. CDS is a Chinese company that helps other Chinese companies gain access to the US market!
    TFZP ( OTCBB) TFZP has developed cold packs that has tremendous advantages over competitors. While most cases of gel cold packs weigh up to 619lbs, a case of TFZP's cold packs weigh only 18lbs. This significant reduction in cost will save the shipping industry millions of dollars a year!!!

    I prefer CDS of the two mentioned ......Let's see what happens tomorow?


    • IIC
      Senior Member
      • Nov 2003
      • 14938

      Peter...I agree...Scottrade is excellent vs. 2 yrs ago...Although I do not get email confirmations every time...But on Limit buys I often get it lower
      "Trade What Is Happening...Not What You Think Is Gonna Happen"

      Find Tomorrow's Winners At

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      • riverbabe
        Senior Member
        • May 2005
        • 3373

        Originally posted by IIC View Post
        Peter...I agree...Scottrade is excellent vs. 2 yrs ago...Although I do not get email confirmations every time...But on Limit buys I often get it lower
        Ditto ditto. I love Scottrade Elite. Fast. Inexpensive. Huge amount of info. Surprising bargains you don't expect on the limit buys. River


        • Peter Hansen
          • Jul 2005
          • 3968

          River and IIC Thanx

          River and IIC yes Scottrade does have some faults.......but dollar for dollar .......good bang for your buck!


          • Peter Hansen
            • Jul 2005
            • 3968

            News Letter Teasers SOLVED!

            Guys and Gals ever get sucked into those Teaser ads from newsletters?......Then U subscibe, and they never appear as good as they sound. Now simply go to and see many of these Teasers solved.......GREAT SITE enjoy......ya may wish to send them a few bucks as sign up is FREE!


            • billyjoe
              Senior Member
              • Nov 2003
              • 9014


              Got some to speculate @ 1.00 couldn't get orders filled for .98 and .99.



              • Peter Hansen
                • Jul 2005
                • 3968

                TFZP Interesting .....but will it fly? Today UP 19.23%

                Repeat: ThermaFreeze(TM) Products Corporation Announced Today the Adoption of ThermaFreeze(TM) Refrigerant by Hershey Gifts
                Market Wire
                Posted: 2007-10-08 08:43:21

                THEODORE, AL -- (MARKET WIRE) -- 10/08/07 -- ThermaFreeze(TM) Products Corporation (PINKSHEETS: TFZP) announced today that it is supplying Hershey Gifts with ThermaFreeze(TM) refrigerant for protection of perishable chocolate products in transit.

                "Hershey has a long history of manufacturing the highest quality chocolate confections and we welcome the opportunity to partner with Hershey in providing a superior cold chain solution for shipping Hershey Gifts which are delivered directly to consumers," said Joe Murray, President of ThermaFreeze Products Corp.

                ThermaFreeze(TM) ( ) designed, built and delivered one of its proprietary ThermaFreeze(TM) processing machines to a center close to Hershey Gift's 400,000 square foot distribution center in central Illinois. The innovative machine automates processing and significantly reduces labor cost, time and refrigerant inventory storage.

                Where it takes over three weeks for a full pallet of gel packs to freeze solid in a cold storage locker, the new, proprietary machine, operated by one person in an eight hour shift, processes several thousand pounds of ThermaFreeze(TM) refrigerant pads.

                "We've developed a reputation for delivering quality products and cold chain solutions for our customers and will continue to secure new business relationships of this magnitude. ThermaFreeze's(TM) ability to protect perishable products, combined with an overall cost reduction potential, is unlike anything currently in use," Murray added.

                About ThermaFreeze

                ThermaFreeze(TM) Products Corporation ( ) is a solutions-based company for shipment of perishables, including frozen and refrigerated food items and pharmaceutical preparations. ThermaFreeze's(TM) products are designed to replace wet ice, gel packs and frozen bricks for in-transit temperature control. Through advanced cold chain research, development, experience and perishable field testing, ThermaFreeze(TM) developed a suite of patented products, processes and systems that provide an economically feasible solution for manufacturers and distributors.

                ThermaFreeze(TM) refrigerant is flat, light-weight and flexible, even when frozen. In addressing industry needs, the goal was to produce a non-toxic, low-weight, flat, highly efficient refrigerant.

                ThermaBarrier thermal packing products. All packaging components are non-toxic. They can be used without any restrictions in all markets and for all perishable goods, and also for medical-pharmaceutical items.

                ThermaFreeze provides end-to-end solutions in shipping perishables, built around our proprietary ThermaFreeze refrigerant pads and ThermaBarrier liner products. Use of ThermaFreeze products typically permits 24 hour shipments be increased to 36 - 48 hours or more, providing significant savings in shipping costs, while also reducing or eliminating spoilage rates.


                • Peter Hansen
                  • Jul 2005
                  • 3968

                  The Fibonacci Portfolio....WTF is THAT?

                  The Fibonacci Portfolio What is it? , and Why you should check it out?

                  1) The Fibonacci portfolio consists of 5-6 quality stock positions and is "rebalanced" every Monday. ( New buys and sells listed ......if ANY)
                  2) The "Portfolio" is the brainchild of Christopher Michaels You can read more about his at his website which I list below.
                  3) It utilizes Fibonacci numbers and technical analysis to determine buys and sells.
                  4) Everything is clearly laid out on the site and there is nothing left to chance. No calculations required on your part! I like that.
                  5) You simply enter the amount you seek to invest in a box, and it will automatically calculate the correct purchase amount for each stock in the 5-6 stock portfolio. It will even give you the TSL percent loss you should set .
                  6) BUY and sell prices are calculated from the average price of the stock's high and lows for that date . Some newsletters calculate theirs from the LOWEST buy price and the HIGHEST sell price.

                  Why should you check it out?

                  1) If you are looking for stock rockets STV....look elsewhere, but if you can settle for quality stocks with modest price gains .......this may be for you!
                  2) Sure ...any portfolio may have a lucky week and rise 4.98% from 10/1/07 to 10/5/07 .......but the Fibonnacci Portfolio DID just that .
                  3) What really grabbed my attention was $10,000 that was actually placed into a "Live" portfolio .....( NO hypothetical BS here) on MAY 24, 2006 and as of 10/5/07 is now worth an INCREDIBLE $55,647.36 or a gain of, HOLY BATMAN, and astounding 456% !!
                  4) Will this blistering performance be sustained? .....GOD only knows, but bottom line "If Ya always do what ya always did will get what ya always got .....and in many cases that is mediocre performance.
                  I checked it out and subscribed on 9/24/07 ......all I will say that I am more than satisfied. This works great in a Roth Ira account ......I will soon trade my daughters Roth Ira with this method also!

                  Oh Yes the site is

                  Whether you subscribe to it or not .......I think you will learn something by visitong the site ......GOOD LUCK!
                  Last edited by Peter Hansen; 10-09-2007, 03:05 PM. Reason: Typo


                  • Peter Hansen
                    • Jul 2005
                    • 3968

                    ADY before the close

                    Check out ADY .....looks good


                    • Peter Hansen
                      • Jul 2005
                      • 3968

                      Billie thanx ......I see another Panera here

                      SPKL is not a Chinese stock I never expected a meteoric rise .As they have more and more openings ......and the word gets out.......I think we have a winner here. Subway is kind of a blah type resturant ....just no Panache' there. People like exotic things and in the more middle to upper class neighborhoods.......I fell SPKL will be a big sucess. When I go to Dunkin Donuts all I see there is older people scratching off instant lottery tickets .....and ladies that are too heavy for the lightwork ........and too light for the heavy work Now STRBUCKS just a few blocks over has the double shot latte crowd.....It has that Panache.....and the ladies are all well dressed ......and built like sleek race for me guess where I go?....LOL
                      Oh well.... only time will tell..keep the faith !
                      Oh well only time will tell!


                      • Peter Hansen
                        • Jul 2005
                        • 3968

                        Spicy Pickle.....SPKL GOOD News

                        SPICY PICKLE (SPKL) - MORE GOOD NEWS!

                        ORIGINAL ALERT INFO :
                        ALERT DATE & PRICE: SEP 21, 2007 / $.69
                        ALERT EMAIL: CLICK HERE
                        CURRENT PRICE: $1.16
                        CURRENT % ROI: +68%
                        COMPANY CONTACT INFO:
                        Spicy Pickle Franchising Inc.
                        B90 Madison St., Suite 700
                        Denver, CO 80206
                        Phone: (800) 711-1902
                        Fax: (303) 297-1903
                        Email: [email protected]

                        INVESTOR RELATIONS INFO:
                        Spicy Pickle
                        Phone: (800) 711-1902

                        Another strong press release was put out by the company today. Spicy announced that they just opened 2 more stores in the Denver area.

                        I loved the entire press release, but what really got me excited was the following:

                        By the end of 2007, Spicy Pickle(R) anticipates opening approximately 12 more units, bringing its network to 40 restaurants in 13 states. Nearly 50 additional franchise development agreements have also been signed.

                        Think about the growth that is happening with this company. This is such a great story and such a great stock and with this type of news, we should be able to take out the previous high of $1.24 tomorrow.

                        Below you will find the press release they put out today:

                        Spicy Pickle Announces Two New Store OpeningsNew Openings in Past Week
                        DENVER, CO, Oct 09, 2007

                        Spicy Pickle(R) fast casual restaurants (OTCBB: SPKL) today announced two new stores have opened in the past week, bringing the current total to 28 stores open.

                        Both new sites are in Colorado, and represent the continued penetration of the Denver Rocky Mountain Front Region where Spicy Pickle(R) is a branded and well-recognized name.

                        The first store opened in the North Boulder area. It is located at 2520 Broadway, Boulder, CO 80304. This is the second store for the Boulder-based franchisee, the first being one of the highest revenue stores in the entire chain.

                        The second store is in Johnstown, CO. Johnstown is located on the highly populated I-25 corridor north of Denver, on route to Fort Collins. The store is located at 4791 Thompson Parkway, Johnstown, CO 80534.

                        Marc Geman, CEO of Spicy Pickle(R) Franchising, Inc., commented: "As our brand expands in the Colorado region, more consumers will recognize our name. This should fuel increasing same store sales. We plan to follow this model in other major metropolitan areas around the country where we currently have a foothold."

                        By the end of 2007, Spicy Pickle(R) anticipates opening approximately 12 more units, bringing its network to 40 restaurants in 13 states. Nearly 50 additional franchise development agreements have also been signed.

                        In addition to its franchise activity, Spicy Pickle(R) currently has a breakfast menu in test, potentially opening a new daypart for the chain. The company is also in the process of building a major commissary in Denver to cost-effectively supply its local restaurants with panini, sandwich breads and sweet treats, baked daily according to Spicy Pickle's high standards. All other units nationwide will continue to bake their panini and sandwich breads in-house. The Denver commissary is expected to open by the end of the year.


                        • billyjoe
                          Senior Member
                          • Nov 2003
                          • 9014

                          Spicy Pickle

                          I've got the catering menu "A less hoity-toity way to get what you want" At Spicy Pickle feeding a mess of people doesn't mean taking a mass approach. That's why we build every catering order from scratch. We start with fresh baked artisan breads, pile on the very best meats, cheeses and veggies, then we top it all off with our amazing homemade spreads.

                          Box Lunches---5.99---8.49

                          Group Feast---12 half sandwiches, pickles and chips---64.99

                          Kit and Kaboodle--12 half sandwiches, salad, pickles, chips, dessert--119.99

                          ------------------24-----serves 20-24---------229.99
                          ------------------36-----serves 30-36---------339.99

                          Group Salads plus fresh artisan bread--serves 5-7---39.99

                          We greatly appreciate 24-hour notice on all catering orders



                          • Peter Hansen
                            • Jul 2005
                            • 3968

                            Billie thanx

                            Billie the menu looks good and fairly priced........SPKL will rise slow ......but as the fire spreads .......I see a raging inferno here .......take care Peter


                            • Peter Hansen
                              • Jul 2005
                              • 3968

                              ADY Milk Anyone?

                              ADY has a lock on the Chinese Milk market, small float and low PE check it out .......also has nice 5 yr chart!


                              • billyjoe
                                Senior Member
                                • Nov 2003
                                • 9014

                                Wow! 1.43. You're going to make my son a rich young retiree.


